Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1587 : The Millennium Plan Goes In Vain! Even The Humbleness Of Love! (Seeking Subscription)

That's right.

Although Yun Zhou is not considered the master of this world without immortals, he is also someone who has condensed the inner world.

"System, 1 point of luck, give me the right to dominate this world without immortals."

[Ding, the fusion of previous lives to create the "World of Immortals", the luck value required: 10 points. 】

"10 o'clock? You really are black-hearted, but it's worth it."

Yun Zhou shook his head, and directly exchanged for the control of this world without immortals.


With the thought of Yun Zhou,

A series of ancient runes flickered from the palm of his hand, and the dazzling light shone brightly.

A circular arc appeared in Yun Zhou's hand.

"This original life key looks really unique."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and then watched the corner of Gumen's mouth curl up.

It's just that Linlang Zhantai didn't see his smile.

At this time, she was still less than half a foot away from Yun Zhou, with her head lowered in confusion, all she was thinking about was how to apologize to Yun Zhou and make up for her slip of the tongue just now.

She really didn't want to let Yun Zhou, who had a relaxed relationship with her, stay away from her again because of her unintentional suspicion.

"The sealed place is about to be opened. Do you want to go in first or follow me? Let's talk about it first. No matter who goes in first, if the earth lord inside can't persuade you, you have to come out the next day."

Putting the arc on the protruding stone of the ancient gate, looking at the dots of light blooming on the gate, Yun Zhou said casually.

These words made Lin Lang Zhantai quickly come back to her senses, she was a little surprised, secretly thought that Yun Zhou really awakened all the means of the Immortal Emperor, otherwise how could he open the Immortal Emperor's natal world.

She has painstakingly planned for several months, but in the end she still has to follow Yun Zhou to get in?

But that's not the thing to worry about now.

She looked at Yun Zhou's indifferent face, and to be honest, she was really unwilling to give up at this point.

But, don't give up... what should she do?

Continuing to fight with Yun Zhou, after gathering the Earth Venerable, will you compete with Yun Zhou for the Immortal Realm?

For some reason, the idea that has lasted for thousands of years seems to be less firm.

She took a deep look at Yun Zhou, her eyes suddenly became firm, she shook her head and said, "I won't go in.

"Huh?" Yun Zhou looked over with a smile, "You don't want to use the earth god to dominate the fairyland?"

"No..." Lin Langzhan took a long breath, as if she had put down a big stone in her heart, and said calmly:

"Perhaps I shouldn't have made meaningless ideas from the very beginning. How could the majestic Earth Venerable condescend to help me?"

"What means do you have to deal with the earth lord? It's up to you. I'll quit."

"Of course, don't get me wrong. I just want to take this opportunity to apologize for what I just said. I shouldn't doubt you..."

"If you have doubts about my motives, or if you are afraid that after leaving here, I will become a stepping stone for you to unify the fairyland, you can also kill me first."

"I promise that it will be the same as thousands of years ago. As long as you make a move, I will never resist."

"After all... now you, I still can't resist.

Linlang Zhantai said in a calm voice.

Unexpectedly, I chose to give up.

You must know that the situation is changing rapidly, and the current situation is no longer the confrontation of several parties at the beginning.

If she didn't have the help of the earth venerable, she would have no chance to compete with Yun Zhou to enter the main fairyland!

It can be seen from this that she withdrew at this time, and the sincerity of this apology was given to her.

And not only that, she also thought of Yun Zhou's possible fear of herself, so she offered that the other party could kill herself.

Even when she mentioned this matter, she looked so relaxed and natural.

Perhaps in her opinion, compared to Yun Zhou's intention to kill her, is it more terrifying for the two of them to be strangers?

"Have you figured it out?"

Hearing Lin Langzhantai's words from the heart, Yun Zhou was also a little dazed.

To be honest, he really didn't expect Linlang Zhantai to give up at a critical moment.

Regarding the matter of gathering the earth venerable, she might have been calculating for how long, would she give up so easily?

But the other party is obviously not playing any tricks.

He even said he could kill her?

He envisioned many ways for Lin Lang Zhantai to apologize to him, and he even imagined that the other party would use the same aggrieved appearance thousands of years ago, grabbing his clothes and muttering that he was wrong.

…… Ask for flowers…………

But she never expected that she would apologize in this way.

In order to relieve myself, can the planning of numbers be wasted?

Isn't this stupid? Isn't it?

To be honest, from the beginning when the other party questioned him, he didn't act so angry.

After all, with his temperament, it is not impossible to leave the Linlang Zhantai and run in by himself, and people are right to suspect him.

But he never thought that he would make Lin Lang Zhantai humble by just making a temporary difficulty.

"I don't know what you're thinking..."

Yun Zhou shook his head and sighed, "I finally got you, how could I kill you..."

At this moment, the concubine Xian, who was extremely shrewd in the eyes of everyone in the world, was pitifully stupid in the eyes of Yun Zhou.

From his point of view today, it was an insignificant turning point, but at Linlangzhan Terrace, it rose to the level of life and death.

The woman's feelings for him were beyond words.

He also didn't expect that other than his aunt and Yanyi, there would be women who would love him to such an extent.

Maybe his confidante can do it too?

Yun Zhou was speechless.

He looked at Lin Lang Zhantai's stubborn expression, and thought he should step forward to comfort her?

But after thinking about it, he still gave up.

Now that we have reached this point, there is no need to engage in any hypocritical concern.

As long as the other party is no longer hostile to him, he is happy to be the other party's future protection umbrella.

"You won't kill me?"

Lin Lang looked at Yun Zhou in a daze, not understanding the meaning of the other's words.

I don't even understand the meaning of the phrase "it's hard to get".

In her opinion, she is a fairy concubine from beginning to end. If she really wanted to get herself, wouldn't she have been able to achieve her wish thousands of years ago? Why is it so difficult?

She didn't expect a deeper meaning, and she couldn't perceive Yun Zhou's difficulties.

All she cared about was whether Yun Zhou accepted her sincere apology. .

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