Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1623: Black Is White, Grass, That Is Green! (Seeking Subscription)

It was dark in the stone room.

But Linlang Zhantai clearly sensed that the fur on the cat's body was stripped off!

Then this is very difficult for her to accept!

Could it be... last night's dream came true?!

In an instant, Linlang Zhantai's heart trembled, and his eyes were rounded, as if he had encountered something terrible.

To be honest, Sakura was taken away by Yun Zhou a long time ago. Although she was surprised, she didn't feel that way.

However, she still couldn't control the agitation in her heart!

Looking at this posture, I was thinking about the fragment of yesterday's dream... Maybe it was the cat hair that I took the initiative to pluck off!

Could it be that I was unconscious and followed the dream and took the initiative to attack?

Thinking of this, Lin Lang Zhantai's complexion suddenly changed, she opened her mouth like a "stunned old iron", and her expression was full of "zero four seven" unbelievable.

Just about to struggle to get away from Yun Zhou's embrace and sit up, but suddenly noticed something was wrong, he couldn't help frowning, ah Khunba!


A strange yet familiar feeling awakened Yun Zhou from his sleep.

Lin Lang Zhantai closed her beautiful eyes immediately, and did not dare to move.

Yun Zhou rubbed the center of his eyebrows in a daze, and when he saw the scene clearly, he also looked confused!

Good guy!

Who plucked the cat hair!?

"Linlang Zhantai, wake up!!"

Yun Zhou stared at the people around him twice, but they didn't respond at all.

He sat up slightly and looked over, only to see that the other side's face was a little hot, his eyes were tightly closed, his breathing was disordered, and his brows were all wrinkled.

Pretend to sleep score, national stars!

Yun Zhou looked over with dead fish-like eyes, and said expressionlessly, "If you're pretending to be asleep, don't blame me for being rude to you."

As he said that, he deliberately moved closer to Lin Lang Zhantai, with an undisguised sense of mischief in his eyes.

"Ah, no, I'm awake, stay away from me." Linlang stood up hurriedly on the platform, her beautiful eyes full of panic.

Then, after seeing Yun Zhou's half-smile expression, he was too ashamed to look up.

"If you don't agree with me, just be honest. Why don't you just say nothing?" Her face was flushed, and her big delicate eyes were full of embarrassment.

Yun Zhou looked speechless, "It doesn't matter what I say, who came up on the stone couch by himself?"

"Besides, I sleep honestly. You must have drilled into my arms on my own initiative. How can I blame it on me?"

Speaking of this, Yun Zhou suddenly realized something, and he looked down.

Moment: (())o

His expression became astonished. The whole person fell into a haze, looking warmly at Linlang Zhantai.

This scene is all over, there must be no other explanation.


"What did you do to me while I was sleeping?"

Lin Lang Zhantai's face turned red immediately, and she looked at him in disbelief, "You, you are shameless!"

Talking black is white, this has always been Yun Zhou's basic ability.

It's just that what Lin Langzhantai didn't expect was that the other party could be so shameless!

Thinking back to last night...she couldn't figure out what time it was either.

Anyway, it must be Yun Zhou's fault, because she heard Yun Zhou's heartfelt voice!

"This bastard is really bad." Linlang Zhantai gently bit her red lips and her beautiful eyes were full of complicated meanings.

And just now, she clearly heard the other party's voice saying: [It turns out that the dream of picking up the cat's fur last night was not a dream, but actually happened. 】

【Hmm...but I fell asleep and didn't realize it. I can't be blamed for that, right? 】

Listen, how shameless this bastard is!

Who the hell told you that you were half wrong!

But on the surface she was outraged, but she couldn't lie to herself about the thoughts in her heart.

She hadn't experienced that feeling since Sakura was taken away.

The warmth integrated into her bones made her experience an unprecedented sense of security.

Feeling Yun Zhou's breathing, and looking at Yun Zhou's face, she had to admit that Yun Zhou's body did carry a certain magical power that made her addicted and close.

Even after going through Kunkun, it seems that it is not difficult to accept.

"Bah! What a bastard, what am I doing?"

Lin Lang Zhantai covered her hot face, her cheeks were extremely red.

Speaking of which, since she and Yun Zhou were trapped here, the bottom line in her heart has been broken step by step...

From giving Yun Zhou a massage at the beginning, to wearing his clothes in the back, until now, it's really numb!

The speed of the fall is too fast...

"No, you have to control yourself, don't mess around!"

Seeing Yun Zhou, who was dressed neatly and got off the couch to prepare dinner, Lin Lang Zhantai secretly decided in his heart that he could no longer let the other party mess around!

Otherwise, she will definitely have problems, maybe the power and control Taoist heart that has been cultivated for a long time will be completely destroyed in one day.

"Hey, don't blame me for not reminding you, choose one of hot pot and barbecue."

At this time, Yun Zhou suddenly yelled in her direction.

Lin Lang Zhantai covered the covered quilt with her little hand, smelled the faint fragrance in the air, and turned away with a blushing face, "I don't want to eat anything!"

"After this meal, Lingshi is free and no massage is required."

"Ah, here I come."

She swished her clothes under the blanket, stood up straight away, and trotted over, without any dignity at all.

Let's put an end to what happened yesterday, after all, she had a very pleasant dream yesterday, so it's not unacceptable for the time being.

Strictly speaking, she didn't think it was her who suffered yesterday.

Arriving at the temporary stone table, Lin Lang Zhan leaned against Qiong's nose, with a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes, "What are these, they look delicious."

"Waiting to cook 1.1 dishes, why, the fairy concubine who has always been bigu, was infected by me and fell in love with fireworks in the world?"

Lin Langzhantai ignored his poor mouth, as if he was used to it, felt it carefully, tilted his head and said: "How do I eat this?"

"Just boil it and eat it." Yun Zhou gave her a funny look, then pointed to the oil on the table and said: "Later, I will fry this fairy butter and use it as the base. I will treat you to eat today." Authentic butter hot pot!"

"All right!"

Lin Lang Zhantai nodded in anticipation, then looked at the dark thing with puzzled eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Yun Zhou, what is this shiny green thing?"

"Oh, this is the fairy grass in the fairyland. I have tasted it and it tastes very good."

"Grass (really a plant this time)? Can cultivators eat this kind of thing?".

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