Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1632 : The Forbidden Land Powers Gather To Break The Curtain Of Chaos! (Seeking Subscription

Daoist rainbows shuttled across the sky, and the ancient boats that covered the sky galloped toward them.

All the beings in the fairyland who had been peaceful for thousands of years were invisibly drawn into the turbulent waves.

And as the instigators of all this, those strong men from hidden world forces didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all.

Whether the fairyland is chaotic or not, ~forbidden has the final say.

This is a widely circulated saying in the forbidden places of Fang Yin.

This time, the sun is shining in the sky inside Linmen outside, there must be some unexplained treasures, either powerful supernatural powers, or Legendary artifacts above the immortal rank. No matter what it is, for outstanding people like them, there is a great temptation.

As for whether this will cause the outside world to fall into turmoil...

Sorry, that's out of their scope.

They were ordered that those who collect the rare treasures will get the resources of supreme power.

For them, this is a good opportunity to rise up!

Many hermits are talking about this matter, and the whole body is filled with divine light.

"The vision of the Lin Gate Forbidden Land covers the sky. I think there must be some great opportunity. Since the Patriarch sent us out, we must not let this opportunity go." A cultivator dressed in black clothes with a young face that cannot tell the exact age Said.

"But I don't think it's that simple. The Patriarch said that there is an earthly deity in the vision, so it's better to be careful." The person beside him said.

"It's not just the breath of the earth venerable."

"The visions in that place came one after another. Even though they were finally covered up by someone with a heart, you can still feel the chaotic atmosphere exuding there. From my point of view, there may still be treasures from the chaotic world there!"

At this time, a relatively older person answered, seeing the light shining with wisdom.

And the moment his voice fell, there was a sneer from the side: "Instead of thinking about the treasure of chance, it's better to plan how to plunder."

"The vision that soared into the sky may have been triggered by someone. Since it has been triggered, it means that the opportunity may have been taken away first. You are still guessing what the treasure is here... It is simply mentally retarded. "

Hearing this, the faces of several people turned cold, and they looked over with unkind eyes.

I saw a young man with fire all over his body and a sun-shaped tattoo on his forehead, holding his arms and looking at them with disdain.

With just one glance, these people recognized each other's identities, and their expressions changed drastically.

This is the inheritor of the Forbidden Land of Fire Essence, who controls the most powerful fire in the world. For thousands of years, the hermit powerhouse who was burned alive by him cannot be found with two hands.

There are countless rumors about him in Fang Yin's forbidden places, and some people even rumor that his cultivation is comparable to some hermit elders.

At this moment, although his words were not pleasant, they still attracted the approval of many people.

When the vision appeared in the world, no one could tell whether it just appeared or was triggered by someone.

If it's the former, their performance is nothing, but if it's the latter...

They didn't move at all, guessing the behavior of the baby in groups of three or four, it was really stupid behavior.

"In this outer world, there seems to be no one who can make a move, but the one named Yun Zhou, who can break through the formations above the immortal ranks, this person should not be underestimated, if the treasure of chance has already been taken by him , I'm afraid it won't be easy to take it away..."

At this time, a man with "long hair floating in blue like Tang San" pondered, with the rhythm of the sea flowing all over his body, he was the holy son of the forbidden land of the sea.

As soon as he said this, the people present fell silent.

Obviously, these words also made them fall into deep thought.

During the two days when they came to Linmen, they all heard the news.

Yun Zhou!

A young and powerful young man on the second floor of Emperor Realm (Middle Rank)!

At the age of double ten, he overthrew Chen Fusheng, the number one strong man on the surface, and his strength cannot be guessed.

But what they don't know is that at this time Quzhou has already entered the belt realm (the realm of the middle-level seven stars.

It's just that the news hasn't been released yet.

But even so, the second middle class is very deterrent to them.

After all, the highest level of cultivation present is only the eighth (intermediate) level.

"Nothing is easy. If the opportunity is really in his hands, even if it is difficult, he will grab it, right?"

A smiling Taoist robed man's eyes flickered, and he said with a strange smile: "And it's not necessarily that he dares to be our enemy at the same time, maybe he will obediently offer it with both hands."

...asking for flowers......

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the palace.

Everyone in the hall looked at it one after another, and then their expressions were stunned.

I saw a beautiful woman in a light-colored long gown, walking slowly with graceful steps.

Every time she takes a step, it will bring a faint fragrance of Taoism, as if the lotus flower out of the water has taken shape.

The sun shone around her, her clothes fluttered as she moved, and her fair face was indifferent, with no fluctuations in her expression.

A pair of eyes are like bright black gemstones, exuding an extremely bright light.

However, there was an icy aura exuding around him, as if a sense of high coldness that would keep all living beings thousands of miles away.

"Who is this? Why haven't I seen it?"

All of a sudden, the people present caused a huge commotion, and the outstanding figures from their respective forces all looked in the direction of the woman, with a look of astonishment in their eyes.

Obviously, women are not familiar to these hermits.

They guessed that, nine out of ten, it was a newcomer from some force, and their cultivation and talent seemed to be quite tyrannical.

However, just after they thought about it, the figure behind the woman made them startled.

"It's him, Zhao Zhutian, Du Sheng's leader!"

After noticing this figure, someone behind him exclaimed, and everyone looked around, only to see a middle-aged man in a white robe following the woman, with a respectful expression, exuding a terrifying aura.

He deliberately lagged behind by half a step, the air around him seemed to be flowing at a slower speed, the golden light flickered on the white robe, and there was a layer of bright aura of a real dragon flickering on it, and the vision of the gods and beasts was ups and downs behind him.

"The Transcension Gate of the No. 1 force in the hidden world! They're here!"

"Look at the aura on Zhao Zhutian's body, I'm afraid he has already entered the Emperor Realm (upper rank), he is worthy of being the No. 1 pride of Dushengmen!"

"It seems that the Dushengmen can't sit still anymore. Zhao Zhutian, who is known as the number one elder in the hidden world, has been sent out. The chaotic situation is about to kick off..."

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