Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1474 : The Aunt Who Broke Through The Barrier! Boys Over Flowers Yun Zhou! (Seeking Subscrip

Yun Susu: o(Tot)o

She covered her small mouth with a shocked expression, and tears of emotion could not stop falling from her eyes.

Yun Zhou hugged her shoulders and looked out of the window, his deep eyes were shining with unconcealable warmth:

"Auntie, happy birthday!"

The light all over the sky reflected the entire sky like daytime.

Even though it was the bright moonlight, it seemed very dim at this moment.

A beautiful moment is always fleeting.

After a while, the back of the bright sphere in the sky dispersed.

Each one seems to lose weight, drifting upwards.

Yun Susu was stunned for a long time before finally regaining consciousness.

This scene is no worse than the fireworks in Yunling before.

The bright and bright seemed to be imprinted in her mind, which shocked her state of mind.

Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile, and said with a sneer, "Auntie, do you like this birthday present?"

Hearing this, Yunsu Suman looked at Yun Zhou in a complicated manner.

She thought Yun Zhou had forgotten her birthday.

It turns out that I have been holding back, wanting to give myself a surprise...

She nodded her head happily, "I like it."

Women, for the most part, are emotional animals.

Even if she is stronger than Yun Susu, she is no exception.

The two figures made of spheres in the sky, and the 56 love poems.

It can be said that Yun Susu's defense line was completely defeated, making her eyes burst into peach blossoms.

Yun Zhou lightly pecked her on the forehead, "Just as long as you like it, every time you have a birthday, I will spend it with you in different ways."

Yun Susu turned her head shyly, feeling sweet in her heart.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and raised her head curiously:

"By the way, Zhou'er, what was the glowing sphere in the sky just now?"

"I see how many exploded after floating into the sky?"

Yun Zhou replied: "That is called the light source balloon, I made it myself, if my aunt likes it, I will make some more for you to play with when I have time.

"Light source balloon..."

Yun Susu froze for a moment, "Is the gas inflated into a spherical shape, no wonder

"No, you mean you made those balls yourself?"

"Yes." Yun Zhou replied, "I have been preparing for this for a long time."

Yun Susu was confused when he heard this, "You didn't come to the back mountain to look for me, but you are preparing these things?"

While speaking, the complexity in her beautiful eyes became even more complicated.

She will never forget that scene just now, are these all prepared by Yun Zhou day and night?

I seem to have secretly blamed him at the time...

"It's not all, I occasionally practice or play with Jiang He and the others, but I prepare more when I rest at night.

While speaking, Yun Zhou scratched his head and said, "Hey, Auntie, you also know that Jiang He has a big mouth."

"I'm afraid that if she tells you about it, the surprise will be gone..."

Hearing this, Su stared blankly at Yun Zhou.

Co-authored these or did Yun Zhou use his sleep time to do it?

There are so many light source balloons, but no one has noticed... maybe he hasn't even used his immortal power?

Zhou'er is a person who is used to sleeping every night, so she boiled herself to prepare these for her?

"So you haven't come to Houshan to look for me, you want to surprise me today?"

She murmured, and there was an incomprehensible look in the doctor's eyes.

Yun Zhou laughed and lowered his head, "Yeah, I was excited when I saw my aunt..."

"If she really slipped her tongue, my aunt might not be as happy as she is now."

"Maybe you will stop me from preparing..."

Yun Susu opened her mouth, as if she had switched to silent mode.

There are at least tens of thousands of those spheres, for such a long time, just to make yourself happy?

But she was obviously still hiding in the back mountain, complaining all day long that Yun Zhou ignored her...

For a moment, Yun Susu only felt a kind of guilt emerging in his heart.

I feel (bfcd) that as a Taoist companion, I am simply too ignorant!

Zhou Er's heart is all about herself, but she is full of suspicion like a resentful woman in her boudoir...

Yun Zhou didn't pay attention to Yun Susu's expression, he was still talking to himself:

"Actually speaking, this time is similar to the fireworks that were set off in Yunling before."

"It just turned into a balloon and it's hard to control..."

"But my current cultivation level is much higher than before, so it's not very strenuous."

"I'm thinking about something else in the future, to give my aunt a different surprise, I...huh?!"

He didn't finish his sentence, he was stupid.

After reacting, there was a smile in his eyes immediately.


Yun Susu's eyes became softer and softer, as if turning into a beautiful snake, hugging Yun Zhou obsessively.

The little hand grabbed the opponent's collar and pulled it down fiercely, and the whole person was directly printed on it!

Sensing Yun Susu's initiative, Yun Zhou also gradually relaxed.

Actually tell the truth.

His light source balloons were really not prepared by himself.

It was all prepared by the system for him.

Hmm... just like the fireworks before.

But would he say such a thing so stupidly?

Certainly not!

Anyway, the existence of the system can't be known by my aunt, so I just think it's my own preparation.

Yun Zhou didn't blush, his heart didn't beat, and he didn't have any thoughts in his mind.

In this way, the other party's tension was relieved, and he was gentle.

After a long time, the two separated.

Yun Susu's delicate face was slightly flushed, and there was a glimmer of light in her beautiful eyes, as if she was a beauty who had been in a court before.

"Before you said that you wanted me to take the initiative to kiss you once, this, this is your wish fulfilled, right?" She whispered shyly.

Seeing her blushing and beating heart, Yun Zhou felt a flame rushing up, and swallowed:

"It doesn't count, I didn't let you kiss me this time, you are making yourself happy in disguise!"

Seeing that Yun Zhou was being unreasonable again, Yun Susu rolled his eyes at him charmingly, "Then what do you think?"

"Naturally, you are kissing me once... Of course, not now."

Yun Zhou rarely suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and with a smile pushed the big executive behind him out.

After that, he didn't shy away from it, and directly used his own fingers to wipe a layer on the top.

Handed it to Yun Susu's mouth: "Auntie, try it."

"What's this?"


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