Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1548 : The Top Of Tiannan Mountain! The Overlord Old Man Who Plays The Ancient Gate! (Seekin

Seeing that Yun Zhou didn't agree with her, Xiao Xunxun frowned slightly, shook her head and said:

"I won't go out. This is the fairy medicine my father gave me. It works very well. I don't think it will take long for the injury on my leg to heal. I will accompany you."

Yun Zhou nodded without any nonsense, "Then go deep first."

Xiao Xunxun raised his eyes lightly, "Listen to my father...there is a Tiannan Mountain in the forbidden area of ​​Linmen, and there seems to be an ancient secret treasure inside, why don't we go and see it?"

Tiannan Mountain?

Yun Zhou froze for a moment when he heard the name of the mountain.

However, I soon found this place name in the memory of the original text.

On the top of Nanshan Mountain, Taoism covers the sky!

There is the place where the Immortal Emperor was born tens of thousands of years ago!

And the period of ending the rule of Heavenly Dao began on Tiannan Mountain after Immortal Emperor Zhetian came to the world!

It's just that time has passed, "seven seven three", the place where he was born in the past has now become the influence of Linmen.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Yun Zhou's mind.

You must know that the strength of the Earth Lord back then was no less than that of the Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor can seal the Earth Venerable here...

Could it be because this is the birth point of the former Immortal Emperor, and there is some kind of treasure that can restrain the earth gods in it?

Didn't Xiao Xunxun also say that her father mentioned that there are ancient secret treasures in Tiannan Mountain?

It seems that it is not impossible.

After thinking for a while, Yun Zhou led Xiao Xunxun to continue walking.

Neither of them spoke this time.

Even Xiao Xunxun stopped all kinds of offensives against Yun Zhou.

He just limped along behind, looking up at the sky from time to time, as if he had something on his mind.

Yun Zhou naturally didn't care what she was thinking.

The other party is not a demon, he is happy to be at ease.

Although a beautiful woman is a horse flea, she must not be greedy for fun!

In particular, this beauty's father is also a doting girl maniac.

It would be quite troublesome to get entangled if you play too big.

Although Tiannan Mountain is the place where the former Immortal Emperor, the great god, was born.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, and the original magnificence has disappeared.

To put it simply, it is a dilapidated ancient temple standing on a barren hill.

Yun Zhou walked towards the top of the mountain, and because he had to take care of Xiao Xunxun, he could only support her.

"I really don't know what you ate to grow up, this pressure

"Okay, here we are."

"Oh." Xiao Xunxun simply responded, but didn't move at all.


I still have to make cushions for you?

Yun Zhou glanced at her helplessly, wanting to step aside to let her.

In the end, before he could move, Xiao Xunxun suddenly opened the slit on his leg and pointed to the wound!

"Yeah, I'm so addicted to it!"

There is no way, Yun Zhou has to deal with business, he picked up Xiao Xunxun, put it on a stone beside him, and was about to get up.

As a result, his neck was suddenly encircled by two slender arms.

Don't ask, just ask Huang Huang to pick him up.

Yun Zhou pulled her hand upwards, directly pulling away her arms and standing up straight.

Then I heard Xiao Xunxun's voice full of resentment: "Can't you hug me?"


Yun Zhou said that he was looking for the baby, not playing with the baby, why are you holding you?

Even, after thinking about it, he took two steps back.

Xiao Xunxun saw that her coquetry hadn't worked, so she stood up by herself.

Glancing at Yun Zhou, he snorted and walked towards the ancient temple.

"If you don't hug me, I can walk by myself, hum~"

Xiao Xunxun has already entered the ancient palace, and there is still a faint fragrance in the air.

Yun Zhou glanced at the main hall, and after not sensing any danger, he let her go.

"Tsk~" Through the wide-open palace door, Yun Zhou glanced at Xiao Xunxun's back and pushed aside.

"What a goblin to kill Jill!"

After making some complaints, Yun Zhou was about to follow up in the palace when his eyes froze.

I saw a dilapidated old ancient door suddenly opened at the left side of the palace gate where there was no one there.

It seemed to be blown by the wind, and even opened the back door and connected the electricity twice.

It was a normal thing.

However, looking at the ancient door, Yun Zhou felt a little chill down his spine.

The wind on this mountain is not small...

But this ancient door weighs at least a thousand catties, what kind of wind can blow it?

Moreover, the speed of that movement

Obviously there is something pushing and playing there!

"Good guy, there are still souls in the forest gate forbidden area?"

Yun Zhou scratched his head, feeling a little surprised...

Just at this moment, a cloudy wind came.

At the gate on the left, the figure of an old man emerged.

Like a figure outlined by the wind, there are faint ripples flowing on it.

Just when the phantom of the old man appeared, Yun Zhou actually felt a slight sense of oppression!

This feeling came from the old man.

Unfathomable, Daofeng Immortal Bone!

Although I can't feel any vitality, I can still feel the surging Dao Li!

Yun Zhou has no doubts that this old man was definitely a figure at the hegemony level during his lifetime.

Even, he is not much different from his predecessor, the Immortal Emperor!

Especially that righteous aura, it is simply impossible for all evil to invade!

It's makes Yun Zhou feel a little bit out of harmony.

Just such an old man at the level of a tyrant, squatting there to play with Shimen

"Forbidden land of the forest gate, the overlord old man who plays with the ancient gate..."

It is not recorded in this novel!

Could it be another character outside the original text?

I'm confused.

Suddenly, Yun Zhou suddenly noticed an ancient plaque of "Shengxian Temple" engraved on the top of the gate on the left!

"The Hall of Immortals!?"

Yun Zhou almost cried out.

Well, the 'fresh store' he called is not a place that sells oysters.

It's the place where the former Immortal Emperor was born in 2.9 of the original plot, and later the Immortal Emperor unified the Immortal Domain, so it was naturally named "Shengxian Palace".

In the original text, when the Immortal Emperor was weak, his father taught adults in this hall.

It can be said that the Immortal Emperor's father is the paving stone for his future rise and overcoming the way of heaven!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was the biggest booster for the immortal emperors to take off in the past!

The specific appearance of the old man playing the door over there is vague and unclear.

But the majestic power of the Great Dao cannot deceive anyone!

Lin Gate Forbidden Land, the birth point of the Immortal Emperor, a remnant soul with such power...  

No need to think about who it is!

At this time, a breeze blew by, and the old voice suddenly resounded in Yun Zhou's ears:

"Haier, you're finally back on your horse!"

Yun Zhou:!!!.

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