Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1542 : Linmen Falls! The Core Temple Shook The Bell! (Seeking Subscription)

Annexation begins.

Except Yun Zhou who are flying in the sky.

The other disciples are also below, walking quickly towards the depths of Linmen.

In order to avoid being wiped out by the group, ~ at the request of Yun Zhou.

The crowd was divided into hundreds of teams, scattered separately, and pressed towards Linmen with all directions.

Above the sky, Yun Zhou and Lin Lang are the King of Clouds.

He looked at the people who were moving one after another below his eyes.

Yun Zhou suddenly said: "After this battle, go to Haoyunzong to be my secretary."

Lin Langyue glanced at him beautifully, "What is a secretary?"

"Ah, this..." Yun Zhou's eyes dodged, "Just to help me.

"Hand me?" Lin Langyue glanced at her: "I think you want to make it easier for you to do bad things?"

Yun Zhou looked at her dumbfounded, "Am I that kind of person?"

"What do you say?"

Yun Zhou didn't even blush when he was exposed, he shook his head and said, "We'll talk about this later, we should act separately now."

Linmen has a huge power, so if they want to annex it, they will naturally have to spread it out.

Lin Langyue, as an emperor, has stayed in Linmen for such a long time, it is far more useful for her to lead the team than to follow her.

"Okay." Lin Langyue nodded.

She also wanted to help Yun Zhou, even if it was just a little bit.

Yun Zhou said: "You, together with the team below, will defeat and annex the peripheral forces of Linmen."

"The inner sect forces have a large array of guardians, so don't take risks...

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something again, and then said: "Also, you take care of the treasure I gave you earlier, if there is any danger, I will be by your side as soon as possible."

Linmen has a huge foundation, God knows if there are any secrets in it.

Although Lin Langyue's cultivation level is at the level of an emperor, he is still a little worried.

Of course, it's not just Lin Langyue, the ten treasures he exchanged with his luck value have already been arranged for his confidante.

Seeing the worry on Yun Zhou's face, Lin Langyue's face showed a softness.

All of a sudden, the eyeballs rolled and moved close to his cheek, exhaling like a blue, "I know my husband~"

This was the name Yunzhou asked Lin Langyue to call when he broke through the fortress yesterday.

Hearing it so suddenly gave me goosebumps.

At this time, looking at Lin Langyue's delicate and slightly red face.

Yun Zhou almost couldn't control it, and taught this sweet dish back to the main building of the city.

And Lin Langyue also felt the hotness in Yun Zhou's eyes, and turned her head and ran away in fright when she saw something bad.

Seeing Lin Langyue running away shyly, Yun Zhou raised the corners of his mouth helplessly.

"Tao nun's teasing a man~ It's really enough.

With a flash of his figure, Yun Zhou's figure immediately fell below, and his voice was calm and prestige, "Disciples of Haoyun Sect obey orders."

"It's still the same sentence when I came here, if there is any danger, just flee to Hao Yunchen."

"You all know the location of the teleportation array. If there is a great terror, don't make unnecessary sacrifices and run away immediately!"

"This is not a negotiation, but an order!"

Hearing this, many disciples knelt down and responded: "Yes."

Looking at Yun Zhou's eyes is like a believer looking up to the Lord God, full of emotion and reverence!

As one of the five major powers in the Immortal Domain, Linmen's strength is self-evident.

But in a powerful force, there will be a day when it will be wiped out.

It has been passed down through the ages, and the old and the new are replaced... This is the truth that everyone understands.

The general attack was launched vigorously, and it came and ended quickly.

Without Lin Sheng and the elders.

The disciples of the United League are as powerful as a bamboo, occupying most of the affiliated forces of the Linmen with the momentum of thunder.

And Lin Langyue moved extremely fast, and in just two hours, he completely took down the periphery of Linmen.

Many alliance disciples were elated and excited.

The disciples of Linmen had bitter and sad faces.

Some disciples were unwilling to be captives [they looked forward to the sect master or the elders to save themselves and others from the fire and water.

Others completely gave up hope and chose to surrender directly.

There is no other reason, if it is just the fight between the disciples, they still have the power to fight.

But in the face of the strong men from all walks of life that block the sky, it is really difficult for them to resist.

Especially among these people, there is still a nightmare like existence.

Yun Zhou!

The fact that he beheaded tens of thousands of Chen family disciples by himself and chased down Chen Fusheng for hundreds of miles left a shadow in the hearts of these Lin sect disciples.

…… Ask for flowers………


It depends on whether you can resist the cut or not.

Many people have already made up their minds.

With Yun Zhou's method, anyone who is stubborn will definitely not end well.

In fact, their thinking is also completely correct.

It was just when the sun was shining in the afternoon, that is, after the outskirts of Linmen and most of the affiliated forces fell.

Outside the Linmen Sect, thousands of disciples who resisted and refused to surrender were abolished in public!

Although he didn't take his life, but for a cultivator, cultivation is even more important than life!

As a villain, Yun Zhou didn't even bat an eye on this.

To be soft on the enemy is to add to yourself.

In the Immortal Domain, whoever is the Holy Mother is a fool!

After a wave of ruthless operations, the remaining disciples from all walks of life all gave up resistance.

In the world of cultivators where the jungle preys on the jungle, people are very realistic.

No one wants to risk their life's future for Linmen.

At this point, the entire Linmen fell.

But there is still a place left, and that is the only remaining inner door...

"Clang clang clang~!"

In the depths of the Linmen Mountains, on the top of the sacred mountain.

Suddenly there was a melodious and deep sound of an ancient bell.

The sound of the bell was mighty and continuous, like the sound of a Taoist piercing through the heaven and earth, stirring for hundreds of miles, and the whole ground trembled endlessly.

Immediately afterwards.

From the sky above the inner gate, a bright and incomparable light suddenly shrouded, illuminating Fang Yuan for thousands of miles!

Even in a forbidden area hundreds of thousands of miles away, one can still see this bright light.

Within this divine light, a series of halos filled, as if a new world was isolated.

"The bell rings, all magic is cut's the Great Formation of Protecting the Sect!!"

Countless inner disciples looked excited, as if they saw a savior in despair.

The Zhenqian Bell is the core holy hall, the treasure of the entire Linmen clan!

It is said that it was born from the evolution of heaven in the past, accompanied by a mid-level artifact that came out of chaos!

According to rumors, its grade is even above the immortal treasure!

Even Lin Sheng, the master of the sect, couldn't fully activate its power.

It is an unbelievable "treasure"...on...

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