Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1570 : Peeping In The Dark! The So-Called Husband And Wife Are One! (Seeking Subscription)

at this temperature.

Not to mention living people, even monsters dare not approach easily.

The three of them were suspended above the icy waterfall, their bodies covered with immortal light, but they couldn't feel the coolness.

Jiang He looked at the ice waterfall below, and looked at Yun Zhou suspiciously, "You mean, Chen Zuo is in this ice waterfall?"

Yun Zhou shook his head and looked at the icy lake below, "Strictly speaking, it should be in the icy lake where the icy waterfall flows..."

With his Emperor Realm (intermediate) cultivation base, coupled with the perception of the outside world by the "Tao Principles" technique, there must be no mistakes.

That Chen Zuo's aura must be under the ice waterfall.

And besides Chen Zuo...

This place seems to be still sealed?

Frozen waterfalls, barren mountains, heavenly lakes... the former Immortal Emperor seems to be the Earth Lord sealed here?

Roughly the same.

At this time, Yun Susu said: "Xianli can't get in, there are hidden universes in this icy lake, and there are nine out of ten dangers."

Jiang He felt it carefully, nodded and said, "This place is full of weirdness, if you go in rashly, something may happen."

But Yun Zhou shook his head, "Even though it's weird, I still have to go in."

Not to mention that Chen Zuo must die, he is very interested in the earth venerable in this sealed land.

And if Chen Zuo survived this time, it would definitely cause a catastrophe.

I am not afraid of the other party's revenge, but any confidante other than him, if he is targeted by Chen Zuo, the fate can be imagined.

Therefore, combining various factors, Chen Zuo must be killed today!

Yun Susu also detected the unusualness of this place, after taking a deep look at Yun Zhou, he guessed what the other party was thinking, nodded and said: "Well, I will go in with you.

Although her current combat strength has already been surpassed by Yun Zhou, being by her side will make Yun Zhou safer.

Otherwise, with his own strength, he might not be Chen Pian's opponent.

Jiang He at the side also responded after hearing the words, "I'll go too.

Yun Zhou took a look at the seriousness of the two, and didn't refuse.

"Okay, let's take some Yundao Dan first to recover."

They had just gone through a killing battle, and their condition was not good to the naked eye.

The three of them took the elixir respectively, and sat on the ground recovering from their injuries and immortality.

About half an hour later.

Several people opened their eyes one after another, golden light shone in their pupils, obviously they had recovered more than half.

It landed on the icy lake, and through the crystal clear ice body, one can vaguely see the faint light emitting from its interior.

Yun Susu felt it carefully, and then his eyes pondered:

"There is a good formation in it, if we want to sneak in secretly, I am afraid it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou's voice was surprisingly calm: "Since you can't sneak in, then force your way in!"

"Asshole! Damn asshole!!"

"He is only on the second floor of the Emperor Realm (intermediate level), how can he detect my location!?"

Chen Zuo's soul was glowing with black light, and he was drifting restlessly.

He clearly sensed that the three of Yun Zhou had arrived above the icy lake, and their anxious faces twitched for a moment.

"I'm so stupid, why did I agree to that bastard Chen Fusheng?!"

"With the death of the physical body, the combat power will inevitably be damaged. In the hands of the three of them, they will definitely not be able to persist."

"Furthermore, the place where you escaped at will, you can sneak in by relying on your soul body to avoid the formation, but how do you get out now?"

"How to do this?"

On Chen Zuo's misty face, there was unconcealable anxiety, and he was thinking about it for a while, and his mind was in a mess.

Moreover, he is extremely weak now, if the three of them were to attack together, he might be lost in a face-to-face encounter.


Hearing the roar of the attack formation above, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't have time to think about it.

Sensing the powerful aura in the stone gate over there, he took a deep breath, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

"It's crazy, the old man is fighting!"

Chen Zuo roared angrily, then swooped towards the Shimen over there.

There were waves of ripples on the stone gate, and Chen Zuo's spirit disappeared.

She trembled slightly, and returned to calm after a while.


outside world.

above the sky.

Yun Zhou led Jiang He and Yun Susu, and the three of them worked together to break the formation under the ice lake.

The formation-breaking bow stretches across the sky, and the illusory arrows are surrounded by three kinds of unpredictable fairy lights.

The supreme power is condensed, and the fairy rhyme that reverses the sky is sharp, as if it has the terrifying power to pierce all things!

Use the joint column to gather the fairy power on the two girls.

While controlling the formation-breaking bow in this way, his mind became complicated.

The outside world's Linmen matter has basically been fixed, but there is no need to worry too much, you can let it go first.

What remains to be considered is how to arrange the aftermath!

The great terror sealed in Lin Menli can help him relieve a lot of worries.

It might even be used as a hole card against Tiandao and Mozun.

It's just that if you want to close this person, the resistance in the middle is not small.

Especially his wife from the previous life... No, the cherry blossoms I picked in this life.

Lin Lang Zhantai.

As an existence imprisoned by the former Immortal Emperor for three thousand years, she definitely didn't want her reincarnation to go too smoothly.

And this trip to Linmen, I saw her coming a long time ago.

It is estimated that it is also for the respect of the earth.

In addition, if Yun Zhou's guess is correct, at this time, the Linlang Zhantai must also be in the forbidden area, perhaps somewhere secretly peeping.

After all, right now, he should be regarded as Linlang Zhantai's enemy.

She tried her best to occupy the Asgard Palace with all her thoughts, and she just wanted to take revenge on her own power (Zi Nuo Zhao).

Even so, she has no reason to let go of this opportunity.

As for fighting with his wife, Yun Zhou didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Husband and wife are one body, everyone belongs to him, won't it be a matter of time if the heart is taken down?

Yun Zhou also understood in his heart that although Linlang Zhantai's cherry blossoms were forcibly taken away, it is not something that can be achieved simply by a few contacts for her to trust and even fall in love with him again.

Maybe... I can walk more times on the cherry blossom road?

After all, there is the fastest way to the depths of the heart...

Without thinking too much, Yun Zhou shook his head, restraining his complicated thoughts.

Stretching out his hand for a move, the bow of breaking the formation jumped in his hand.

Draw the bow to the full string, and the arrow shoots out!


Accompanied by the sound of galloping and roaring down, the icy lake below suddenly burst out a terrifying black awn giant.

Block out the sun!.

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