Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1478 : The Upcoming Game! The Slightly Angry Linlang Zhantai! (Seeking Subscription)

Lin Langkun clenched her fists secretly, feeling unconvinced in her heart.

Miss him all these years.

Which male cultivator does not praise himself for his beauty when he sees himself?

Can it be better than Yun Zhou?

tui, outrageous!

He took a deep breath, and then looked at Bai Chen.

he thinks.

Bai Zi'er is just a little girl, there must be something wrong with her aesthetics!

A mature beauty like Bai Qian must be able to appreciate beauty better!

However, when he looked over, Aries' words gave him a critical blow.

"Compared to your face... you are indeed not as handsome as Yun Zhou."

When talking, Aries did not hold back his eyes.

In an instant, Lin Langkun broke the defense.

That look clearly means to say:

"Please have some AC numbers..."

After a wave of blows, the corners of Lin Langkun's mouth twitched.

Gilmie's face darkened unspeakably.

Fortunately, he's in a good mood.

It didn't take long to recover gradually.

He glanced at Aries unwillingly, and pondered: "Then what is Yun Zhou's real combat power?"

As early as when the Linlang tribe left the customs, he had heard about the Legendary about Yun Zhou.

It's just that he, who has received the inheritance of the Linlang clan, doesn't feel that Yun Zhou is as strong as the rumors say.

Maybe it's just the underdogs strengthening it?

I really want to fight, with my current state of half-step proof of the emperor......

Even if he can't beat him, how much can he bite him?

Hearing this, Bai Qian was not as contemptuous as before, but became pensive.

After a long while, he concluded indifferently: "I am not very clear about Yun Zhou's real combat power.

"But when he was at the inheritance site, he was able to kill the emperor by himself."

"Furthermore, with the recent update of the Immortal Realm Rankings, Yun Zhou has surpassed Immortal Concubine Linlang on the sixth floor of the Emperor Realm (lower rank) and reached the seventh position...

More than the fairy concubine.

This alone has explained a lot of problems.

Linlang Zhantai, the daughter of Linlang Patriarch, was once known as the most talented person of the Linlang clan.

With his current cultivation base, even if he looked at the entire ten thousand races, he would not be able to find a second one.

Even if Lin Langkun's talent is high, it will be sky-high if he can be on the same level as Lin Langzhantai in the future.

Now Yun Zhou surpasses her.

In disguise.

At the age of Double Ten, he may have reached a height that Lin Langkun could not reach in his lifetime.

Hearing Bai Qian's comment on Yun Zhou, Lin Langkun's heart was shocked.

He knows a little about Aries. As his sweetheart, he never deliberately exaggerates or belittles others.

Even she said so...

It seems that Yun Zhou is really a character to be trifled with.

And the other side.

After Aries said about Yun Zhou, the smiling face of the other party appeared in his mind involuntarily.

So powerful yet so gentle...

I don't know what to think of.

In her eyes, a look of obsession flashed unconsciously.

Lin Langkun didn't see Bai Qian's expression.

He shook his head, thinking that he should hide from Yun Zhou in the future.

Anyway, he is one of thousands of clans, so the outside world's struggles can't be related to him.

He also didn't think there was anything that would offend Yun Zhou.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Aries, and thought to himself:

"Well, I will marry a daughter-in-law obediently, and it will be fine to control all races in the future."

"Then no matter how strong Yun Zhou is, he won't come to bully me, will he?"

Just as he was thinking, the voice of his attendant suddenly came from outside the room.

"Young Master, the Patriarch said that someone has attacked the Linlang Clan, and the family told you to hurry back...

"I've packed everything, when do you think we're leaving?"

The sudden sound came, instantly making the breathing of several people in the room stagnate.

"Fight the Linlang clan? Besides the five major powers and the Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm, does anyone dare to trouble the Linlang clan?"

When Bai Zi'er heard this, she felt a little unbelievable.

As the head of the ten thousand races occupying one side of the fairyland.

Although the Linlang Clan is not comparable to the five major forces, they are still among the leaders in the Immortal Domain.

Now, he was actually knocked on the door by someone?

Which side of the force is taking advantage of the raging demons to embarrass the Linlang tribe...

Or... the one who did it was a member of the Demon Race?

For a while, let alone the two clever foxes of Bingxue.

Even Lin Langkun, who had a long reflex arc, looked gloomy:

"It seems that someone from Xiaoxiao came to find fault..."

"The Linlang tribe is guarding the border of the Wanzu. It seems that people are targeting the Wanzu?"

He murmured a few words, then looked at Bai Zi'er and the two, "Don't worry, I'll go back and take care of it.

"Don't worry, with my Linlang clan here, no one can do anything to the people of the Wan clan!"

Hearing this, he turned around very stupidly.

I think I must be handsome at the moment.

As everyone knows, the two women behind him are looking at him suspiciously.

Especially for Aries, the disdain in their eyes has turned into substance.

what can you solve

It is estimated that when all races fall, you will be the first to escape!

He watched Lin Langkun leave the room.

The big and small foxes looked at each other.

Then he got up immediately, ready to go to Bai Chunhua to talk about this matter, in case there is a countermeasure.

At the same moment, above the sky, the island is located.


In the magnificent hall.

The lifelike four great beasts are lined up.

Lin Lang Zhantai, who was wearing a light-colored dress, sat on the main seat.

The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, with an emperor's majesty all over her body, looking down indifferently.

A group of elders stood on both sides silently, reporting cautiously.

"." That is to say, the matter against Linmen is not yet ready, and the demons have acted again?"

After listening to the following words, Lin Lang (Zhao Zhao) Zhantai's voice was cold, and anger appeared in his eyes.

That's right.

She had just finished handling the matter of the Asgard Palace yesterday.

Just wait for news from the Hemeng on the other side of Jiangmen, so that the "fisherman" in the rear can win Linmen all together.

But at this moment, the demons made a move!

What if he stormed the Immortal Palace while he was going to occupy Linmen?

One wave of ups and downs and another wave of ups and downs.

What a headache!

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. I'll think about the specifics. You guys go down first. 11

Shaking his head, Lin Lang Zhantai was ready to calm down and think.

With a light wave of their hands, a group of elders understood and left.

Soon, she drove all the maids out to mend.

Sitting quietly on the main seat, he rubbed the center of his eyebrows, looking a little tired.

Calculating every feasible step in my mind.........

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