Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1583: A Few Words Broken Dao Xin! I'm Mean But I Love To Hear It! (Seeking Subscription

As the master of the Immortal Palace, Linlang Zhantai is very knowledgeable.

When he saw what this roulette-like thing was, he couldn't help being stunned.

Resurrection plate, a one-time treasure that can bring the dead back to life!

As far as this kind of thing is concerned, even those old monsters in the forbidden area will go crazy and grab it when they see it.

Yun Zhou actually gave it to her without blinking?

In a daze, Lin Lang Zhantai suddenly remembered that the Immortal Emperor seemed to have given her many good things before he disappeared thousands of years ago.

There are many treasures like this...

It's just that after imprisoning her in the end, those past emotions were buried deep in her memory.

Resurrection...... Such a precious baby, just give it to me?

What is Yun Zhou thinking again?

She looked at the "580" with complicated eyes, and suddenly thought of something, and her heart trembled.

Could it be that... the constant preconceived ideas lead me to misunderstand him?

Did he treat himself as badly as he remembered?

"Yun Zhou, if you want to use me to do something, you can just say so, there is no need to treat me like this... I am not used to you."

Lin Lang Zhantai looked deeply into Yun Zhou's eyes and said.

Having said that, the sense of estrangement in the voice has obviously faded a lot.

Yun Zhou didn't pay too much attention to the other party's voice, in other words, even if he paid attention, he wouldn't take it seriously.

Because in his opinion, Linlang Zhantai's change of opinion towards him was expected.

Of course, it was expected that he would be stubborn as always.

Now, if Linlang Zhantai still wanted to seek revenge from him, it would be too wrong.

Although this woman used the "killing and decisive" sense of sight to cover herself up very well.

But in his bones is still the sensual girl thousands of years ago.

But the premise of being emotional is in front of Yun Zhou.

"Use what you do...."

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows and gave a faint smile, then asked in turn, "Why do you think I'm trying to use you?"

" put it bluntly, with your current strength, what is there for me to use?"

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai's breath became stagnant.

Indeed, with Yun Zhou's method and meticulous scheming, if he wanted to use him, he would never use this method of giving gifts first, otherwise he would definitely be on guard in advance.

But this feeling of flustered heart is not as good as being used...

"In the previous life, you were extremely indifferent to me, and you always sought benefits from me. It was because of this that the Linlang clan surrendered to you... So now you give me something, and I can't get used to it."

Lin Lang Zhantai pondered for a while, and then spoke out what was in his heart.

She didn't hide it, this incident was also a deep thorn in her heart.

Looking back, the former Immortal Emperor always treated her indifferently.

It wasn't until she was asked to bring the Linlang clan and the Wan clan to surrender to herself that there would be such a little smile and gentleness.

From her point of view, the Immortal Emperor has always been a machine without emotion, only interested in power and law.

Even the kind that takes advantage of everyone for it!

This kind of thinking is deeply ingrained and has taken root in his head.

She is sure that if she is still like thousands of years ago, she is just a vase without strength and scheming.

It is estimated that it is impossible for the current Yun Zhou to be kind to himself in every way as he is now.

Therefore, Linlang Zhantai had guesses in his heart.

Yun Zhou is kind to her, probably not because of her.

It's about how she can help Yun Zhou during this trip to the sealed land!

Although this can be regarded as being used, Linlang Zhantai is not unacceptable.

Having loved his indifference deeply, I got used to his scheming.

Whether it is the Immortal Emperor in the previous life or the Yun Zhou in this life, their temperaments are all elusive.

But at the very least, the secret joy that Yun Zhou brought her now has far exceeded thousands of years, and this is enough.

To Linlang Zhantai's resentful and powerless answer, Yun Zhou smiled softly.

He didn't show any expression of guilt, and his expression remained flat.

"So that's the case. According to what you said, my predecessor is really not a thing."


Hearing this, Lin Langzhan was stunned.

She didn't expect that Yun Zhou would scold herself...

It's just that before she opened her mouth to answer the question, Yun Zhou over there was serious again:

"Beautiful lady, even if she is looking for benefits, it shouldn't be just about power."

"Monkey Sun betrothed Seven Fairies, but only picked peaches... What a loss."

Speaking of this, Yun Zhou's eyes with a chuckle flashed an intriguing look, he shook his head and said:

"Fortunately, when I was reborn, I opened my mind and gained the charm of looking at the tower. Otherwise, I will miss the little cherry blossoms in another life. Wouldn't it be a waste of heaven?"

Yun Zhou has his own way to deal with the female nun's resentment.

The more shameless it is, the more useful it is.

Of course, you can't apologize too seriously, or you might become a licking dog.


Lin Lang Zhantai was stunned, never expecting that the other party would say such shameless words with a natural expression.

He also said that he found her charming point...

She was not fascinated by the Immortal Emperor thousands of years ago, but became reincarnated thousands of years later?

Is it because Yun Zhou is no longer resistant to YH, or after thousands of years of precipitation, she has awakened enough capital attributes to attract immortal emperors?

Lin Langzhantai looked down subconsciously, with a dazed expression.

Well, Yun Zhou's almost nasty words made her Dao heart collapse.

Obviously, most of the time the other party's voice was calculated, but when she heard this kind of words, she still felt secretly happy from the bottom of her heart.

Even, she couldn't help but blush 5.4 heartbeats.

Lin Lang Zhantai pursed her red lips, her delicate cheeks were extremely low, and she looked shy and hopeful.

But in her heart she had scolded herself out of flowers.

"Despicable", "Shameless"

What ugly scolding.


She clearly and clearly Chu Yunzhou is not a good stubble, but a devil who manipulates people's hearts, full of lies, and schemes against everyone.

She can still hear Yun Zhou's inner voice and understand the other party's essence.

But she still becomes lost because of Yun Zhou's few coaxing words.

Even, thousands of years of captivity will be forgotten in the back of the mind, allowing the other party to say a few words, which will make the heart beat faster.

Looking at it this way, what is it if you are not "low-spirited"?

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