Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1493 : Fight Poison With Poison! I Am All For My Great-Grandfather! (Seeking Subscription)

The sound of calling the soul resounded in my ears.

The Great Elder was so frightened that he collapsed half a meter in place! His beard trembled!

My Nima's!!


Hun'er on the opposite side was also taken aback by Lin Tu's actions, and stared at him dumbfounded.

That weak beep that was about to collapse.

Who else could it be if not Lin Yuan?

Seeing Lin Yuan's face clearly, Lin Tu's mouth pouted for a while.

Good guy, why is this little calf here?

How long has he been here?

He doesn't know about the banquet, does he?

He was beating drums in panic, but after years of tempering, Lin Tu soon discovered Lin Yuan's beeping.

It looks like he doesn't know anything.

Hold on tight and don't panic.

After exhaling, he immediately adjusted his expression, pretending to be scared.

"Young master, you are now a soul, can we not be scary?"

"Your soul power should be supplemented by the deacon today, right?"

"What am I doing here?"

Lin Tu looked at Lin Yuan who was floating with surprise on his face.

"That... Great Elder, I have something to ask you."

Ever since his physical body died, Lin Yuan's arrogance has grown a lot.

The attitude in the speech is not as defiant as before.

"Huh?" Lin Tu frowned upon hearing this:

"If you want to reshape your physical body."

"Then you don't have to think about it."

"We have chatted many times before, I can't do your request.

"I want to solidify your immortal soul.

"You don't want to open your mouth."

"As you are now, no matter how capable I am, it's useless."

"It's true that I'm the number one immortal doctor, but I can't heal Hun'er."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan sighed, shook his head and said:

"Elder, you have misunderstood, what I ask of you is not this matter."

"I know what I am now, and I don't even want to reshape my physical body-||."

"Then why are you looking for me?" The Great Elder looked confused.

"That's right." Lin Yuan began to float around him, muttering in his mouth: "Since my great-grandfather retreated."

"I have a very ominous premonition."

"For this reason, I deliberately slipped into the retreat place of my great-grandfather to have a look."

"And guess what?"

"That old man of my great-grandfather is crazy!"

"Maybe it caused my physical body to be annihilated?"

"We don't know either."

"Anyway, he just eats dozens or hundreds of pills.

"There's too much krypton, and Dujill is about to lose his mind and go mad!"

Hearing this, Lin Tu was stunned:

"Ah... can't it?"

"I went to the sect master's retreat just now, it's normal to look at him!"

"Why did you go mad?"

Should I talk about it or not, Lin Tu is an old man and his acting skills are very good.

Lin Yuan didn't notice that he was worried on the surface but actually started to calculate.

He was even brought up by Lin Tu's emotions all of a sudden.

The already illusory soul is even more floating.

That's right, now his only reliance is Lin Sheng.

Once Lin Sheng has a problem, with him like this, what kind of young master should he be?

Maybe it will be wiped out the next day!

So, for Lin Sheng's health problem.

He is such a big grandson, he doesn't pay more attention to it than the ancestor himself.

This is also the main reason why he came to Lin Tu, the "No. 1 Immortal Doctor".

It's just that he doesn't know it.

The first fairy doctor is reversed!


This guy just used the birthday banquet to destroy the elders and peak groups!

So what about this wave now?

Another big fish delivered to your door?

Lin Tu looked at Lin Yuan's phantom, and couldn't stop thinking.

To be reasonable, he has made Linmen pit like this, and he can already retire with success.

But then again.

Lin Sheng was so desperate that he had to kill him. Whether he could save his life was also a big question.

If you can take this opportunity to go one step further and count Lin Sheng...

Don't talk about killing him, let him suffer internal injuries, something happened...

Wouldn't your own safety factor be higher?

Anyway, at that time, he will tear his face apart, poisoning him will not kill him, causing him a serious injury or something.

It is also a short-term protection for yourself!

And speaking of ten thousand steps back, he cheated Lin Sheng, which is meritorious service on Yun Susu's side!

If you can help her eradicate Lin Sheng's scourge...

If I am in Yunling in the future, why not be confessed by that aunt and nephew of the Yun family?

Thinking about it, he looked at Lin Yuan's nervous face.

Lin Tu suddenly had a plan in his mind.

Fight it, do it!

He cleared his throat, adjusted his expression, and tentatively said:

"."Are you sure...the door master's mental state is not right?"

"Oh, why don't you believe me." Lin Yuan was anxious.

Then the little chicken nodded like pecking rice, "I'm sure, I'm 10,000 sure!!"

"My great-grandfather was in good shape when he saw you, maybe it's a flashback, you understand?"

"When I was floating beside him, seeing him almost went crazy!"

"While I was practicing, I suddenly gnawed on my own feet, can this state of mind be right?!"

Lin Tu:

Well, he didn't expect to chew on his feet.

But this must have moved him even more.

He rolled his eyes, and scratched his head in embarrassment:

"If you say it like this, then this matter is indeed serious."

"Although I can refine the elixir to heal the mind, it will take time."

Immediately afterwards, he frowned slightly:

"However, apart from pills, I have a way to fight poison with poison."

"I'll set up a formation for you to absorb soul power, and you sneak into the retreat. (Nuoma's)"

"While your great-grandfather is cultivating, destroy and absorb some of his original immortal soul!"

"In this way, the depletion of the immortal soul is used to transfer the medicinal properties of most of the elixirs in his body.

"Sure enough to clear his mind!"

"Moreover, it can also make your fairy soul more solid in a disguised form, killing two birds with one stone..."

"It's just... I'm afraid your great-grandfather is unwilling to cooperate."

"Why don't you want to?" Lin Yuan was like a second-bi youth.

As soon as he heard that he could condense his immortal soul, his soul immediately glowed.

Lin Tu glanced at him, and sighed sadly:

"Isn't it because of you?"

"Your great-grandfather treated you like a treasure. When your body was wiped out, he was anxious to avenge you, nephew!"

"This consumes his immortal soul and diverts his medicinal properties of devouring those pills..."

"That will definitely make his cultivation unable to improve."

"Do you think he can be happy?".

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