Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1540 : Cat Meowing In The Middle Of The Night! Yun's Nickname Is Star On The Couch! (Se

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

Lin Langyue huddled her head under the blanket, staring angrily at Yun Zhou.

"You're a bastard... no, you're a gong! A ruthless gong!"

From midnight to three o'clock, this bad guy didn't feel tired at all, but became more and more lively.

Then it was hard for Lin Langyue, originally she wanted to take a rest, but every time she was in a daze, she was woken up by the other party.

By now, Lin Langyue's whole body was already limp, and she had no strength at all.

With her being at the first level of the Emperor Realm (lower level), she was beaten to the point of falling apart.

Look at Yun Zhou again.

He is full of energy, his eyes are full of brilliance, how can he look a little tired?

Seeing Lin Langyue's face full of resentment, Yun Zhou chuckled, "I'm sorry, I didn't hug her~"

Lin Langyue glanced at him angrily, and said angrily, "Sure enough, you are an out-and-out libertine!"

Seeing Lin Langyue getting more and more tired, Yun Zhou also knew that he was a bit ruthless yesterday.

Immediately coughing lightly, he stretched out his arms and held her in his arms.

"Huh? No, it's time, don't..."

Lin Langyue was taken aback by this sudden movement, and was about to get up and run away.

Suddenly, the gentle Dao Yun breath flowed into the body.

Abundant celestial power wandered among the limbs and bones, and the restless soul power suddenly became peaceful.

The exhaustion and numbness all over the body dissipated, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in a warm pool.

It was warm and comfortable.

"Is this... medical skills? Do you still understand medical methods?" Lin Langyue said with a shocked expression.

You must know that although the way of medicine is not one of the six supreme ways, it still belongs to one of the top ways.

It's like Lin Tu who has cultivated his medical skills to the peak and can live to the death of human flesh and bones.

It can be said to be one of the most heaven-defying Taoism.

And Yun Zhou possesses nine kinds of great ways, including all six supreme ways, but he can even master the top-level way of medicine?

This is to master all the Three Thousand Great Dao!

It's outrageous!

"Hey, my medical skills are superb, and all sentient beings praise me as the savior on the couch. I don't know what Fairy Lin thinks-||?" Yun Zhou said with a smirk on his lips and his eyes bent.

"The savior on the bed? Bah, what kind of weird title..." Lin Langyue stared at him with her mouth curled up.

Then she thought that this medical rhyme was used in this kind of thing, and her little face couldn't stop blushing.

The whole person shrank directly under the blanket and could not come out.

In the afternoon, on the first floor of the city main building.

After a long period of rectification, the disciples and a group of elders have slowed down.

And those disciples who had lost their ability to fight and were seriously injured were also sent back to their respective sects by two elders sent by Wu Zhao and others.

The rest of the elders and peak masters gathered here, communicating with each other constantly, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than it was at the beginning.

Although it is an alliance of the three forces, they have experienced life and death together anyway.

Especially with Yun Zhou as the "hub" between Haoyunzong and Yunling, the relationship is naturally more harmonious.

And just when everyone is chatting with each other.

Chu Lingxiao's eyes were out of focus, and his expression was dull, as if he had seen something terrible.

emmm...the face is full of complex expressions, absent-minded.

Seeing her appearance, Jiang He came over strangely: "Xiao Lingxiao, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"


Chu Lingxiao was startled, and when he realized that his cheeks were rosy, he dodged his eyes and said: "No, it's just that I have been practicing last night, and the fairy soul is a little worn out."

"Oh, then you should pay attention in the future, don't be exhausted."

With Jiang He's intelligence, he naturally didn't find anything wrong, so he didn't think much about it.

At this moment, rhythmic footsteps were heard on the stairs.

Immediately afterwards, a respectful voice came from the mouth of the elder near the stairs:

"I have seen Sect Master Yun!"

After the voice fell, the noisy hall suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked up at the stairs.

At the sight, Yun Zhou was dressed in a black shirt, with a high ponytail on his head, and walked down with an indifferent expression.

There is a sense of sight of Mr. Pianpian.

It's just... inexplicably a bit "blackened".

Everyone got up quickly, including those elder peak masters in Jiangmen.

Although they had a lot of resentment towards Yun Zhou in their hearts, they definitely didn't dare to show it in person.

Especially the scene where Yun Zhou chased Chen Fusheng for hundreds of miles.

In their eyes, Yun Zhou is an evil spirit!

For a moment, the eyes of most people were full of awe.

Jiang He and the others looked as usual, looking at Yun Zhou's handsome face with appreciative eyes.

Only Chu Lingxiao's cheeks were flushed, as if he had thought of something, he lowered his head and shrank to one side, completely different from his previous carefree appearance.

Xiao Xunxun rolled his eyes, and walked forward with a smile, "." Yun big brother~ How did you rest last night?"

"I heard that your room is very noisy~ The barking is endless, could it be that the little female cat has mixed in?"

Yun Zhou didn't blush, "Oh, there is a female cat, I raised it, what, it has something to do with you?"

Xiao Xunxun's speech froze when he heard the words, he was speechless.

When Chu Lingxiao on the other side heard this, his head sank even lower (Qian's Zhao Le.

His cheeks are like steamed crabs, white and red inside.

He spat in his heart and said, "The female cat you raise is very happy to play, and the old lady didn't rest all night!"

The worst thing is betting.

The scene where the bastard suzerain played with that wild cat was all seen by her, and she was flustered when she thought about it.

Yun Zhou casually came to the chief seat and sat down.

After he took his seat, the others glanced at each other before sitting down one after another.

Jiang He glanced at the four outer circles, and scratched his head in doubt: "Where did Xiao Langyue go? She is not a latecomer, could it be that she was injured when driving the Chen family last time?"

"No, I just rested for a while."

With a pleasant voice, Lin Lang stepped into the hall with a long sword in his hand.

White's gown is full of neat and clean déjà vu.....

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