Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1531: Running Over Shirtless, What Business Can You Do? (Seeking Subscription)

Jiang He couldn't help but slapped his mouth, cleared his throat and said:

"Change into your clothes to drink with my old lady, this time you really made a big face..."

After that, she didn't go on.

The matter of beheading Chen Fusheng is certainly awesome, but she boasted too much, for fear that Yun Zhou would float up.

"It's fine to drink, I still have work to do."

As he said that, Yun Zhou didn't put on any clothes anymore, so he came to sit down opposite Jiang He, shirtless.

Anyway, this tiger beating woman is connected with his soul power.

What is taboo about a mere physical body, or the upper body?

Jiang He jumped face-to-face, glanced at Yun Zhou's upper body, and remembered the "business" that the other party said.

Good guy.

Come here shirtless without drinking...

What kind of business can this be!?

Thinking of something, Jiang He's mouth twitched, his little face flushed like a boiled prawn.

She stared and hid behind her body, stammering: "You, what are you going to do?"

"I can warn you, even if I can't beat you, you can't do anything wrong with me!"

"Otherwise I'll tell your aunt that you're an idiot...

Speaking of this, I can't say anything later.


Although she resisted on the surface, she was filled with unbelievable joy in her heart!


A picture appeared in her mind involuntarily, if Yun Zhou really forced her to do that kind of thing

I... don't seem to be very angry, do I?

"Bah, Jiang He, what are you thinking... Fachun can't be mean!"

Jiang He felt that his face was surprisingly hot, and quickly drove away the random thoughts in his mind, and stared at Yun Zhou vigilantly.


When she met Yun Zhou's eyes.

For some reason, she felt that Yun Zhou seemed more handsome than before, like a banished fairy who could ascend at any time, which made her feel inexplicably fallen.

"Doing things to you? You think too much...

Yun Zhou gave her a look as if she was stupid, and then drank the tea in front of him in one gulp.

And Jiang He was slightly relieved seeing that he didn't have "beastly outbursts".

Just inexplicably a little lost in my heart.

"Then what else do you have to do?"

After sorting out his troubled thoughts, Jiang He looked at Yun Zhou and changed the topic.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the bottleneck of the Emperor Realm (lower stage) is a little loose, and I want to find a place to see if I can enter the realm."

"Jinjing? You are such a pervert..." Jiang He gave him a numb look, and continued:

"Then I'll accompany you. Anyway, I have nothing to do. I will go to protect the law with you."

"Okay, let's go." Yun Zhou responded directly without any excuses.

Reasonably speaking, although the relationship between him and Jiang He is not at the level of a Taoist couple, it is more than a good impression.

Even if Yun Zhou wants to force him now, Jiang He probably won't refuse, so naturally he won't be alienated from the other party.

He took the outer shirt casually and put it on his body, and the figures of the two disappeared one after another.

When it reappeared, it was already on a barren mountain thousands of miles away.

Glancing at Jiang He, he nodded towards him, and then Yun Zhou sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.


Gently exhaling a foul breath, a look of expectation appeared in Yun Zhou's eyes.

After the branch task is completed, the cultivation level will be +1.

After receiving this reward, he will directly step into the Emperor Realm (Intermediate) level.

"It's just the seventh floor of the Emperor Realm (lower level), although it has the strength to stand at the peak of the fairyland, it still has some gaps with Chen Fusheng.

"If you don't use the inner world this time, divert Chen Fusheng's attack."

"I'm afraid I'm not his enemy..."

This is what I said out of my heart.

The gap between Chen Fusheng and him is too big.

If he didn't have the means to divert the attack, he would really have no chance of defeating Chen Fusheng!

That's why he obviously won against Chen Fusheng.

There is no fundamental reason for the change in the fairyland list.

"Don't talk about Chen Fusheng, but compared to my aunt, she is on the second floor of the Emperor Realm (middle class)."

"Leaving aside the realm, Duan Ye may not be able to win simply by simply comparing combat power..."

"It seems that if you want to completely gain a foothold in this fairyland, and even promote Haoyunzong to the top-level power, you can only go one step further!"

"And the reward for this side mission is the good fortune of my entry!"

Thinking like this.

He called up the system, took a deep breath, and gathered the immortal power in his body.

"Receive branch rewards."

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly circulated the Daohai in his body to absorb and reward the fairy rhyme.


Follow his mind.

The majestic and vast power of pure yang surged madly, like the galloping Yangtze River, pouring into his fairy sea like breaking a bank, and it actually increased the power of the fairy power radiating from his whole body.

The pure breath contained in it seems to form a huge funnel, and it is poured into the sea along the limbs and bones.

Its energy was so terrifying that it almost exploded his meridians.

Under this majestic power.

There was an indescribable tingling sensation all over Yun Zhou's body.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Stepping from Emperor Realm (lower level) to Emperor Realm (middle level) is a big transformation!

As long as he can make it through smoothly, he will have the confidence to reach the top of the Immortal Realm list!


After half an hour.

There were bursts of violent roars in Yun Zhou's body, like thunder exploding in his body.

Terrifying energy gathers in the Dao Sea, and the lotus eyes are terrifying!

Emperor Realm (lower level) is complete!

It's just the beginning.

As time went by, Yun Zhou's aura rose steadily.

As long as you go one step further, the immortal soul and combat body will be completely promoted (Mode Zhao) Hua, and step into the emperor's realm (intermediate).

But that's the moment.

The accident happened suddenly.

The surrounding air flow suddenly reversed, and the space became distorted.

In a trance, Yun Zhou actually felt a great terror that was enough to knock his soul out of him!

It seems that as long as he takes a step further, he will be sucked into this space, and his soul will be lost in this turbulent flow.

"."Heaven's warning or mid-level vision?"

He didn't have the slightest idea of ​​stagnation, and urged all the fairy charms around him to add to his body, and his frowning brows interpreted his madness.

Time passed by.


Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a huge thunderbolt, like a god's axe, fell towards Yun Zhou!

Jiang He subconsciously wanted to dodge when he saw this, but after glancing at Yun Zhou, he gritted his teeth and stood in front of him.

"Tui, I really owe you in my previous life...".

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