Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1608: Lin Lang Zhantai: That Dad Is Awesome! (Seeking Subscription)

Hearing this, Zhiliu froze for a moment, obviously not understanding Yun Zhou's brain circuit.

But soon he came back to his senses, sighed, and said with a little regret: "Speaking of it, the poor monk is too greedy."

"Ten thousand years ago, the poor monk knew that his end was approaching, so he found a barren hill and prepared to sit down, but who would have thought that there would be a great demon in the emperor's realm..."

"The monster has no soul, and Buddhism has the method of transcendence, but when I was young, I didn't intend to practice the method of devouring.

"Cultivators have a short life, demons have a long life... The poor monk swore to the abbot that this method of swallowing monsters will never be used in this life, but as the deadline is getting closer, the poor monk is still shaken."

Yun Zhou frowned and looked at him, "So the reason why you became a demon monk is because you devoured the Great Demon of the Emperor Realm "Six Four Seven"?"

Zhiliu nodded, "The demon has no soul and can be eaten, but it will also enhance people's desires. If they cannot be restrained for a long time, they will become what they are now."

Yun Zhou understood immediately.

He said that Zhiliu in Xiandi's memory was different from what he saw now.

At that time, the other party was still a neat and good monk, and it was precisely because of this impression that the Immortal Emperor did not take action against him after the name of the "demon monk" came out in the later period.

At that time, it was thought that the name of the "demon monk" was just an exaggeration from the outside world, but it was unexpected that this guy swallowed up a big monster in the southern border.

"There is a way that longevity and heaven are nothing more than human delusions, and reincarnation of life and death is human nature..."

"This kind of truth that even children understand, but the poor monk is stubborn, and even turned himself into a demon monk who is neither human nor ghost. The poor monk regrets..."

Zhiliu's voice is rare vicissitudes and sadness, as if he regretted the decision he made back then.

However, Yun Zhou frowned: "But why do I feel that you enjoy being this demon monk?"

"Ah this..."

Yun Zhou's straight eyes made Zhiliu feel embarrassed.

He really enjoys being a demon monk, but is it appropriate to say it now?

But Yun Zhou obviously didn't intend to write ink on this topic.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you are depraved or not, whether you become a demon or not."

He frowned and looked over: "I just want to know, where did Chen Zuo let you go?"

"Chen Zuo?"

Zhiliu was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and said, "The little benefactor is talking about the third son of the Chen family, right?"

"How do I know who he is? Then again, do you know him?" Yun Zhou asked.

Zhiliu nodded, "Of course I know him, he is the third younger brother of that old monster Chen Chen, he's quite a worthless kid, and I tricked him just now.

Yun Zhou looked down at his face, "How?"

Zhiliu responded: "That kid has no brains, so I told him to hide in my Soul Orb, and he got in without careful perception..."

"It's been so long now, it's estimated that the soul has been refined into a pill...It just so happens that I haven't merged yet, if the benefactor wants it, I will give it to you.

Zhiliu laughed knowingly.

But Yun Zhou and Linlang Zhantai looked at each other, and the big stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

No wonder that Chen Zuo's aura suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he had not escaped, but had been refined.


Lin Lang Zhantai suddenly felt something was wrong, frowned and said: "That old Chen Chen is not dead yet, how dare you refine his own brother?"

Zhiliu said: "Why don't you dare? Then Chen Chen is only in the same realm as me, and I am refining in front of him. What can he do to me?"

"Same realm?"

Lin Lang Zhantai's phoenix eyes slightly stared, "So your current cultivation level...

"Hey, before coming here, the Demon Venerable has cast the Dao Jue on me, and I have realized it, and now I am on the sixth floor of the Emperor Realm (upper level).

"Up to the sixth floor?"

Lin Langzhan's jaw couldn't close in shock, and the whole space suddenly became quiet.

She came back to her senses and looked at Yun Zhou in disbelief, "So, now you have suppressed a peerless power on the sixth floor of the Emperor Realm (upper level)?"

Yun Zhou also grinned, "The artifact" all depends on God......

He really didn't expect that this demon monk's cultivation level was higher than he expected!

If it weren't for the support of the two artifacts, Earth Spirit and Shenxi, and the fact that the other party was careful at the beginning, I'm afraid the two of them would have gone to see Hades a long time ago!

"No wonder he has the means to dig out a mountain in an instant. It turns out that this demon monk's cultivation has reached such a level!"

The coercion of Zhiliu just now at the Emperor Realm (upper level), coupled with the overwhelming power, not only put a lot of pressure on the two people in the mountain, but also caused a big phenomenon from the outside world, and the entire forbidden area trembled!

"Besides, this person is too shady... He actually planned to refine Chen Zuo without doing anything..." Lin Lang Zhantai murmured.

But Yun Zhou held a different view, shrugging his shoulders and said: "The situation in the Immortal Realm is chaotic, and sometimes brains are more useful than muscles. Chen Zuo's ability to be refined shows that his brain is not good enough, no wonder he's shady."

"Of course, it's a bit immoral for this monster monk to be true. As a monk, he actually devoured a big monster, which is a serious violation of Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching". He didn't even understand what "Tao follows nature"."

"Huh? Who is Lao Tzu?" Lin Lang Zhantai was taken aback.

"Ahem, what...I mean, daddy.

"Oh... Dao follows nature. If you can comprehend this, your father in this life should have a very high understanding of Dao."

"I tm."

At this time, the suppressed Zhiliu suddenly smiled apologetically, "It's quite embarrassing to talk about today.

Yun Zhou shook his head indifferently, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, it was just a fight, and you were the one who was suppressed, and we didn't even have any injuries."

Zhiliu sneered, "That's not what the poor monk said."


Yun Zhou frowned, "Then what else do you feel embarrassed about?"

Zhiliu looked at the two of them with apologetic eyes, then dodged and said: "It's nothing, just because I was afraid that you two would run away, so I set the highest restriction here in advance..."

"The highest restriction?"

I don't know why, but Quzhou's heart beats faster.

A bad premonition grew in my heart and spread.

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