Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1645 : The Following Plan! Wipe Pg For The Ancestors! (Seeking Subscription)

Of course, he was not alone in this action.

Yun Zhou knew in his heart that Yun Susu and Jiang He were hiding in the void behind him.

It should be because I don't trust him, so I want to be a "bodyguard" or something in the dark.

Regarding this, Yun Zhou didn't call them out either, and followed them if he wanted to, and there would be no surprises anyway.

As for the hidden tyrannical background in the Chen family's forces?

It doesn't matter, Yun Zhou's absolute strength lies here, any assistance will be useless.

"Furthermore, with the support of the old sect master of the Dusheng Sect, the old guy from the hidden Chen family can't come forward, so there is no problem at all with being the master..."

"Take a 10,000 step back, even if there are variables, you can still implement the second-hand plan."

Yun Zhou looked calm, Gujing Wulan's eyes were shining with wisdom, obviously he had already planned everything possible.

Let's start with the Chen family, as this huge force that has a deep hatred for him.

Naturally, we have to attack them first, and by the way, we can knock mountains and shake tigers, and deter other small and medium-sized forces.

If those powerful masters have enough brains, they will never rebel against him, and obedient submission is the only right way.

At the same time, in this chaotic situation, it is also the best time for Linlang Zhantai to control the fairy palace and do things for him.

After all, those dead soldiers left behind by the Immortal Emperor in the past... are all surviving well in the hidden place of the Immortal Palace.

Once these people are dispatched, it is self-evident to help them.

"Go to Chen's house."

Yun Zhou's voice was calm without the slightest emotion, his figure floated up, and the mighty elite figure followed, instantly covering one side of the sky, with such momentum that it covered the sky and the sun.

At the same moment, thousands of miles away, in the Forbidden City of Dusheng Gate, three figures were sitting together, staring at the lake in a daze, and the reflections on the lake were the shadows of Yun Zhou and others.

These three people were Zhao Miaozhu, Zhao Zhutian, and that Zhao Dusheng who sat and watched everything peacefully.

"He made some moves just after we came back? Look at this target, it should be going to the Chen family's bright forces~~." Zhao Zhutian observed the reflection in the lake, and guessed.

Hearing this, Zhao Dusheng glanced at him faintly, shook his head in his heart and said:

"I thought about not letting Zhu Tian take over the position of sect master. Now it seems that I did the right thing. This kid's brain is really not working well. Let him befriend Yun Zhou instead of sending him to be a weapon user. ah."

"It's good now, the little guy has come to the crossing gate, acting recklessly, the pressure is thrown on the old man, I don't know if it's an ally or a scam."

Thinking about it, he took a long breath, stroked his beard and said: "Send some people to visit the Chen family in the hidden world. This day is over, and once the incident happens, the old guy will definitely return to the world. Let's save lives." The door can't let him do harm outside..."

Zhao Dusheng spoke with deep meaning, but his face was full of helplessness.

"This... the old sect master, let's not talk about the hidden Chen family. The Chen family is a power that has been passed down for thousands of years. The background should not be underestimated. Shall we help Yun Zhou?"

In private, any address is appropriate, but in front of Zhao Zhutian, it is better to ask the old sect master to behave.

Of course, the title is not important, at this time Zhao Miaozhu felt that he only brought Yun Zhou, the elite of the alliance, and wanted to destroy the Chen family's forces and enter the Mingmian Immortal Realm.

It still looks a bit difficult.

"Okay, help him. If he is really in danger, I can't stand by and watch."

Hearing this, Zhao Dusheng twitched his face, took a deep breath, and responded with a strong smile.

To be honest, he really wanted Yun Zhou to suffer some blows.

Although he confessed that as long as Yun Zhou survived in Chen Zuo's hands, he would let Zhao Zhutian and Zhao Miaozhu befriend Yun Zhou.

But that was just because of Yun Zhou's development prospects, in order to recruit a powerful ally for Dushengmen, but it didn't mean that he was a little ancestor, and he had to be PG.

From Yun Zhou's reaction, it can be seen that just after Miao Zhu finished talking about the alliance with him, he turned around and targeted the Chen family. Isn't this just trying to tie himself up and deal with the hidden Chen family for him? old stuff?

I handed it over to him sincerely, did he trick me into the game?

Zhao Dusheng had no choice but to smile wryly, because he didn't like Yun Zhou at all in his heart.

He even thought about it, or just ignore him and just pick himself up.

But now Zhao Miaozhu is looking at him eagerly, he must be so inhuman that he can turn his back on what he says, do you want the reputation of the ancestor?

I can't let them make friends with Yun Zhou. It's him who is behind the scenes, and he is the one who makes Yun Zhou the enemy of all living beings, right?

What does this group of chicken feet think of themselves?

At this moment, Zhao Dusheng felt his balls hurt.

I always feel like I have cheated myself, it's too outrageous.

".}Okay, don't just look at it here, if that old guy Chen Chen really reappears, the impact will be great, you two, come with me. "

Zhao Dusheng was afraid of trouble, but he had no other way to do it so far, so he shook his head and sighed, and stood up directly.

Then the void in front of the three of them fluctuated, and they stepped into it, and their breath and figure disappeared.


The invasion that covered the sky and the sun was not concealed in the slightest. At this moment, not only the hidden forces, but also the big and small orthodoxy on the bright side of the fairyland, and even the big forces of all parties were all alarmed.

For the peripheral forces of the Chen family, there have been quite a few outer sect disciples who have withdrawn during this period of time, and many people are also watching the changes in the Chen family. (To Zhao Zhao) After all, Yun Zhou, whom they offended at the beginning, has already appeared in the Linmen faction. It is said that his cultivation level seems to have improved a lot, and this wave of Chen family may not be in bad luck.

Boom boom boom!

Without any warning, there was a black mass of elite standing in the void in the sky, exuding a murderous aura all over their bodies, and the expressionless faces of each of them made countless passers-by and monks feel terrified.

Those who know well know that Yun Zhou has come to eliminate hidden dangers.

In the inner sect of the Chen family, countless disciples and elders looked solemn and looked at those in the sky with wary eyes.

But the person above did not move at all, just as if frozen, holding a long knife and not saying a word.

This kind of murderous attitude came to the opponent's power, but the attitude of not making a move, made many people who watched the theater even more flustered, and felt their scalps go numb...

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