Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1557: Yangmou Is Nothing But Self-Confidence, Just A Friendly Reminder! (Seeking Subscriptio

Zhao Miaozhu took a look at Chen Fuxian.

Even though Master had mentioned that Chen Fuxian had a close relationship with him when he was young, he was still a little curious in his heart.

After all, Chen Fusheng is the second head of the Chen family, how could he have a connection with her hidden master?

And her master has been in seclusion for thousands of years, and the timeline doesn't match up!

If Zhao Dusheng knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say "young" to her with a smile.


Do things like gifting opportunities need to be released?

With his cultivation base, whoever he wants to have a relationship with, wouldn't it be the end of a random trick?

Look up and down.

As the name suggests, Chen Fuxian is calm and leisurely.

The unique brilliance of a wise man shone in his calm eyes, his scheming was unfathomable, and it was difficult to see his thoughts clearly for a while.

"This person must be - Master Zhao, right?"

"Master Zhao has been hidden from the world for many years, and he has never met him."

"The first time I saw it today, it was just like the rumors. The fairy looks like a god, and she really shines. y

At this time, Chen Fuxian also noticed Zhao Miaozhu's gaze, smiled and cupped his hands.

"Patriarch Fuxian is being polite."

Zhao Miaozhu nodded, her expression was still calm, but she couldn't guess what this Chen Fuxian was doing here.

As the second head of the Chen family, shouldn't he be able to eat inside and outside?

Although the Watson Gate is nominally the number one force in the hidden world, it still has subordinate forces in the outside world.

Moreover, the relationship with the Chen family has always been "barely friendly".

The other party came here with such great fanfare, isn't it afraid that Chen Fusheng will be suspicious after learning about it?

After all, it is a big taboo for the outside world to hide from the world without permission.

No one can guarantee whether there will be suspicion of spies.

"You came here also for that little guy from the outside world?"

Before Chen Fuxian could speak, Zhao Dusheng asked first.

Immediately, Chen Fuxian was taken aback, then nodded with a wry smile and said: "I really can't hide anything from Senior Dusheng, the coming of this junior is indeed related to Yun Zhou......

As he spoke, he pondered and said, "According to the news from Linmen, Yun Zhou disappeared a few hours ago, presumably he went to the forbidden area of ​​Linmen."

"It just so happens that this junior is also somewhat interested in the existence there, so I came to talk to Senior Dusheng..."

Hearing this, a smile flashed across Zhao Dusheng's brows and eyes.

Interested in that guy?

Another one who is not afraid of death...

He thought so, but the expression on his face was still smiling like a spring breeze.

"You want my help?" Zhao Dusheng asked with a smile.

Chen Fuxian showed joy, "Is it okay?"

"Of course I can, but it's still the same as before, I can help, but I can't come forward in person with my old bones."

Zhao Dusheng responded extremely happily, but his eyebrows turned to Zhao's side.

While looking at Zhao Miaozhu's slightly icy face, he pretended to be unintentional and asked: "I will accept the help first, do you still have something to say?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Fuxian's pupils froze instantly.

But soon, he returned to normal, and the bitterness in the corner of his mouth became even more bitter: "I forgot to report something to senior."

"Not long ago, my elder brother sent me a voice transmission, saying that my third uncle had complied with my elder brother's request and had already gone to Linmen forbidden area to kill Yun Zhou."

"Oh?" Zhao Dusheng frowned, looked back with a smile, and said:

"Since your Chen family has already passed away, why do you still ask me for help?"

"Could it be that you don't have confidence in your third uncle?"

ah this...

Chen Fuxian looked embarrassed, stuck there not knowing how to answer the conversation.

Although this statement is true, it is his third uncle anyway, and this face cannot be easily discounted.

The atmosphere was dull for a moment.

"Just now, I was thinking of getting Miaozhu to leave the Dushengmen to fight for your brother's top spot in the Immortal Domain."

"It's just in time for you to come, let her help you go around the Linmen forbidden area first."

"Of course, it's best if I can help you..."

"If you can't help, you can't blame her."

At this time, Zhao Dusheng said lightly, half jokingly.

"Immortal domain top?"

Chen Fuxian was stunned for a moment, "It seems that Master Zhao's ambition is really not small."

"However, the position at the top of the list is not easy to compete for. I'm not the one who speaks for my elder brother. His realm has already reached the third level of Emperor Realm (Middle Rank)."

…… Ask for flowers………

"If you don't have the means, it's not easy to surpass him based on strength alone."

Chen Fuxian was also quite surprised.

In his opinion, this Zhao Miaozhu may have heard that Chen Fusheng was defeated by Yun Zhou, so his self-confidence skyrocketed blindly.

But as everyone knows, Yun Zhou's ability to defeat his brother is all due to the ability to divert his brother's attack.

It has nothing to do with strength.

Otherwise, how could Chen Fusheng still be at the top of the Immortal Domain list now?

Of course, it has nothing to do with him who is at the top of the list, he is just a friendly reminder.

One must know that if Zhao Miaozhu went out to compete for the top spot, his ruthless elder brother might use some means.

In front of Zhao Dusheng, he naturally wanted to "kindly" give Zhao Jisuo a vaccination.

Zhao Dusheng glanced at him and sneered in his heart, but he didn't speak.

Sometimes excessive concern is to overplay the scheming.

Zhao Miaozhu's expression was calm, "I know this matter well, so I won't bother Patriarch Fusheng to worry about it."

Hearing this, Chen Fuxian nodded with a hearty smile on his face.

But he became a little curious in his heart. He heard that Zhao's strength was almost the same as Yun Susu's.

What kind of foundation do you have to have such confidence?

"Okay, let's wait and see about Fuxian."

Chen Fuxian said something, and then saluted Zhao Dusheng.

Then he turned his head and turned into a divine rainbow, headed towards Linmen, leading the way for Zhao Miaozhu.

Zhao Miaozhu followed immediately.

She always felt that Chen Fu came here for other purposes, but because she was here, the other party didn't mention it.

This is her guess.

And over the years, her guess has rarely been wrong.


Soon, a few people from the hidden door dressed in black robes whose faces could not be seen clearly appeared in front of their eyes. They were stunned for a moment when they saw Zhao Miaozhu, but they didn't show the same.

"Follow me to the forest gate forbidden area, remember to hide your breath, and don't be discovered by the emperor there."

After a simple exhortation, Chen Fuxian nodded towards Zhao Miaozhu, and his figure swept away with the wind...dead....

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