Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1580: Good People And Beasts! Hello Horse Flea, I Like It So Much! (Seeking Subscription)

Be reasonable.

Although the current Linlang Zhantai's methods are good, it is still as difficult as heaven for her to enter the fairyland.

First of all, there are all kinds of conspiracies and calculations. If it was thousands of years ago, she would definitely not be able to do it, but in this life, she is used to it.

She knew very well in her heart that if she wanted to compete with Yun Zhou, she had to strengthen herself and do whatever it took to strengthen herself.

This is also the reason why she would kill Linmen grandparents.

It's just that she didn't expect that even Lin Yuan, who had dominated Lin Yuan, would still be such a thorn in his side.

He laid a net of heaven and earth by himself, but was finally escaped by others.

According to her understanding of Lin Sheng, this guy is by no means a good person.

Now that the enmity has formed, if they don't take measures to deal with it, it will inevitably become a serious problem in the future.

So this time, she wanted to ask the Earth Lord for help, and it changed from one thing to two things.

One is to help her dominate the fairyland, and the other is to help her kill Lin Sheng!

If the Earth Lord played the trick of crossing the river and destroying the bridge, then all the calculations would have to be repeated.

Thinking about it, Lin Lang Zhantai glanced at Yun Zhou's direction, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, not only planning something.

After Yun Zhou heard her words, he noticed her eyes again, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the other party jokingly, raised the corners of his eyes and said "tsk": "Plan to kill him?"

"What I said surprised me a lot. I just killed Lin Sheng just to get a key, but now I'm planning to plot against an earth venerable I've never met......

"Is this considered as 'If you don't use it for you, kill without mercy? Zhantai, Zhantai, when did you become so ruthless?"

As he spoke, he furrowed his brows slightly, pretending to sigh in disappointment.

When Yun Zhou said this, he naturally wanted to dismantle the other party from Lin Lang Zhantai's heart. He didn't believe that the innocent girl in the past would lose all conscience and only have power and calculation in her eyes

Of course, he admitted that his purpose this time was a bit "naive", but if it was only useful, he would not have wasted his thoughts in vain.

In addition to this, Yun Zhou also wanted to use another method to stop Linlang Zhantai.

Want to kill the earthly deity? Not to mention wishful thinking is almost the same.

You must know that the earthly deity is exactly the same as that recorded in the original text. It is an ancient existence derived from the chaotic era. It is so powerful that it is outrageous! Even the immortal emperor of the former imperial realm (consummation) can only rely on a sneak attack to successfully seal it .

Don't even think about how strong the other party will be after these ten thousand years have passed!

Maybe, it has surpassed the scope of the Emperor Realm and reached a realm that has never been touched by anyone.

It is not even impossible to say that it is comparable to the way of heaven!

In the face of absolute strength, any plan is futile.

With Linlang Zhantai's two actions, it is impossible to calculate him.

"You don't come here, I'm not as good as you compared to being cruel and merciless."

Lin Lang Zhantai looked at him faintly, "Tell yourself like an upright gentleman, 'If you don't use it for you, you will be killed without mercy'? I'm afraid it's not you who said it!"

It's not difficult to hear a deep resentment mixed in the voice.

Indeed, even if Linlang Zhantai's method is a hundred times stronger, it may not be comparable to Yun Zhou.

She had noticed all those years when the other party was the Immortal Emperor.

Not to mention anything else, just this guy executed tens of thousands of people who opposed him!

Not to mention those monks who were enemies with him, all counted together, the number cannot be counted.

Moreover, if this guy's secret from thousands of years ago is exposed, he will probably become the target of the whole world!

To be able to join forces with the Demon Lord, I don't know what he thought at the beginning.

Of course, this matter is one of the few secrets, and Lin Lang Zhantai did not take this as a threat because of the sincere notification from the former Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, in this fairyland that hates demons, how could he, Yun Zhou, live smoothly?

But then again, even if she said it, without evidence, no one would believe her words.

After all, the Immortal Emperor is an indefeasible existence for all beings in the Immortal Domain.

If the wave is not done well, it is easy to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

As for what exactly Yun Zhou did in his previous life with Demon Lord Ling Luohuan...

The Immortal Emperor did not tell her, and this matter is still a mystery.

Linlang Zhantai infers that it has an inseparable relationship with the way of heaven.

As she thought about it, the disdain in her heart became even worse.

It is said that good and evil are irreconcilable, and when encountering an absolutely powerful opponent, they will still lower their faces and join forces with the mortal enemy.

You, Yun Zhou, have the nerve to talk about me like this?

".〃Hey~ I think your words are very prejudiced, and I didn't mean to belittle you. In this fairyland, being cruel is not a bad thing, right?"

Hearing this, Yun Zhou knew that his thoughts were in vain, so he couldn't help recovering his unmoving face, and said sadly:

"Good people don't live long and cause trouble for thousands of years. They are a sign of troubled times. If they are more cunning, they will be better for themselves.

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai bowed his head and said nothing.

If the Immortal Emperor said this thousands of years ago, she would inevitably have to argue.

After all, isn't a naive and good person better than that bad, oily beast?

But now, she realized it.

Good people are naive, but they can't live long in this troubled world.

Not to mention far away, from ancient times to the present, who can sit on the position of the master of a sect, even a small sect, which (Li Qian's) does not have hundreds of thousands of lives in his hands?

Regarding this point, she, who was freed from the shackles of the fairy palace and annexed other forces, has long felt the same.

"That earth venerable is not easy to deal with, if you think you can't persuade him, leave it to me.

At this time, Yun Zhou suddenly smiled and said.

Lin Lang Zhantai took a deep look at him, then nodded and said, "Okay."

She also knew that she had no means to deal with the earth venerable, so it would be easy to leave it to Yun Zhou.

Especially this time the two entered the sealed place together.

Instead of hiding all kinds of caution, she might as well be more generous and calm.

As for Yun Zhou helping her now, Lin Lang Zhantai is just listening.

This guy always speaks nicely... Qin

Fart Ace: The author is a lamb, and the update speed can't keep up. Please forgive me. .

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