Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1642 : The Beloved Woman Is Here, An Ambitious Cooperation! (Seeking Subscription)

hundreds of miles away.

After Wu Long left Linmen's forces in a panic, he quickly fled in the direction of the hidden world forbidden area.

He was so angry that he could hardly bear it anymore.

At this time, he can't wait to teleport back to the beast land, enter Qilin's ancestral land to elevate his realm, and come to find Yun Zhou Yixue~shame!

Yun Zhou's actions today have made him lose face in the hidden world forces, and he can't wait to go back to find the Qimen people, and Yun Zhou - a fish to death!

But Wu Long also knew it in his heart.

It's easy to think about it, the opponent's other hole cards are not mentioned, just that one earth spirit is enough to swallow half of his beast land background, and it is even unknown whether he can win the opponent with all his strength.

"This monkey from the lower realm is really annoying. His cultivation level has advanced too quickly, and the powerhouses of the entire hidden world have to look at his face. It's an idiot."

"Even Miaozhu is like this, but she should have affection for me when she blocked her in the end. The reason why she said that must be because she has some difficulties that cannot be said. I should understand

Thinking about it, Wu Long's thoughts gradually calmed down.

After all, Yun Zhou released all the spirits of the earth, and Zhao Miaozhu felt fear in his heart, so it is understandable to greet him with a smile.

What he has to do now is to return to the land of the Qilin tribe and use all means to improve himself.

One day, when he has the strength to crush Yun Zhou, he will naturally come back and trample Yun Zhou under his feet.

At this time, a sound of wind came from behind, Wu Long looked back, stopped his movements immediately, and looked stunned.

In a piece of blue void, a light-colored figure strolled over.

She shrunk to an inch and took a few miles, with a faint luster blooming all over her body, and her demeanor was dusty and cold, like a fairy.

At this moment, there was a conspicuous smile on his face, and there was a little hesitation in his brows and eyes.

It was Zhao Miaozhu, the master of the Dushengmen.

Seeing Zhao Miaozhu chasing him over, Wu Long's heart instantly warmed up, and he was very moved.

After all, everyone has seen the scene just now, and the relationship between him and Yun Zhou can be said to be like fire and water!

The other party came to chase him at this time, wouldn't he offend Yun Zhou to death?

"Miao Zhu, I knew you were interested in me..."

Wu Long couldn't hide his excitement, and couldn't help wanting to come over and hold Zhao Miaozhu's little hand.

Strictly speaking, the two met only twice, the first time was at the Crossing Gate, when he saw each other, he was astonished, and after that, he missed each other in his heart.

But the other party didn't even step out of the gate of the crossing gate. Over the years, he had several conversations with the other party, and he could check it with both hands.

But even so, Wu Long was still excited, after all, the one in front of him was a beauty he couldn't help but despise!

And just now in the palace, he dared to face Yun Zhou for himself, making him sure that the other party is definitely interested in him!

Sure enough, love is interlinked, I am not unrequited love!

Seeing him stretching out his hand, the smile on Zhao Miaozhu's face stagnated, and he avoided it without a trace, the disgust in his eyes was self-evident.

"Lord Qilin, please don't get me wrong. I'm here to discuss some serious matters with you. If you're acting like this, then there's no need for us to talk."

There was coldness in her beautiful eyes, and she secretly thought in her heart that she really couldn't give such a person any good looks.

Seeing Zhao Miaozhu's sudden indifference, Wu Long sneered, but after thinking about it, the other party practiced the way of asceticism, and it was normal to refuse his own physical contact, so he didn't take it to heart.

With an apologetic look on his face, he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry Miao Zhu, I was rude, after all, this is the second time we've met...cough cough, what, you just said that you want to discuss a serious matter ?”

Change the subject to ease embarrassment.

He was still very upset about not being able to kiss Fangze in his heart, but the fact that the beauty dropped everything and chased after her at least proved her intentions, so even if he felt uncomfortable, he would not show it.

Hearing this, Zhao Miaozhu took a long breath, and said with a wise light in his eyes: "You and I have no chance for this vision opportunity, and the benefits are all cheap. Yun Zhou alone, you don't want to start from Take it back from his hand?"

"Take it back?" Wu Long was stunned for a moment, and then there was a gleam in his eyes, "What does Miao Zhu mean?"

...asking for flowers...

"Yun Zhou's methods are mysterious, and there are earth spirits close by, but it is not impossible to deal with. If you and I join forces, it will not be a problem to take him down.

Zhao Miaozhu thought about it and said, and he didn't forget to add a few words after the words: "Of course, don't get me wrong, I'm helping myself at the same time, once Yun Zhou is solved, I will take all the things he has on him. Secret treasure means, if you disagree with this point, then there is no need to discuss it."

She wouldn't let a disgusting guy like Wu Taki get close to her just because of something calculated.

This is her bottom line, and it is also to prevent Wu Taki from kicking her nose on her face.

"Okay, okay! As long as you can join hands with me, I don't want any of the treasures on his body, I will give them all to you!"

Wu Long nodded after hearing this, for fear of regretting it.

"It's good if you agree." Zhao Miaozhu responded, and at the same time reminded, "In addition, this matter needs to be discussed in a long-term way. In a few days, you will come to Dushengmen. We are discussing specific matters. Yun Zhou's spiritual sense is extensive. Now Talk about these things for fear of being overheard by him.”

"Well, this matter is very important. I know it well. When I return to Qilin's ancestral land to retreat for a few days, I will go to the crossing gate to find you. I have a hunch that I will be able to break through the emperor's realm this time when I enter the ancestral land." level) third floor, plus my blood, you and I will be able to behead that Yun Zhou together!"

"I want him to regret the humiliation he did to me today!"

Wu Ting clenched his teeth, and said with an appearance of "revenge is necessary".

After all, in front of the woman he loves, pretending to show his manly side makes him feel at ease, even, he feels that his mood is particularly smooth and not loose.

Besides, don't all female cultivators like men with lofty ambitions like him?

Wu Long had already thought about how to deal with Yun Zhou, making him regret what he did today.

"It's are happy."

Zhao Miaozhu held back for a long time, and finally said something symbolically with the corners of her mouth twitching.

Beheading Yun Zhou?

Not to mention strength, just rely on your IQ?

How dare you think... people....

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