Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1620 : A Girl From A Good Family And A Mass-Market Ktv? Test A Sp! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou didn't care about the change in Lin Lang Zhantai's expression, and continued on his own:

"After all, the status of the two of us, if we look at each other and stay together to the death, it will probably make people feel touched?"

"Maybe, those non-marriage monks will become believers in love again because of the two of us."

All right.

He was purely teasing the defense line in the other party's heart, preparing to erode her bottom line bit by bit.

After all, he still has the system to assist him. If he finds out a few things in the Destiny Mall, he can easily escape.

And the spirit stones on his body are completely enough to stabilize Dao Hai in him and Lin Lang Zhantai.

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai's face instantly turned red: "You, what are you talking about? Who is in love with you? Who is in love with you?!"

Well, she can always fall into Yun Zhou's routine unintentionally.

And she doesn't know it yet.

Yun Zhou raised his eyes slightly, looked at her and said, "Of course I know there is no love between us, but future generations will not think so, they will even think that we are a love that was buried together on purpose. couple!"

Lin Lang Zhantai heard the words, thought about it carefully, and immediately lowered his head muttering.

It seems that... it really will be like this!

"Then what am I? After being imprisoned for thousands of years and tortured by him, I still have to be passed down as a loving Taoist couple with him?"

"Although he may have reasons, but no matter how you think about it, he can't accept it!"

Lin Lang Zhantai sat downcastly and slumped on the side, his brows and eyes were extremely powerless.


Seeing her like this, Yun Zhou couldn't help laughing out loud.

Unexpectedly, the majestic Concubine Xian would actually have such a side.

Lin Lang stared at the table with a sad face for a long time, then looked at his ragged and messy clothes, and sighed helplessly.

She also admitted that she died together, but she must be clean. If future generations see this sloppy appearance, won't they be laughed at?

The cultivator's physical body will disappear after death, but the immortal tools on his body will not.

Wearing such clothes on her body is really not in line with her status as a fairy concubine!

But at the moment, there seems to be no other way but to bear it. After all, she has always only stored things like magic weapons in her storage ring, and she has no change of clothes.

She uses fairy charm to keep this clean on her body, but she can't keep it clean in this dusty stone room right now.

What's more, immortals are inherently limited.

Yun Zhou glanced back at her helpless eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Why, do you despise my clothes~々?"

Lin Langzhan shook his head, "There's nothing I can do if I dislike it, it's too dirty here, but I have nothing to change, so I can only bear it and wait..."

Before she finished speaking, a set of pure white gowns fell beside her.

Lin Langzhan was stunned for a moment, "Is this clothes?"

Yun Zhou said casually: "Common clothes are nothing more than fairy gear, but I haven't worn them, they are quite clean, if you like, you can change the one on your body first.

"Yes, of course I would!"

Lin Lang Zhantai responded happily, but suddenly thought of something, and asked tentatively, "Then do you still have underwear?"

"Hmm..." Yun Zhou thought for a while, and took out the triangular big leaf suit, "I don't have an inner shirt, but there is a top-level inner hakama, and it's original, do you want to change it? "

Yun Zhou: 0(*¯¯*)o

Linlang Zhantai:

When it was time to come, Linlang Zhantai didn't want the big leaf clothes either.

Although it is a top-level fairy tool, it is too shameful to change into this kind of worn-in underwear by yourself!

She took the shirt hesitantly, looked at Yun Zhou, pursed her red lips, and said tentatively: "Then I put on your coat, how long should I give you a massage?"


Addicted to massage?

Yun Zhou looked at her angrily, "Who do you think I am? Massage is just a transaction, and I'm not taking advantage of it. This clothes are given to you for nothing. Don't be a villain."

Common clothes that are not even considered a fairy tool, if you give it for nothing, you will give it for nothing. How can there be so many routines?

"If you're serious, you can't go back on your word!"

Lin Lang Zhantai's beautiful eyes lit up, and then, as if picking up a treasure, she smiled and walked towards the corner with the clothes in her hand.

Seeing that it was about to arrive, he suddenly turned around, looked at Yun Zhou seriously and said, "You, you are not allowed to peek at me!"

Yun Zhou was annoyed and said with a smile: "I haven't seen your whole body before, why do you have to peek at it? Hurry up and go!"

"Uh, yes."

Lin Lang looked at the table and thought, really, there is no more ink stains at the moment, and she walked to the stone cave in the corner with her clothes in her arms, got into the small stone room on the other side, and changed her clothes.


During the period, there was a crisp sound, but Yun Zhou didn't care, and lay down on his stomach.

Not long after, the sound of cautious footsteps came, and Yun Zhou looked back, only to see Lin Lang Zhantai sticking his head out like a little hamster, looking at him.

Yun Zhou laughed and said, "."What are you doing there? You haven't come out after changing your clothes?"


Lin Lang Zhantai twitched and twitched for a long time, and finally walked out slowly.

I saw her two little hands hooked together, her little head slightly glanced to one side, the loose clothes on her body fit much better, only a touch of snow-white was exposed at the waist, stretching down, like a cheongsam open to the pelvis , was tightly held by her small hands.

What's more, the underwear inside was missing, revealing a piece of long legs, the delicate face was flushed with blood, and the bright eyes (of Li Mo's) were shy and evasive.

The sight of a girl from a good family being tricked into mass-selling KTV to sing along.

Yun Zhou's head is full of "???".

He looked at the other party dully, his expression full of displeasure with Sister Li!

"Let's just say, how did the clothes I gave you turn into such an altar?"

Lin Langzhantai's legs were clamped tightly, and her small hands were firmly gripping the slit, and she said softly: "I think the size is not very suitable, so I tore some off, but I never wanted to be replaced by a stone on one side. After cutting a block, the slits were scraped...

Common clothes, compared to fairy clothes, the quality is still not very good.

Is it okay to cut a slit in the gravel?

He looked up and down the Linlang Zhantai, and his tone suddenly became low:

"So, are you testing a gentleman?"

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