Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1605: A Monk's Awakening! People Who Love To Laugh Are Often Dangerous! (Seeking Subscr

His smiling expression disappeared, and his pale black eyes looked at Lin Lang Zhantai without any emotion.

Seeing this, Yun Zhou calmly said in a low voice: "He has Chen Zuo's aura on him, most likely he refined Chen Zuo's soul..."

"Refining Chen Zuo?"

Lin Lang Zhantai was taken aback when he heard the words.

Even if Chen Zuo loses his physical body, his soul combat power is not weaker than the eighth level of Emperor Realm (middle level).

It is not easy to refine it without making a sound... This disgusting demon monk is not easy.

Perhaps, it was even more difficult to deal with than when the Immortal Emperor was alive.

At this moment, Zhiliu suddenly moved.

He slowly stood up from the bedding, and the temperature around him dropped suddenly.

In the eyes, his figure became clearer through the reflection of the phosphorus fire on the stone wall.

This is a burly, middle-aged and elderly monk, but his face is quite dry. It is said that there is only a piece of human skin covering the cheek bones. The cassock on his body is in tatters. gas.

Yun Zhou frowned, "Buddhist monks practice magic skills, no wonder they are called demon monks."

"The difference between the Buddha and the devil is just a saying, but you are brave enough to provoke the poor monk several times." Zhiliu's face was expressionless, and there was a rare emotion on his face, "It just so happens that someone came After torturing you, the poor monk will try your weight first.

After the words fell, a sinister smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and his shaking head creaked.

The pale black eyes narrowed slightly, and a murderous intent filled with playfulness drifted away.

Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly set his eyes on Lin Langzhan's platform again. After a moment of surprise, the smile on his face became even wider:

"Speaking of which, if the poor monk kills your woman, you will definitely become stronger if you get angry?"

His purpose is to hone the opponent's combat power for Ling Luohuan.

As for the method, he is a demon monk, so he doesn't pay attention to any normal methods.

Sensing the surging murderous aura coming towards his face, Lin Langzhan's face was solemn, and the jade seal artifact in his hand shone with gold light, and the mountain was immediately filled with divine power.


The jade seal in his hand rose into the sky, forming a phantom with abnormal patterns in the void, and smashed towards Zhiliu!


The deafening roar seemed to suppress a whole world, but it only made Zhiliu take a step back, without even hurting the slightest bit.

"This power... is above the fairy weapon!? Haha, I found a treasure!"

Zhiliu was stunned for a moment, and then became excited as if he had discovered a treasure. Suddenly, he raised his fist and smashed towards Linlang Zhantai.

"Shenxi · Town Huanyu!"

Linlang Zhantai shouted angrily, and poured out his understanding of Shenxi's skills. In an instant, a dazzling golden light flickered, and the phantom in midair solidified, firmly suppressing Zhiliu!

The evil spirit was raging but he couldn't struggle out.

While the reflected seal was suppressing Zhiliu, the power of the artifact was fully revealed, and black smoke filled the air every time, as if some mysterious power was burning him.

At the same time, the horrifying roar of Taoism can be heard endlessly, and the immortal energy in the mountain is surging violently!

Strangely, Zhiliu didn't resist, and was pressed under the seal of the gods, with dark lines drawn in his obscure palms.

On the surface, Linlang Zhantai had the upper hand, but her frown did not loosen at all.

She is very clear about what the two words "monster monk" represent.

As a person who could attract the attention of the Immortal Emperor in that era thousands of years ago, he was never so easy to deal with.

And after so many years of precipitation, the opponent's just revealed combat power [clearly above the Emperor Realm (upper level.

Although she was assisted by a divine weapon, her cultivation was too low to reveal the true power of the divine weapon.

In this case, as long as the other party makes a little trouble, she will definitely be in great danger!

On the side, Yun Zhou didn't rush to make a move, but sensed Zhiliu's aura.

But what is strange is that the soul power of Chen Zuo that he had just noticed on the other party disappeared out of thin air!

"Strange, where did he take Chen Zheng?"

The tip of Yun Zhou's eyes lifted slightly, and his puzzled eyes fell on Zhiliu who was being suppressed.

"Could it be..."

"Jie Jie, what a surprise, there is such a treasure in the hands of the fairy concubine, I have never heard of it before..."

While bearing the pressure, Zhiliu smiled ferociously and excitedly, "This thing is destined to belong to the poor monk, so I ask the benefactor to part with it!"

After the words fell, a deafening sound resounded, and an invisible light rippled from the contact surface between him and the bottom of the seal of the gods.

I saw jet-black Buddhist and Taoist runes blooming all over Zhiliu's body, strange and mysterious!

Where the runes passed by, the light of the Divine Seal was constantly being corroded and changed!


Cracks appeared in the bottom of the real print that was pressing on the body, and finally it exploded close!

Lin Langzhantai's body suddenly went limp, as if all the immortal power in his body had been emptied, and he didn't even have the energy left to communicate with Shenxi.

Her pupils froze suddenly, "..."Too bad, he is washing my perception with Shenxi, and wants Shenxi to recognize the master again!"

Zhiliu's whole body was surrounded by evil spirits, the weird smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more eye-catching, and the Black Sanskrit script on his body was constantly entwined on the seal of God.

Lin Langzhantai's heart shrank, and she didn't care about anything, so she pulled out a mid-level fairy weapon and fought over.


Unexpectedly smooth, her sword slashed firmly on Zhiliu's wrist, in other words, the opponent had no intention of hiding at all!

Surrounded by demonic energy, a crisp sound like striking iron came, and the fairy sword (Qian Zhao's) was suddenly thrown out.

But at this time, Zhiliu seemed to have lost his patience, and the black energy in his right hand was blatant, containing unstoppable power, and smashed towards the front door of Linlang Zhantai!

There was a "bang".

At the critical moment, Yun Zhou stood in front of her, Ri Jiyin clamped Zhiliu's fist tightly to Fen.

"I said, a demon monk is also a monk. To be a monk, you must have the consciousness of a monk. Stealing other people's treasures is not like what people in the Buddhist sect do!"

As soon as the words fell, his whole body was filled with golden light, and the nine avenues were close to him, and he punched Zhiliu with all his strength!

At the same time, Shenxi broke free from Zhiliu's control and fell directly into Yun Zhou's hands, and the divine light shone again.

"Put it away, I don't care if it gets robbed." After speaking, he casually threw the Shenxi seal to Linlang Zhantai.

Lin Langzhantai felt sweet in his heart, and nodded in a rare and cute way, "Got it."

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