Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1610 : The First Mission Failed! Destined To Go Is Not A Road Ah! (Seeking Subscription)

"Looking for treasure in troubled times is just to save your life.

"I hope you see that on the grounds that I kept my hand today and didn't plunder the treasure, I can forgive the poor monk when we meet in the future."

After saying this, Zhiliu raised his head, the moment the dazzling sunlight fell.

The smile on the corner of the mouth became wretched again, and he laughed softly:

"The demon monk and the true Buddha are destined to go on different paths."

The air froze for a moment.

There was obviously no fluctuation in the formation above, but Zhiliu, like a ray of soul, broke through the restriction straightly, without even causing the slightest ripple.

Watching the other party's figure disappear completely, Yun Zhou's brows slowly frowned.

Make an exception, that is definitely impossible.

As for the rest...

He looked up at the dazzling sunlight that suddenly appeared in the void, and his eyebrows gradually stretched.

"Is it a real Buddha?"

With Zhiliu's departure, the atmosphere became quiet.

Except for a foreshadowing, the huge mountain is just some gravel. Yun Zhou glanced at it, and finally stared at Lin Lang Zhantai.

Lin Langzhantai muttered in a low voice: "What should we do? Are we really going to be trapped here for decades?"

Yun Zhou:?

For some reason, he sensed from Lin Lang Zhantai's tone that the other party seemed to be... looking forward to it?

Is it an illusion?

Shaking his head, he replied: "I have nothing to do, just wait."

This formation, which can trap the emperor's realm (higher level) for thousands of years, is the highest restriction in the forbidden area of ​​Buddhism.

At this time, the formation is activated, and the consciousness and perception are all isolated. As Zhiliu said, it is an isolated new world.

Even if Yun Susu and Jiang He came to look for them, they might not be able to find them in the isolation of this formation.

But Yun Zhou didn't take it to heart, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and it's useless to worry.

At this time, a reminder sound suddenly came to his mind.

[Task: Overcoming the demon monk, the judgment failed. 】

【Punishment: None】

[The host is asked to decide whether to continue the mission. 】

This is the task given to him by the system when he first entered the mountain, asking him to convert the demon monk to my Buddha.

However, the demon monk's cultivation base was too high, and he had the highest confinement method in the Buddhist forbidden area, so he escaped in the end. From this point of view, it was indeed a mission failure.

Reasonably speaking, after two lifetimes, Yun Zhou has failed in missions a handful of times, but this time he really didn't expect to succeed, after all...the difference in realm between the two sides is too great 0

"Task continuation `||.

[Ding, the mission continued successfully. 】

In the system light curtain in my mind, the gray task bar that failed lighted up again, hanging in the light bar on one side.

As for Yun Zhou, Gu Jing Wulan turned off the system, and sat on a stone beside him with a calm expression.

Since you can't get out, then calm down.

Yun Zhou was relatively calm in dealing with things, and quickly calmed down.

As far as he is concerned, although this confinement formation is powerful, it is not impossible to solve it.

Not to mention other methods, in his Destiny Mall, there are countless treasures who can break through this formation.

It's just that the luck value required for such a baby is too high, and Yun Zhou is really reluctant if it is not a last resort.

And beside him on the Linlang Zhantai is a yuppie with a complicated expression.

From time to time, he raised his head and took a sneak peek at Yun Zhou.

His eyes dodged but there was a little expectation, and he didn't know what he was expecting.

The two of them just sat on two gravels, leaning against the stone wall, silently stunned.

At this time, the system's notification sound came again in Yun Zhou's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully subduing the artifact, the earth spirit artifact is opened in the attribute column. 】

The sudden sound made Yun Zhou stunned, Artifact attribute bar? What is this?

Also, didn't the land spirit sign a contract a long time ago, how can it be considered subdued?

Could it be that it took him so long to accept him?

Without thinking too much, Yun Zhou directly opened the personal attribute bar.

Host: Yun Zhou

Identity: Sovereign Master of Haoyun Sect, Holy Son of Yunling...

Cultivation level: Emperor Realm (middle level) seventh floor.

Constitution: Desolate battle body (one of the two bodies of immortals and gods) (complete), supreme immortal soul (complete), emperor bone (semi-complete)

Title: Peerless Demon Venerable (Devil's reverence degree: go through fire and water), Lord of All Immortals (intermediate level, immortal cultivator's reverence degree: convinced and approved), Immortal Emperor Alive (beginner level, reverence degree of all living beings: increase +10%)

Artifact: Earth Spirit (Day and Sky)

Utensils: Wu Tian Hammer (Top Immortal Artifact), Daye Clothes (Top Immortal Artifact), Yunling Jade Pendant (Intermediate Immortal Artifact), Xunlang Sword (Intermediate Immortal Artifact), Duanjiang Lingmai (Lower Immortal Artifact) ), resurrection plate (disposable fairy device)

Cultivation method: "Zhantian Jue One Level" (three layers in total), "Emperor Zun Fury", "Wu Tian Hammer Method", "Swallowing Demon Kung Fu", "Tao Principles"

Dao Rhyme: Emperor Dao (Dacheng), Buddhism, Dao, Demon Dao, Heavenly Dao, Emperor Dao, Reincarnation Dao (semi-perfect), Natural Dao (semi-perfect), Confucianism and Taoism.

Full-level Taoism: Angry Buddha Lotus, Purple Green Dao Ring, Heavenly Calamity Crossing...

Dao shape: Yunpangu (the middle period of the sixth level of Emperor Zhengdi)

Immortal form: Yunchi·Xianwei True Dragon (the mid-seventh stage of Emperor Zhengdi) (Awakening period: Consummation)

Binding villains: Shun, Xuanyuan Tianling, Gu Xianer...

Destiny Tig: Destiny.

Current luck value: 510.

Under the title, Yun Zhou found a column of Artifacts].

According to his long-term contact with the system, the only ones that can be included in the attribute column by this thing are those that he can accept and are qualified.

To put it simply, general things or things that Yun Zhou can't use will not be displayed in the property bar.

With the improvement of Yun Zhou's strength, the ".w threshold" of his attribute column has become significantly higher.

Take the identity column as an example. In the past, the identity of Haotu from the lower realm would be included, but now the identity of Haotu has been hidden.

If there is no need to appear, it will be refined automatically.

From another point of view, this earth spirit is obviously not simple, the system is above the utensils, and a separate column of artifacts is specially set up for it, which shows how impressive it is.

You must know that the top-level fairy artifacts and fairy tools are already the highest level of treasures recognized by all living beings, but even so, they are still relegated to Common tools.

And the earth spirit can open an artifact bar alone.....

That is, maybe this thing is beyond the category of "apparatus"?

That's right, even the mind is derived, like a big girl, how can it be a cold tool?.

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