Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1594: Invaded Linlangzhan Terrace, Mysterious Lake! (Seeking Subscription)

But even so, Yun Zhou still didn't dare to be careless.

He laid out the isolation formations he had learned one after another, and did not stop until the immortal energy in the space outside the formations gradually faded.

The Chaos Immortal Gate opened wide, and the Immortal Road emerged.

"I'm thinking about the fact that after the Immortal Emperor sealed the Earth Venerable, there have been no rumors of chaos in ten thousand years. The reason why I co-authored it is because he sealed one of the only two Chaos Immortal Gates..."

While Yun Zhou was muttering, his heart suddenly came to a head, and at the same time, he was thinking about the fairy gate in Yunling.

[When you go back, you must call your aunt to clean up the dirty tricks. 】

【Last time the fairy gate disappeared without a trace, presumably it didn’t run away, and it went into hiding again!】

Yun Zhou felt that there was no wisdom in the fairy gate in front of him, so he guessed in his heart.

Without thinking too much, he focused on the "chaotic world" in front of him.

In the eyes, there is a vague but radiant fairy gate. The other end of the connection is isolated by the lingering fairy energy, but you can still feel its vastness and vastness.

The spiritual consciousness spread out, among which the eaves and walls were flying, the mountains and the sea were the same color, 15 big fairy trees shot straight into the sky, and the blue sea was extremely clear.

The light is bright, the immortal energy is floating, and the fragrance that floats out has a strong chaotic atmosphere. There are holy medicines that have never been seen by the outside world everywhere.

"The Immortal Emperor once said about the scene of the chaotic world, I think it's right... But, this fairy gate was actually opened by Yun Zhou?!"

Lin Lang Zhantai stared blankly at the scene in front of her, unable to react for a while.

Let’s not talk about how Yun Zhou learned that the immortal gate was sealed here by the immortal emperor, just the method of opening the gate, how did he do it

Even if you have the Immortal Emperor's memory, you can find the specific location.

It's okay with his current cultivation, shouldn't it?

Is it because he found a way to open the Chaos Immortal Gate in the Immortal Emperor's memory? Or did he have the strength to forcibly open the Chaos Immortal Gate as the Immortal Emperor said?

Lin Lang Zhantai was full of thoughts, and her deep eyes were fixed on the figure in front of her.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​celestial beings gushing out from within enveloped her, enveloping her whole body.

She only felt that her body was being filled with a strong immortal power [Wei power, physique... are all improving at an indescribable speed.

Without going in, just standing here, has harvested an unprecedented great fortune!

Of course, along with the creation, there is also a terrifying aura that permeates her whole body, that feeling seems to be able to crush her alive!

Danger and opportunity go hand in hand, nothing more.

After all, the road of chaos is not something ordinary people can step on.

Lin Langzhan tried it out, and finally came to a conclusion that if she wanted to walk this Immortal Road, she would have to pay a heavy price.

Even death is not impossible!

However, such opportunities for transformation are rare, and she said that she must not let it go.

Even if it's not to seek revenge for Yun Zhou, you must have absolute strength and hold his heart tightly!

She didn't know what to think of, but a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

But he didn't come to Yun Zhou's side, but chose to fall behind Yun Zhou.

If there is any big opportunity, you can let Yun Zhou come first, as long as you can drink soup along with it.

And just when she was thinking about it in her heart, there was an earth-shaking change from her initial thoughts.

Yun Zhou, who was outside the Primal Chaos Gate, had already stepped through the gate first.

Beside him, a pitch-black sphere was flickering up and down, which was the earth spirit he had just obtained.

Under tremendous pressure, this baby seemed to sense the affinity of the birthplace, trembling with excitement, and turned into a streamer, guiding the boat forward on the Immortal Road.

"According to what the Immortal Emperor said before, the chaotic world is completely separated from the Immortal Realm. It can be regarded as the interface above the Immortal Realm. It may not be easy for me to obtain good luck in it."

Lin Langzhantai frowned tightly, but soon relaxed it.

When the opportunity arrives, there is no reason to back down, and the next thing to do is to seal the back road.

Thinking about it, she made a move on the basis of the formation laid down by Yun Zhou, and once again covered the enchantment, until the flowing chaotic charm was completely cut off, and then she could hardly stop.

Up to now, unless the most powerful people in the hidden world came in person, absolutely no one would be able to notice that something was wrong.

"As for Yun Zhou...With his mind and meticulous thinking, he would not be in any danger in this chaotic world, not to mention that he is the reincarnation of the immortal emperor, so in a certain way, he can be regarded as a person from this chaotic world. reincarnated, so there is no need to worry.

Although Lin Langzhantai appeared calm and calm on the surface, he was much more careful than Yun Zhou in his heart.

After all, the current situation of the two of them is not optimistic.

There is an earthly figure inside who doesn't know if he will break through the seal, and there are still a few hidden powers outside who may be peeping.

Once someone discovers the existence of this place, the entire fairy city may be set off a turbulent sea.

At that time, all the powerful people from all walks of life will come together, plus the extremely dangerous earthly deity... Her and Yun Zhou's lives will be in danger.

Without thinking too much, Lin Lang Zhantai gritted his teeth and followed up.

Soon, through a blur of fairy light, Linlang Zhantai, who was under pressure, finally saw the scene of the chaotic world clearly.

At the other end of the long road, in the connected chaotic world.

The center of the road is blocked by a mysterious lake, in which golden scales are churning, and fairy mist is permeating, because it is so small that it is no less than ten thousand miles long!

The water of the lake is clear and transparent, filled with a touch of divine light, and the glow at the bottom of the lake is surging, magical and eye-catching.

From the very center of the lake, on a piece of abrupt barren rocks, the mist is steaming, and a towering tree stands on it!

A towering tree on a boulder!

The figure of Yun Zhou was just under the shade of the tree.

He stood there, looking calmly at the surface of the lake.

It is not difficult to see surprise and confusion in his expression.

Among the lakes.

Under the blossoming white lotus, there is a piece of emerald green color, and a little gold koi swims in it, like ancient stars.

Those golden scales sometimes sank into the lake water, sometimes leaped in the air, very lively, but the lake water they brought up splashed gold, which was very weird.

However, Yun Zhou saw it clearly, the lake water that was touched by the golden scales was the transitional fairy charm, because it possessed supreme aura.

Aura that can be melted!

This level of richness is definitely a "rare" level for cultivators!

【Ah, a good thing to improve the realm...】.

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