Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1566: Left-Handed Titan Right-Handed Dragon, I'll Give You A Flower Hand! (Seeking Subs

"In my domain, you have exhausted all your means, Duan Ye, and you can only wait to die and become my dinner!"

"This is the gap between you and me, even if you are strong in battle, so what?"

"Using that brute force to break through the old man's soul demon domain? Wishful thinking..."

Listening to this voice, Yun Zhou frowned tightly.

He really felt a surge of ghostly power, eroding his soul.

And this dense black mist is pitch black, cutting off the five senses and consciousness, and there is no sense of direction at all.

As if blocked into nothingness, no matter how he withdraws, there is no possibility of escape.

"Emperor Bone, Demon Swallowing Art, activate!"

Dazzling golden light shines from the chest, illuminating the surrounding gloom.

At the same time, the feeling of being eroded soul disappeared.

The "Devil Devouring Art" keeps running, and it actually started to reversely absorb the power of the undead in the black mist.

Immortal-rank supreme magic, can swallow all the magic energy!

As a person in the righteous way, Chen Zuo can cultivate the power of soul and power, but it belongs to a kind of magic way, so this exercise is restrained.

"Impossible, what kind of sorcery is this? Can it swallow the domain?!" Chen Zuo exclaimed in disbelief.

That mysterious black hole is actually swallowing the energy of his domain!

Incredible! 160

"This kid is too secretive, he must be killed today!"

Chen Zuo's eyes flickered with gloom, and he pointed his palm at Yun Zhou from the air, "Poulun said, kill ghosts!"


In the pitch-black mist, countless scarlet eyes lit up.

On the ground and in the mist, the evil spirits struggled and climbed, moving slowly but full of ghostly aura, roaring and approaching Yun Zhou.

"Fohua Yaotian!"

Above the field of black mist, Gold's clouds are brilliant in the sky.

Under the illumination of the Buddha's light, the undead wailed in pain, and then dissipated into bursts of black smoke.

Seeing that surrounding and strangling could not be done, this group of freshmen stopped their moths to the flame.

All gathered around Yun Zhou's four outer circles, staring at him with greedy scarlet eyes.

"The soul and soul are in the same shape, the nine-faced Yama!"


The moment Chen Zuo's voice fell, a monster titan with a green glow all over his body slowly walked out of the black mist.

It has a burly figure, and the group of undead can't even reach the bend of its legs!

With its appearance, the undead were frightened in an instant, screaming and trying to escape, but before they could move (bfbf), they were grabbed by it one by one and thrown into the big mouth

In the end, the undead scattered, and it sucked in all the souls into its mouth!

The undead swallowed up, and his stature skyrocketed.

A full belch resounded for a hundred miles away, and the black mist was blown away, and its appearance was finally revealed.

The whole body is pitch black, and the whole body is armor made of mist. There are nine faces on the giant, and a human face exhales on top of the head. It looks extremely terrifying!

There is an invisible oppression in the breath, and an unspeakable deterrence in the scarlet eyes!

Not far away, Yun Susu and the others were stunned.

"Is this how Chen Zuo slaughtered all beings?"

Such a terrifying power makes one's scalp tingle!


Yan Luo glared angrily, with a strange green rune on his fist, and smashed towards Yun Zhou, the gust of wind could destroy a dense forest!

Chen Zuo laughed ear-piercingly, "Boy, I can die in its hands, you are proud enough! But unfortunately, in my eyes, you are still an ant, Dala... .."

He smiled jokingly, like a villain who has lost his ambition.

But not long after, the smile seemed to froze on his face, and the whole face suddenly became astonished.

In the eye, a fairy dragon hovered above Yun Zhou's head, and its five claws tightly clamped Yan Luo's big hand.

Beside him, a Gold titan whose stature was almost the same as his Tao, with his upper body bare, his muscular arm locked onto Yan Luo's other arm.

The left hand is the titan and the right hand is the dragon, the galaxy shines in the sky!


One dragon and one titan exerted force at the same time, they actually grabbed Yan Luo and threw it out, crashing into the barren mountains!

Chen Zuozui twitched, "This... what kind of trick is this? Dao Xing? But why does this kid have two?"

Yan Luo stood up unsteadily, then seemed to be offended, roared and ran towards the two!

bang bang bang!

Yun Chi wrapped around Yun Pangu and fought Yan Luo together.

Every blow contains the power to destroy the world, and it seems to be able to kill everything!

The sky is collapsing and the earth is shaking!

The surrounding black mist was completely dissipated with the gust of wind, and the bright light continued to dazzle, and the aftermath it emitted was chilling!


Yan Luo's arm beat wildly, the nine faces opened their mouths, and a death-like light shot out.

The fairy-shaped Yunpangu was twinkling with golden light, Yunchi's eyes suddenly brightened, the sound of the dragon's whistling shook the heavens and the earth, his body suddenly dissipated, and turned into a little bit of starlight and merged into Yunpangu's body!

In an instant, Yun Pangu's figure gradually shrunk, but his aura became more than ten times thicker!

A hand stretched out, and the narrow palm tightly clamped Yan Luo's fist. He raised his head to the sky and screamed, and threw it up!

Like a baby throwing down an adult, the visual impact is extremely strong.

Then, the figure of titan disappeared suddenly, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the top of Yan Luo's head.

He raised the Haotian Hammer high in his hand, and smashed it down with all his might!


He actually smashed the face on top of Yan Luo's head in a daze!

Yan Luo wailed, and suddenly grabbed the figure of Titan with two huge palms, and slammed it hard.

Yun Pangu couldn't resist the majestic power, he was thrown out and smashed several mountain peaks before he could barely stop!

It forcefully stood up, expressionless, the Wu Tian hammer in its hand flashed with thunder, full of fighting spirit!

On the other side, Yan Luo's situation is much worse than it.

Green's blood was flowing on the top of his head, and he looked terribly hideous.

In this wave, Yun Pangu had the upper hand.

But in the final analysis, it is because Yun Chi passed the awakening period at a critical moment and became a perfect body!

Otherwise, the difference in the realm of Taoism is too large.

Even if it's two against one, it won't take any advantage.

Yun Zhou looked up at Yan Luo, who was howling in pain in the void, and then at Chen Zuo, who was stunned, with a dignified expression.

In two lifetimes, this was the first time he had encountered such a difficult opponent.

Now Yunchi has evolved into a complete body, plus the fusion with Yunpangu.

Its combat power alone is even comparable to that of Chen Fusheng!

But even so, is it just ruining Yan Luo's face?

[I wanted to rely on my strength, but the reality doesn't allow it. 】

【No... I have to hang up!】.

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