Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1564 : Mysterious Genius! Heaven's Tribulation Crossing Buddha's Pity For All Bein

Are you afraid?

If the internal cultivation base is released, it should not be possible.

But now...

Don't say it, it's really a little bit.

There was a wry smile on Chen Fuxian's face, he shook his head pretending to be sad and said:

"Although my third uncle has a high level of cultivation, I can still last for half an hour in a battle with all my cards out.

"But Yun Zhou gave me a completely different feeling..."

"He is too mysterious and has means beyond comprehension."

"Maybe under his full attack, I can't even last a quarter of an hour.

Hearing this, Yun Susu was stunned.

In Chen Fuxian's opinion, is Yun Zhou stronger than Chen Zuo?

You know, the realm gap between these two people is like a gap!

Chen Fuxian saw her thoughts, shook his head with a smile and said:

"My brother is also a few levels stronger than Yun Zhou, isn't he also chased by him to explode the hammer?"

He could sense it.

Yun Zhou's method of deflecting attacks is likely to ignore the realm!

Under the attack without absolute crushing.

Chen Zuo...he really might not be able to do anything about him.

The eyes of the two looked at the two figures who were punching 15 punches, with different expressions.

Yun Susu suddenly said: "If Zhou'er really wins against your uncle, what are you going to do? Continue to search for the secrets in this forbidden area?"

Chen Fuxian shook his head like a rattle, and said seriously: "No, I regret my life, so I will definitely run away.

Yun Susu twitched the corner of her mouth and stopped talking.

He took Jiang He to another stone and sat down, took out a few pills from the storage ring, and quickly recovered his immortal power.

Although she and Jiang He didn't have the strength to turn things around.

But if Yun Zhou is really lost, even if she risked her life, she would save him and leave!

Boom boom boom!

Yun Zhou's fist was wrapped in scorching flames, like a wave of fire swept by a gust of wind, it was constantly greeting Chen Zuo's face!

In the face of absolute strength, any exercise is just a display.

Yun Zhou knew this very well, so he didn't use any exercises now, he was just fighting with his fighting body.

Immortal power roared from a pair of fire fists, as if it had been pushed to the extreme. Through the firelight, one could still see the hands that were shining slightly like white jade inside, and even the meridians of the bones could be seen from them. It was extremely miraculous!

Chen Zuo is at the seventh level of Emperor Realm (middle level), and his immortal power is more than ten times stronger than him!

If he used Xianli to bombard him from a distance, he would have no chance of winning.

Therefore, Yun Zhou can only make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, and use his own combat body far beyond the same level to fight close combat with the opponent!

Although this does not understand the rules of boxing, it is like a child fighting.

But then again, he was right to be so decisive.

Because Chen Zuo practiced the way of soul and soul, although the soul power is strong, his body is much weaker than that of the great power of the same realm.

And Yun Zhou's desolate battle body is the strongest battle body in the world.

Coupled with the blessings of his nine kinds of Daoism, as well as the continuous supply of immortal power, it has a very good suppressing effect on Chen Zuo.

"Boy, you are indeed a bit weird!"

Chen Zuo was surrounded by black mist, with a tingling smile on his face, "But you never know what the difference in realm between you and me represents!"

After the words fell, his figure suddenly turned into a dense black mist and escaped from Yun Zhou's struggle.

Immediately afterwards, they suddenly re-condensed behind him.

"Jie Jie, go down and wait, the rest of them will come to you soon!"

Chen Zuo stretched out a hand full of dead skin, and pressed it towards the void, and the world in all directions was suddenly quiet.

Time seemed to be completely frozen, ripples rippled in the void, and then the earth suddenly collapsed!

The escaping black mist enveloped, and the barren ground was gradually infected, turning into a dark and deep mist!

On the top of this fog surface, there is still green liquid like water bubbles, which is like boiling water, and countless undead are howling and struggling in it, and the screams can be heard endlessly.

"An extra meal for you."

A ferocious smile appeared on Chen Zuo's scarred face. Immediately after he pinched the hair formula, countless undead raised their heads and stared straight at Yun Zhou.

That pair of eyes is like a hungry person seeing delicacies from mountains and seas.

Climbing away from the fog surface with madness, biting towards Yun Zhou!

More and more undead are flooding, and the sky is dark, as if the Nine Nether Hells are alive!

Yun Zhou frowned slowly, and was about to escape from Chen Zuo's domain, but found that there was a large array of trapped souls set up around the foggy space!

No matter how many tricks he uses, he is determined not to get out!

The evil ghosts covering the sun rushed towards him howling, some grabbed his arms, some grabbed his ankles, and forcibly engulfed him completely.

In the blink of an eye, he was wrapped up by this group of undead and disappeared from the sky!


Seeing this scene, Yun Susu immediately stood up with a cry of surprise.

And Chen Zuo smiled fiercely, revealing a sense of pride, "Heh, being swallowed up by my black sea undead, no matter how strong your combat power is, you won't be able to escape, obediently let me refine your soul.

Jiang He and Yun Susu reacted, and rushed towards the group of undead wrapped in a sphere regardless of their injuries!

Even if they don't want their lives at 860, they want to save Yun Zhou!

When Chen Zuo, who was waiting, saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment.

Then the corners of his mouth curled into a sneer, "It's really affectionate, but what can you do?"

"Forget it, refining together directly will save time, so you can die together, hahaha"

Before the laughter ended, it stopped suddenly, and the astonishment in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"This is impossible!!"

In the eye, the center of countless undead wraps, the flames of light burst out from it.

The greedy undead seemed to feel the pain of despair, howled and fled in all directions!


A figure like a scorching sun rushed out, exuberant like a god!

I saw that Yun Zhou's whole body was filled with Taoism, Buddha lotus floated from his feet, and the demonic figure above his head revealed supreme power.

Suddenly, he clasped his hands together, and the misty sky became darker and darker.

A majestic and vast thundercloud condensed from the sky, and the purple-black thunder was actually wrapped with a faint Buddha light!

"Heavenly Tribulation Crossing Buddha's Pity for All Beings' Suffering!"

His eyes slowly opened, and the word "卍" lit up between his brows.

The Buddha's light and thunder, which contains great terror, burst out, pouring down like golden rain all over the sky!.

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