Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1578: The More Shameless You Are, The More You Like It! The Way To The Heart! (Seeking Subsc

Once bitten, twice shy.

Linlang Zhantai's current defensiveness is extremely serious.

"So, you asked that vixen to bring me, the most important person, what are you planning?"

Without thinking too much, Linlang Zhantai asked again in a cold voice.

As soon as she mentioned the woman just now, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable, like a jealous girl.

Although she couldn't figure out whether Yun Zhou's feelings for her were true or false.

But when she thought of those confidante girls beside the other party, she felt sore in her heart.

Even if I was indifferent in my previous life, I was the only one by my side.

But what is going on in this life? There are so many Yingying Yanyan around

"Why is it counted? Zhantai, I am very sad when you talk like this, husband."

"And your jealous "one fifty" is too heavy..."

Yun Zhou shook his head with a smile, and said softly: "Where did this vixen come from? Shun was my mentor when I was young, and strictly speaking, she is half of my master. Are you jealous of her?"

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai let out a cold snort, but her icy face softened obviously, she glanced at Yun Zhou and said:

"Sorry, I don't know how to be jealous. It's better for you to be less narcissistic."

Although she would not express her inner thoughts, this kind of explanation that she had never had before still made her feel very useful.

"Say it straight, what did you ask me for?"

Without nonsense, Linlang Zhantai asked directly.

And Yun Zhou played with her Rou Yi, and said lightly: "If I say I miss you, would you believe me?"

"What do you think?" Linlang Zhantai gave him a big roll of eyes when he heard this.

If the Immortal Emperor was as shameless as this in his previous life, would she still fall in love with him?

Hmm...seems to be more like it?

Of course, this is the truth, but Linlang Zhantai will never admit it.

At this time, Yun Zhou also knew that the words from the bottom of his heart had fed the dog, he put away his teasing thoughts, and changed the subject:

"I met you in Linzu City before, but I didn't talk to you, are you angry?"

Originally, he didn't mention this, Lin Lang Zhantai didn't take it seriously.

But as soon as he mentioned it, Lin Lang Zhantai immediately became unhappy when he thought of the unwavering eyes he had seen him that day.

She snorted softly and said firmly, "Why are you angry? You don't deserve my anger!"

Yun Zhou glanced at her daughter-like appearance, smiled and shook his head: "It's not that I didn't want to talk to you that day, but that the bloodthirsty spirit in my body got on my head, and I was afraid that it would implicate you.


Hearing this, when she thought of Yun Zhou's scarlet eyes when he killed Chen Fusheng that day, she suddenly understood.

I couldn't help being surprised, and had an outrageous guess.

Could it be that he imprisoned me back then because...

Thinking of this, her expression became complicated.

But it was back to normal soon.

That's right.

Yun Zhou has so many thoughts, maybe he just said it deliberately to make himself lower his defenses!

Looking at the looseness in Linlang Zhantai's eyes, he became indifferent again.

The arc of Yun Zhou's mouth disappeared in a flash.

He said this, of course, not to resolve Lin Lang Zhantai's knot in his heart.

Thousands of years of enmity cannot be resolved with just a few weak explanations.

If you do this, it will make the other party feel that you have something to do, and the suspicion in your heart will be even worse.

It's easier to beat a good hand.

What he said now was just to plant a seed in the heart of the other party first.

Shaking his head, he continued: "Anyway, just don't worry about what happened that day, and besides..."

"You want to kill Lin Sheng for the key of the seal in his body, right?"

"You have planned so much against him, which is really wrong. It is a waste of energy and easy to be dangerous."

"If you want to enter this sealed place, you can just tell me. In the future, you must not take risks easily, understand?"

Yun Zhou looked at the other party with a concerned look. Because of the fusion of the Immortal Emperor's memory, the eyes were so sincere that it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

Of course, he also knew that Linlang Zhantai was mainly for the earth venerable sealed in it.

Naturally, Yun Zhou was also interested in that earth god.

He planned to bring Linlang Zhantai in together, after all, his predecessor was the Immortal Emperor, which cannot be concealed from the earthly respect.

In the past, my predecessor was sealed by others. In this life, I want to let others be my thugs?

Is there such a good thing?

So, after thinking it over again, he thought it was more likely that Linlang Zhantai would persuade the other party...

Of course, there are still many possibilities for subsequent changes.

It is possible that the earthly respect will kill the donkey after going out, and no one will help, then he can plan to use a group of hidden things to make a move.

It is also possible that the Dizunhui was successfully persuaded by Linlang Zhantai and helped her rule the Immortal Territory.

But here comes the problem.

The earth venerable was persuaded by Lin Langzhantai, but who will be helped after that depends on one's own means?

All in all, no matter what kind of accidents or possibilities there may be, everything must be seen by the earth respect first.

On the other side, hearing Yun Zhou's words, Linlang Jingtai was stunned.

Yun Zhou was well aware of all her whereabouts and plans, and it was impossible not to know what her purpose was.

So, he knew what he was going to do, and he wanted to take him to the sealed place?

For some reason, Lin Lang Zhantai's heart trembled slightly.

In her cognition, the Immortal Emperor, who would never allow any accidents to happen, would actually bring herself aboard?

"Aren't you afraid that I will bring the earth venerable under my command? Then everything you do will be in vain." She stared at Yun Zhou closely, her eyes flickering with temptation.

Yun Zhou smiled: 0.7 "It's all in vain? Have you misunderstood something? I don't have the intention to dominate the fairyland in this life."

"But then again, you and I are a husband and wife. If you have this means to win him over, I will support you."

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai's breath became stagnant.

As expected of Yun Zhou, he can say such words against his will so easily!

But when she heard the phrase "husband and wife are one body", she couldn't help but tremble slightly.

She could feel that Yun Zhou was sincere when he said this, as if he really regarded her as his wife.

Especially the little warmth mixed in that indifferent eyes.

Can't help but remind her of the "loving and distressed" eyes that day.

Maybe...his reincarnation.

Maybe my heart is not as cold as before?

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