Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1515: Wai Ruigude Old Boy, The Nightmare Has Begun! (Seeking Subscription)

As soon as this word came out.

The disciples who persisted hard followed the trend.

"Yes, I think what the peak master said is correct, we should retreat first."

"Yeah, why don't we retreat to the city first?"

"We are humans, how can we risk our lives with such a group of demon wolves."

"Such a terrifying wave of demon wolves is beyond our ability to solve.

"Otherwise, let's go back and let Lord Jiangmen and Lord Xiaoyu clean them up?"

The alliance condenses three forces, each of which is the master, and the morale of the army is naturally scattered.

At this time, the desperate fight has already made these disciples want to retreat.

For most of them, they are already disciples of one of the five major forces, and there is really no need to risk their lives for the territory.

Wu Zhao frowned, and the royal majesty between the raised eyebrows: "As a disciple, obeying orders is the foundation, are you going to go against the sky?"

Hearing this, everyone was in a hurry.

A few outspoken Jiangmen disciples were not happy:

"Whose order is it to obey? The fate belongs to Yun Zhou, we are not under Yun Zhou's control!"

"That is, he is your Haoyun sect master, but not our sect master, so why listen to him?"

"For the sake of annexing the Linmen territory, take our lives, why?"

"We are human beings, not his tools!"

The fight with the disciples of the Chen family and the pack of wolves made them completely lose their will to fight.

But it's not their fault.

After all, they are just a group of pampered disciples.

Seeing this sea of ​​blood, it is normal to feel terrified.

And from a certain point of view, they are right.

Soldiers who don't follow orders are certainly problematic.

But in order to annex other forces, you have to sacrifice yourself

No one will be convinced.

Not to mention that Yun Zhou has nothing to do with Jiangmen right now.

Wu Zhao clenched the Emperor Sword in his hand, his face was cold.

She was once the empress of tens of thousands of monks, so she naturally hated this kind of people who were about to retreat.

And Jiang He in the sky looked at this scene, and his mind was hard to calm down.

In fact, if she made a move, the disciples of the Chen family and the group of demon wolves would just be wiped out with a wave of their hands.

It's just that there's a handicap.

How the disciples fight each other can only be resolved by the disciples themselves.

If she kills the children of the Chen family......

I'm afraid that she will be revenged by Chen Fusheng and Chen Fuxian tomorrow in Jiangmen!

Today, the lives of these two members of the Chen family will definitely not be spared.

For the safety of Jiangmen.

In this competition between disciples and elders, she can't do anything.

On the other side, Xiao Tiankuo had the same thought.

Although he also wanted to kill the group of demonic wolves, but the intuition in his heart told him that doing so would cause him great disaster.

Therefore, he only pays attention to those "people around" Yun Zhou.

As long as they can save their lives, their mission will be considered complete.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Since the disciples of the Union League started to withdraw, the scene gradually showed a "one-sided" trend.

Several elders and peak masters of the Chen family entangled Wu Zhao and others to death.

And those disciples of the Chen family who led the demonic wolves directly started the slaughter.

For a while, the disciples of the alliance were terrified.

Especially Jiangmen's disciples, who had no intention of fighting at all, retreated quickly one by one, trying to escape.

At this moment, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky, and thunder and lightning flickered.

In the flash of lightning, the tall and straight figure was clearly visible.

He has the appearance of middle-aged and old people, with a figure like a pine tree and a breath like a rainbow.

The terrifying coercion fell on the spot, and everyone's feet softened and they almost fell to their knees.

At the same time, stunned eyes were attracted.

Pupils tightened suddenly!

Impressively, he is the number one person in Immortal Territory, Chen Fusheng, the Patriarch of the Chen Family.


The deafening sound of the avenue pierced through the world, and the ground suddenly trembled.

Like a natural and man-made disaster, accompanied by a storm like a storm!

At the same time, the sound of the Chen family's disciples' killing and cutting was in their ears, and even the biting devil wolf was already very close at hand!

The terrifying figure in the sky exuded a terrifying aura, which scared most of the alliance disciples out of their wits.

"Damn it, how can you fight like this, everyone, run!"

"If you can't take your life, it's just to grab the territory. It's not worth it at all!"

"Jiangmen, don't talk to them, let Yunling and Haoyunzong stand up, let's withdraw!"

Everyone turned around one after another, preparing to escape.

…ask for flowers………

Jiang He above clenched his fists, his face black as carbon.

My mother's Jiangmen is full of this kind of stuff......

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she was about to curse.

As a result, at this moment, a golden light rose into the sky from the city tower.

"It's finally here."

That's right.

What Yun Zhou pays attention to is always Chen Fusheng above the sky.

As for those Jiangmen people who wanted to escape, he didn't care about it at all.

"Yunling, disciples of Haoyun Sect listen to the order!"

"Here!" While the disciples were fighting, their expressions were excited.

From a certain point of view, Yun Zhou is their backbone!

"Everyone form a protective formation for me, and sacrifice all the life-protecting treasures. The treasures you lose today will be doubled tomorrow!"



Yun Zhou looked up at the expressionless Chen Fusheng in the sky, and his voice sounded like a ghost of the Nine Netherworld:

"Chen Fusheng, if I can't keep you today, I will destroy the foundation of your Chen family!"

As soon as the words fell, majestic celestial power suddenly erupted around him, and red flames burst into flames!

In the eyes of everyone shocked and astonished.

Like a burning meteor, wrapped in a scalding heat wave, it crashed towards the figure in mid-air!

Fire up!

Without a word of nonsense, Yun Zhou was surrounded by majestic power, and slammed into Chen Fusheng who was above the void!

"My God, what is the suzerain going to do?"

"Is this to fight Chen Fusheng alone?"

"Even if you are talented, you can't beat the number one person in the fairyland!"

"Mist Grass, our Holy Son is so fierce!"

"Isn't this killing me? This isn't it!"

Everyone's eyes stared like copper bells, and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

Even those disciples in Jiangmen forgot to escape.

They raised their heads one after another, looking at the "shooting star" above in disbelief!


There was a deafening roar, like stars colliding!


In the astonished gazes of everyone, there was a flash of light behind Yun Zhou.

With a strange momentum, Chen Fusheng was enveloped in it!

"Old boy Werry Goode, the nightmare begins with!".

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