Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1568: Just For A Breakthrough! Find A Stage! (Seeking Subscription)

Taking a deep breath, Chen Fuxian stopped thinking.

Turning his head to look at Zhao Miaozhu who was at the side, he pondered and said:

"Master Zhao, Chen has a suggestion for you."

"It's still the same sentence when I came here, no matter what, don't fight with Yun Zhou, or you will die.

Zhao Miaozhu's beautiful eyes darkened and turned over her head.

After seeing Yun Zhou's force value.

How could she have the guts to fight with others?

Furthermore, she and Yun Zhou had never had any grudges, and they never thought of any grudges at all.

not to mention......

This guy is like a god, people can't afford to fight at all.

Moreover, she originally believed that this person's fate was higher than that of Chen Fusheng.

Maybe he is more suitable to be the master of this fairyland than Chen Fusheng.

To treat such a person, crossing the "May 67" life gate has always treated each other with courtesy...

At the sight, Chen Zuo was dying from the continuous thunder bombardment, while Chen Fuxian retreated quietly.

Zhao Miaozhu was stunned, what are you doing?"

"What? Of course I escaped!"

With a rare serious look, Chen Fuxian said, "Tell Yun Zhou for me, I have no objection to him killing my uncle, and I also disliked that old thing a long time ago!"

"That's why I won't trouble him. I'll also restrain him from the Chen family and tell him not to come to me. Trouble!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Fuxian lowered his head and made a thank you gift!

Zhao Miaozhu:((0))

Are you sure this is the second head of the Chen family?

How outrageous!?

Zhao Miaozhu was not familiar with Chen Fuxian at all, when he heard that Chen Fuxian wanted to escape regardless of his uncle's safety, his impression of him suddenly became worse.

So she didn't say much, and thought for a while and said, "Then you are not interested in the things sealed in this forbidden area?"

Chen Fuxian's head was about to become a rattle, "There's no need, I can't compete with him now, just give it to him.

"Can't compete..."

Zhao Miaozhu frowned tightly, her expression became inexplicable.

On the other side, Chen Zuo persevered in the punishment of heaven.

This weird combined force of Heaven's Punishment is too terrifying.

If his cultivation base was not high enough, he would definitely not be able to survive for such a long time.

But even so, facing such a vision of heaven and earth, he still couldn't hold on.

However, Yun Zhou also used the way of reincarnation to freeze the time of his body.

Unless you give up your body, you can't escape!

To be honest, if it was only Yun Zhou himself, Chen Zuo really wouldn't be in such a state.

What's abominable is, those two female dolls who have recovered their fairy power!

The three of them work together, and their power is comparable to the fifth floor of the Emperor Realm (middle level)!

Coupled with Yun Zhou's mysterious double shape, and the blessings of the nine Taoism.........

Counting everything together, killing his frail body is really effortless!

Soon, Chen Zuo's body began to collapse with the thunder bombardment!

He never imagined that he would be defeated by a few juniors, and he would be completely crushed!

"Damn! Damn you!!"

Chen Zuo glared angrily, his pitch-black eyes fixed on the three people above through the thunder light all over the sky.

I can't wait to eat the meat raw!

"Want to kill me? Just rely on you, that's a fool's dream!"

"Destroy my physical body, kill my Taoist form..."

"Yun Zhou, this old man will never die with you!!"

After the words fell, his figure had almost collapsed.

Without time to hesitate, all the soul power dissipated into a black mist, and the immortal power in the Dao Sea enveloped the soul, and fled away directly!

There was no sound during the whole process, and it flew towards the extreme north at high speed!

But the three people above saw this scene very clearly.

It's just that some of them didn't respond for a while.

The wind is sunny and the thunderclouds have dispersed.

On the barren ground, there is a dark and deep pit that is tens of feet long!

Chen Zuo's body was completely annihilated, his clothes and the minced meat can be seen.

It's just that Yun Zhou didn't feel complacent about it.

On the contrary, he looked a little tense.

This Chen Zuo practiced the way of the soul.

Contrary to normal people, compared to his body, his soul is the most difficult to deal with.

And the reason why he was able to kill his physical body so smoothly before.

It was all due to the opponent's initial underestimation of the enemy.

If the opponent comes up and directly exerts all his strength, he has no possibility of persisting until now!


Letting out a long breath, Yun Zhou fell to the ground, his face pale as paper...

The combined attack just now almost wiped out even the vast sea of ​​Tao in his body.

Yun Susu dragged his tired body to his side, and fed the recovery pill into his mouth.

"Or let him escape?"

Yun Susu felt that things were a little tricky.

She had heard of Chen Zuo a little bit, and he belonged to the kind of ruthless and merciless.

If you don't kill him today and let him lie dormant, it will become a disaster in all likelihood in the future!

Yun Zhou frowned, and his expression became more and more weird.

It is true that Chen Zuo escaped, but the direction in which he escaped...

He took a deep look at the extreme north of the forbidden area, and his expression gradually became strange.

At this time, a shiny green light on the ground caught his attention.

It was the storage ring that Chen Zuo's physical body annihilated and dropped.

It didn't turn into fly ash under that kind of powerful lightning strike, presumably this ring body alone is not ordinary.

Yun Zhou mobilized Xianli, held the ring in his hand, and explored its inner space.

When the divine consciousness had just entered, a black mist suddenly struck, as fast as lightning!

Yun Zhou's mind froze, and he dodged the attack at a speed almost like an afterimage.

Cold sweat could not help but flow from his forehead.

[Good guy, this Chen Zuo is really sinister. 】

【If I did that just now, I guess my mind would be cold. 】

Gently took a 3.3 breath, Yun Zhou wrapped the celestial power around his consciousness, and continued to investigate.

This time, there was no attack, and the whole process was quiet.

But looking at this wave, Yun Zhou was really moved.

It is indeed a monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years and looted countless treasures!

The treasure in this storage ring is comparable to the full background of a middle-level power, right?

"There are no less than ten Immortal Rank Yundao Pills alone. If I use all of them...wouldn't I be able to enter the second level of consummation?" Yun Zhou's eyes lit up.

With the blessing of nine kinds of Taoism, he didn't have the side effect of using the pill to break through.

If he can digest all these pills, his strength will be even higher!

Of course, now is not the time to improve your strength.

The stage is set up, it's time for the main show. .

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