Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1496 : The Girl With Low Eyebrows And Pleasing Eyes: He Is Going To Eat Me! (Seeking Subscri

After the disaster of Linmen was finished, Lin Sheng was plotted again.

Lin Tu can be said to have over-completed all the preparatory work.

Now we are waiting for Yun Susu to fulfill his promise and take him in.

Everything about him on Elder Mountain was also handled properly.

Within a day, it is impossible for anyone to find those corpses on his peak.

Even if Lin Sheng wakes up, it may not be him who controls the sovereignty of his body.

Lin Yuan, that stupid yuppie, wouldn't think that there was something wrong with him for a short time.

Lin Sheng reminded that this kid probably wouldn't believe it.

In order to lay the foundation for Yunling's alliance to "annex as soon as possible".

He also purposely assumed the identity of Linmen Great Elder before leaving.

It made people remove the first three barriers of the entire forest gate.

His authority can only remove three floors at most.

But it also saves a lot of trouble.

He has done his utmost to prepare for the "July 17" work, he can be said to be the most qualified spy!

"When there is a chance, I still have to ask Emperor Yun to make a contribution."

"I've been doing it one hand after another, and I'm too good at it.

"Should get her approval?"

Lin Tu thought happily.

In this way, he hid behind the tree with hidden breath while waiting for people.

About half an hour later.

Suddenly a huge treasure chariot slowly fell from the sky.

Lin Tu's heart froze immediately.

From behind the tree stuck out the head of melon.

He muttered in his mouth: "Should you come to pick me up?"

"Let me wait on this barren mountain...and come here accurately."

"It must be."

After muttering a few words, he quietly came out from behind the tree and walked over to meet him.

Just when he had just walked out not far away.

The curtain of the treasure chariot was pulled open.

Three aged men, dressed in Xuanpao of Haoyunzong, came out from inside.

It is Li Kunlun three wolves.

At this time, the three old men stood with their hands behind their backs, all looking at him.

Lin Tu grinned happily when he saw this.

Yes, they are from the Haoyun Sect!

Good guy, although I can't see the face clearly.

But this slapstick beep was just like the Yun Zhou he had heard about!

What kind of suzerain, what kind of subordinate.

It must be the person who picked him up.

He glanced at these three people, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

At the same time, I couldn't stop feeling:

This Sect Master Yun is really powerful.

Randomly send three people here, are they all powerful people who have proved the fifth level of Dao Realm?

You know, the entire Immortal Territory, this realm is enough to look down on Fang Xiaoxiao.

Here come three.....

It seems that the background of Haoyunzong is not as bad as imagined.

Just when he was thinking about it.

The leader, Li Kunlun, has come to him.

He looked at him sideways, then suddenly raised his hand to the treasure chariot, and said:

"Go up."

Lin Tu came back to his senses.

He quickly showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and got on the treasure chariot directly.

Although in his realm, he shouldn't be treated like this.

But now the situation is problematic.

He is an "outsider" who has been a spy, so he can't make people blush.

I'd better wait until I meet Yun Susu in the past and confirm my identity...

It's time (9:30)

Haoyunzong, the suzerain hall.

Under the watchful eyes of all the elders and the peak master.

Lin Tu smiled and walked in respectfully.

When he saw Yun Zhou and Yun Susu directly above him, his heart shivered immediately, and he said in a respectful tone:

"I have seen Emperor Yun and Sect Master Yun."

Jiang He frowned, "Are you blind?"

"Ah, I've seen Emperor Jiang, I'm sorry, my old eyes are dim, I didn't pay attention.

As soon as Lin Tu changed from his previous aloofness, his whole person was almost humbled to the bottom of his bones.

Yun Susu watched him slightly raise his eyebrows.

I just feel a little inexplicable.

According to Yun Susu's understanding of Lin Tu.

This guy killed those mainstays of Linmen.

Because of Lin Sheng's possible revenge, he should be scared to death.

That's why she thought about meeting him.

After asking about Linmen's situation, let him feel at ease by the way.

In case this guy has no sense of security in his heart, he is shaking out the situation of Linmen, and causing some trouble for himself.

Unexpectedly, this meeting came down.

Aside from Lin Tu's humble attitude, he didn't show any fear.

This made Yun Susu feel a little unexpected.

What's the situation?

Not only her, Yun Zhou also felt a little puzzled.

He cleared his throat and asked:

"The elders of Linmen... have you solved it?"

Lin Tu quickly responded: "That's right, please rest assured..."

"The peak master level and above in Linmen are all arranged by me."

"Guarantee no one is alive and breathing."

"Besides, I calculated Lin Sheng and Lin Yuan."

"Using tricks to intertwine the soul powers of the two..."

"Right now, Lin Sheng's realm has dropped to a higher level, and half of the dominance of the four bodies has been given away!"

"This time Emperor Yun and Sect Master Yun take action, and there will be one less confidant in trouble!"

"In addition, the first three layers of enchantment formations outside the forest gate were also removed by me."

"Everything is ready, just waiting for Emperor Yun and Sect Master Yun to annex it!"

After the words were finished, all the people present were stunned.

Yun Zhou: (⊙_⊙)?

Good guy, is this stupid thing so efficient?

I was still thinking about how to solve Lin Sheng's big trouble.

In the end, Lin Tu actually counted him out of a realm?

The means are broad!

But correspondingly, Yun Zhou still felt a little confused.

Yes, what did you do early?

With this ability to be close to me, how can I mix myself up like this?

Also Jill is weird!

However, although Yun Zhou was suspicious, he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, there was no need for Lin Tu to lie about such things.

Otherwise, once exposed, he will definitely be in bad luck if he is in Haoyunzong.

So, if he dares to talk nonsense in 4.7, he is risking his life.

After observing carefully, Yun Zhou touched his chin.

Although this Lin Tu is a bit of a dog.

But the brain is still very good.

Since he has dealt with everything he said, there shouldn't be any mistakes.

So, he glanced at the other party calmly, and said lightly:

"You did a good job, you don't have to worry about the next thing.

"Before Lin Sect collapsed, he stayed in Haoyun Sect obediently."

"I promise, just listen"

"No one can take your life."

After speaking, he winked at Lin Shan who came to see his uncle.

In an instant, Lin Shan's face blushed, her body softened uncontrollably, and she said to herself:

"His phrase "just be obedient", is he talking to me?".

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