Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1589: Oh No, This Old Man Can Hear Me! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou was full of confidence, and he came straight to the Earth Venerable, and said lightly.

Although the Earth Venerable's reputation is not good, he is still as famous as the Dao of Heaven, and he will not embarrass him, a junior, so Yun Zhou is not worried about what the other party will do to him.

"Emperor Li Wannian? It seems that the Immortal Emperor really succeeded..."

"It's just that since he succeeded, how could he let someone in..."

The trapped old man muttered, suddenly seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly raised his head.

After seeing the figure in front of him, Sleepy's words froze suddenly.

The old face suddenly became sluggish as if seeing someone incredible.

"Aura of the Canglong, Qilin Taoist..."

"You are the Immortal Emperor!?"

The moment Yun Zhou stood in front of the Earth Venerable, a blank gaze suddenly fell on his face, sizing him up non-stop.

Immediately afterwards, anger and disbelief emerged from his voice, and under the terrifying sound waves, Yun Zhou felt a burst of anger!

Fortunately, before Yun Zhou came, he had all the celestial tools on his body, otherwise just a few words would easily shock him into serious injuries.

After all, the person in front of him at 15 is an earth venerable from chaos, and it is basically impossible for him to compete in his current state.

But now this situation just confirms a guess of Yun Zhou.

The Earth Venerable, who has been trapped for thousands of years, has not been eroded by resentment, and his consciousness is still clear.

Fortunately, the other party still has a little fear of the Immortal Emperor, otherwise, if he slaps him directly, he will probably be miserable.

After all, with the opponent's terrifying deterrent power, it is impossible to give him the possibility of using his hole cards. Unlike now, the preparations that should be made are barely complete.

[Aura of the Canglong, Daoist Qilin... Let's just say what the hell is this, I've never heard of it, how can I guess that I'm the Immortal Emperor?]

【I'm thinking that Lin Yuan is the reincarnation of the Dao of Heaven. According to this, shouldn't he also have the aura of a god and the appearance of invincibility?】

【No matter how you look at it, it feels a bit nonsense. 】

Yun Zhou felt a little bit unworthy of Sister Li when Emperor Zun recognized him.

I was still thinking about being able to pretend for a while, but I didn't expect the showdown at the beginning of the game. How can I play this?

"To be honest, although this junior is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, his way of doing things and his way of being a person are completely different from the Immortal Emperor's. To be honest, I also really despise the Immortal Emperor's behavior..."

"Obviously you and my predecessor have a common enemy, but he came to seal you. I can't agree with this, so this time I came here specially to rescue Senior Earth Venerable..."

"If the seniors are willing to turn hostility into friendship, the juniors can join hands with the seniors to fulfill the grand ambitions of the seniors and break the rule of heaven together..."

Since the earth venerable in front of him is still conscious, there is no need to make things complicated, and it may be better to speak out what is in his heart.

Moreover, the earth venerable flickered, and the treasure of chaos born with him would definitely be easier to subdue.

Yun Zhou was planning in his heart, but his face was full of righteousness, which is a rare seriousness!

Seeing that the earth venerable didn't speak, he just stared at him.

Yun Zhou cleared his throat, and continued: "If Senior Earth Venerable has any doubts about my words, then you don't have to, duck!"

"This junior is magnanimous in his heart, and he knew from birth that he has a mission to save the common people in the world, so the matter of uniting you to fight against the Dao of Heaven is a thought from the heart of this junior, and it will never come true!"

"And... my mother said that my child will not lie when he is young, so you can rest assured."

Dizun: "Day

Lin Lang Zhantai: "...

Open minded? Save the world? Will not deceive people since childhood?

Outside the temple gate.

Lin Lang Zhantai couldn't help but blush for Yun Zhou when he heard his "self-introduction", which made him panic with embarrassment.

When Yun Zhou said this, wouldn't he feel pain in his conscience?

How did he manage to make serious nonsense? This is too shameless.

However, Lin Langzhantai didn't know, Yun Zhou really saw himself that way!

That's right, although I'm a villain in name, I've been a serious young gentleman since I was a child, and my identity has always been a righteous person. Looking at Haotu and Xianyu, how many people are more righteous than me?

So this wave, he is really not boasting.

"Senior, you can think about it. In today's fairyland, the junior can be said to be your most powerful ally, and the junior is careful and kind, and will never betray his teammates. If you and I join forces, don't worry about me getting cold feet and going to the heavens." side......"

In the main hall, Yun Zhou analyzed righteously towards the Earth Venerable, trying to fool the old thing who had been imprisoned for thousands of years.

Of course, if the fooling is unsuccessful, he has other ways.

It can be said that he has gone through all kinds of troubles to come here from a long distance, and even annexed Linmen. Naturally, he can't just make this one-handed preparation.

In his opinion, although this Earth Lord is a god of chaos, he has no human mind after all, and it seems that his brain is not working well.....

Taking the present as an example, Yun Zhou's calculations full of loopholes actually made him fall into deep thought.

Isn't this a bad brain? What is it?

Looking at the pondering Earth Lord, Yun Zhou suddenly had some other thoughts in his heart.

Strictly speaking, Earth Venerable is the same as the Dao of Heaven, 370 comes from chaos and has no entity, the reason why it can condense and appear as it is [loyalty is that the aura of the authentic Dao is too abundant.

If he has learned the true way and devoured this earthly deity, wouldn't his strength be directly comparable to the way of heaven?

Of course, with his current strength, this is just a fantasy.

After all, the difference in realm is too great, if it really devours, it is still uncertain who will devour whom.

But although it can't be implemented now, the idea must be there after all.

When one day I have the strength, it is not impossible to plan well.

This kind of thought came to Yun Zhou's mind. Looking at the terrifying earth rhyme around the earth statue, he had a plan in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on the surface.

"Oh, it really is the reincarnation of that bully!"

"Talk one thing, but plan another thing in your mind... lie to me with some kind of conspiracy, but think about how to devour me..."

"Boy, you are doing well!"

At this time, bursts of mighty sounds suddenly came from the palace.

The anger is shocking and the momentum is huge!

Hearing this, Yun Zhou glanced at the suddenly angry Di Zun again, and was stunned for a moment.


This old boy, he will listen to the heart?

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