Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1598 : A Cheater That Raises The Difficulty! Open The Battlefield Of Gunpowder! (Seeking Sub

If he can get close to explore its secrets, maybe it will be of great benefit to him.

It's just that in this way, I'm afraid the trip to the Linmen Forbidden Land will become more troublesome.

"It's not easy to deal with?" Ling Luohuan froze for a moment.

Then, her eyes suddenly became bright.

She doesn't know what ability the demon monk in front of her has, but what she wants is to increase the difficulty!

Although the current Yun Zhou's strength has improved very fast, there is still a long way to go from her expectations, because of this, she is bored to death.

Now the demon monk is swearing to tell her that there are ways to increase Yun Zhou's combat power.

This is a good thing for her!

Ling Luohuan felt that this matter would become more fun in a short time!

If Yun Zhou saw the thoughts of the two "370" people here, Jubi would not be able to help but laugh out loud.

This demon monk is obviously an assist king!

He was worrying about how to improve his strength quickly, but when he turned around, he made such a mistake?

This is not just an assist for Ling Luohuan, it is also a friendly army for him!

"Yes, once I use the means, even if I only upgrade Yun Zhou to the emperor level (intermediate level) perfection, his combat power will far exceed the level!"

At this time, Zhiliu was still pretending to be loud as always, and the monk's refraining from telling lies was just a show in the eyes of a demon monk.

Hearing this, Ling Luohuan was a little bit fooled, Xia wondered if there was some secret technique hidden by this demon monk?

That's right, to be guarded by the Buddhist monks and the abbot for thousands of years, he must be a person with good means!

But... She looked at the face of this demon monk who buried him, and really couldn't think of what the word "unfathomable" had to do with him.

This is like a beggar saying in front of you that he can conjure up a mountain of gold, no matter how you look at it.

"However, since he was able to make a guarantee, it is impossible for him to just talk about it..."

"Let's not talk about whether he can investigate Yun Zhou's background, as long as he can make that guy grow up faster, he won't be bored......

There was interest in Ling Luohuan's beautiful eyes, and she lowered her strangled arms.

Afterwards, she agreed to serve as an ally's backing for Zhiliu, and casually planted a black awn on him.

The other party's original intention was to go to the forest gate to snatch the treasure, and the reason why she agreed to do it was simply to seek protection from those old bastards, so she would naturally not be stingy.

And for now... this is a cheat that can increase the difficulty of the game for her.

Before he raised Yun Zhou's strength, he couldn't be allowed to die easily.

During this period of time, the situation in Linmen was full of ups and downs, and there was not a moment of peace.

All the major hermit forces have sent strong men to Linmen to plunder the forbidden area where the brilliance soars.

Although it is not certain what the black awn that soars into the sky is, all Lu Yin world powers clearly sense that there is a peerless opportunity to appear in this world.

Moreover, this opportunity was obviously concealed by someone, and in that instant, there was clearly a place of celestial light and chaotic power that penetrated out of Ru!

This made the world leaders of various Lu Yin even more impatient, and they all warned the dispatched people to take down the opportunity at any cost.

For a moment, the entire Linmen fell into dire straits, as if it had turned into a big cake, waiting to be eaten away.

The disciples of Linmen's inner sect who were treated as prey were even more furious, hating the alliance forces of the instigator.

If it wasn't for the alliance's aggressive annexation, how could such a situation have happened?

Of course, what this group of inner disciples hate the most is Yun Zhou. After all, in their eyes, Yun Zhou is the chief culprit and the root cause of all this.

In their view, this Yun Zhou is simply the incarnation of evil spirits. In order to encroach on Linmen and seek the maximum benefit, he will not hesitate to commit crimes and kill, and use all despicable means!

First, they annexed all the peripheral forces of Linmen, and then beheaded tens of thousands of Chen family disciples. After this wave of operations, no one in the entire fairyland can pose a threat to them.

It would be convenient for him to unify the Immortal Territory in the future, but he made millions of people feel uneasy!

Including the arrival of the hermit powerhouses from all over the world, they turned Linmen into an unopened battlefield!

Once there is any change, Linmen will completely set it up!

The development of the situation can be said to be unexpected, but the instigator of all this is very clear...

If it weren't for Yun Zhou, it would never have become this kind of scene.

Many disciples who are still living in Linmen's inner sect, struggling to survive, are extremely afraid of this scalp-numbing young man.

But at the same time, there are also many people who have feelings for Lin Men who hate him to the bone, wishing to cut this guy Yun Zhou into pieces.

Of course, for those older generations who have hidden themselves, this is a crime of wanting to impose. They did not attack the outside world because of Yun Zhou. Also impossible and look.

Just at the right time, Yun Zhou happened to start annexing Linmen at this time, it can only be said that it was a coincidence.


Above the sky, in the clouds close to the forces of Linmen.

A boat chariot with a size covering nearly ten miles came slowly, crushing the void, giving people an incomparably horrified sight, as if a hill suddenly floated up and down in the sky, and the breath was extremely oppressive.

The father of the two brothers Chen Fusheng and Chen Fuxian, and a group of strong men sent by Chen Chen are all on board this boat.

Among them, a tall middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, the sky was shining with light, and his figure seemed to be shining with light.

"Third Uncle Chen Zuo's physical life card collapsed, and he fled back to the Chen family. This matter must have something to do with that Yun Zhou."

"Since the hatred 1.2 the hatred has been opened, there must be an explanation for this matter, what do you think?"

He stood at the end of the boat, his gown fluttering in the gust of wind, looking at the Linmen forces not far away, with an understatement of coldness on his expression.

The city directly in front and below is the Lin Clan city that the alliance forces have already occupied, and the flags of the alliance are planted as far as the eye can see.

Yunling, Haoyunzong, and Jiangmen, the flags of the three parties are fluttering in the wind, and they can be seen clearly from directly above.

At this time, there was obviously a monstrous evil spirit permeating the city.

That was the vigilant breath released by the powerful members of the alliance when they felt threatened.

Hearing the words of the man at the end of the boat, a murderous and awe-inspiring voice burst out from the silent boat behind him:

"Occupy the alliance, kill Yun Zhou, the empty door opportunity!"

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