Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1486: Maybe Never Crossed, Blue Star Is Just A Dream! (Seeking Subscription)


The bright sun was shrouded in dark clouds, and the piercing thunder continued to roar!

As if to annihilate the power of the world, the power poured out.

Yun Zhou's mind was concentrated, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already sitting on a barren mountain thousands of miles away.

After all, if he survived the tribulation in the city, it would be no less than a great terror.

It's okay to hurt ordinary monks, but it's a crime to destroy flowers and plants.

As usual, Yunchi entangled Pangu and came to tear through the void to resist the catastrophe.

Then, Yun Zhou began to try to break through.

At this time, a mysterious scene happened.

The scene in his eyes continued to blur, and everything around him began to change.

The turbulent Dao Hai couldn't feel it, and his body seemed to be frozen.

The green and green mountains that stretch for thousands of miles become bare one by one.

Some mountains are even descending, turning into flat land!

The birdsong and human voices perceived by the divine consciousness gradually disappeared in the ear.

Looking around, everything has become nothingness and blur.

Two spheres appeared in the sky above his head.

It seems to be an entity in the phantom, which is extraordinarily bright and conspicuous.

Yun Zhou was attracted.

I saw a variety of complex lines wrapped around one.

There is also a cloud above the sphere.

There are suns above and below, turning into two worlds.

It's Haotu and Xianyu!

As for the other one, there is a lot of complexity on the blue sphere.

Prehistoric stars, mountains, rivers and oceans... a vast expanse, surrounded by stars.

"This is..…………"

"Blue Star!?"


While Yun Zhou was in a daze, a hazy light enveloped the two spheres.

Afterwards, the two spheres began to merge, and the rays of light gushed out!

Yun Zhou sensed a majestic aura evolving from the void.

Immediately afterwards, flawed light filled the void, forming two different light curtains.

In one of them, a child wearing diapers is climbing.

And the other one is an antique room, in which there is a baby holding a drum.

Yun Zhou watched the two light curtains at the same time, his eyes gradually changing.

On the top are his and Hao Shiliuzhou's respective growth records.

Gradually, the light curtain belonging to Blue Star dimmed, turning into specks of fluorescent light that drifted into the void.

And Yun Zhou in that vast land world has already grown to his current appearance.

Right in the void light curtain, looking at him from top to bottom.

A smile like a reflection suddenly appeared on his face...

Yun Zhou looked at the sky, unable to recover for a long time.

The memory in my mind gradually became chaotic and reorganized, as if I had forgotten something.

Above the sky, the light curtain of the vast earth world was followed by dots of fireflies that exploded.

One black and one blue, the aura of fireflies surged towards the top of his head with unconcealable majesty.

In a trance, he seemed to have turned into an incomparably vast chaos!

Not long after, the roar of Daohai stopped.

The chaos is separated in it, the fairy energy is lingering, and the mist is floating and sinking.

Gradually evolving, a mysterious and vast world was born directly above Daohai!

Inner world!

Among them, the mountains and rivers are full of rivers, and the clouds are full of magnificence!

It's just that this world is very small, and Yun Zhou can look inside it, half an hour is enough to walk through it.

But although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs, and the stars and oceans are fully displayed inside, which is perfect.

"The two light curtains just now...what do they refer to?"

"I always feel as if I have forgotten something important, but the memory of my time at Blue Star is still there..."

"Also, after the blue star light curtain disappears, it seems to be merged into the world of Hao Chou?"

"Is it my illusion or is it true?"

"It stands to reason that I came here through time travel. I should not have the memory of Yun Zhou's growth in this world..."

"But why do you feel more familiar than the memory of Blue Star?"

"Could it be... Blue Star is just a dream of mine?"

Yun Zhou lowered his head and pondered, only feeling that one head was bigger than the other.

There is also an extraordinarily bold idea in my heart.

But soon, he rejected this idea.

If Lan Xing's memory was just a dream, how could he define himself as a book walker when he first returned to "reality"?

Moreover, he has actually read the original text about this world!

The brain was running fast, and after thinking for a while, Yun Zhou summed up a few guesses:

1. The existence of Immortal Territory Haotu has an indescribable connection with Blue Star

That's why at the end of the evolution, the two worlds merged.

2. I was already dead in my life in Blue Star.

The so-called "crossing books" in the previous life was just "reincarnation".

Just don't know why.

He kept the memory of Blue Star, thus losing the memory of growing up in Haotu.

Therefore, he felt that Haotu's childhood memories were very familiar...

As for the third is also the most reliable.


It's the way of heaven plotting against him!

That's right.

Deliberately making out the memory evolution of the two worlds, disturbing his mind.

This is not impossible for Tiandao who controls the laws of the world.

Moreover, if it is true that Heaven is plotting against him.

It may have been calculated successfully.

He is sure.

I really forgot something important...

As for what you forgot?

No need to ask.

He forgot, who knows?

After being confused for a long time, Yun Zhou finally let out a long breath of foul air.

"I don't want to, anyway, there are some signs, and then I will take a step to see."

The mysteries of this world are still unsolved.

It's not that the strength is not enough, but the conditions given to him are too limited. 1.4

Calculation is impossible at all, only imagination.

Even so, it's useless to sink into it, it's better to calculate the chance of getting it.

Yun Zhou looked inside the inner world.

It is full of fairy charm, as if it is another world shape formed by Daohai.

"emmm... The overall feeling is pretty good, and you can store things as you like in this world."

"If it's really in danger, I might throw Xianyu into it and maybe I can jump over it."

"But the premise is that you don't meet a strong person who is proficient in the way of the world, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Yun Zhou sized up the world that broke through the seventh level of the Emperor Realm and unintentionally condensed, with a look of interest.

Then, he thought about it.


A streak appeared in the void.

The next moment, he disappeared directly on the spot......

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