Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1648 : I Cheated My Hidden Father! Funk Is Not An Option! (Seeking Subscription)

"Holy Son, they are hiding in Chen's house and can't come out, why don't we force our way in?"

At this time, the man in the golden armor just now asked eagerly.

His name is Sun He, he came from Yunling Shadow Guard, and later became a leader among Yunling's elites, and his cultivation was perfect in the realm of proving the Tao.

At this moment, he quietly waited for Yun Zhou's answer, the excitement and killing intent in his eyes could no longer be hidden.

In his opinion, today's Chen family must give an explanation, either surrender to the Son, or all die!

And the bloodthirsty flowing in his bones is more inclined to make these people choose to hide.

Because only when they resist, can he become more excited.

"The turtle's shell is hard, and it's hard to deal with when it shrinks."

Yun Zhou laughed jokingly, as if the life and death of these people's "250" were under his control.

Speaking of which, he came here to destroy the Chen family just to show other big and small forces.

If the Chen family was completely wiped out with a wave of hands, without creating an absolute momentum, it would be difficult to deter those people.

And in his speculation, Chen Fusheng, who has never shown up, should be contacting the Patriarch of the Chen family in the hidden world, and wants him to come out to support them.

But the one in the hidden world is even more difficult than him now, he dare not show his face to the outside world easily, and can only wait and see what happens.

After all, the people of the Dushengmen have taken care of themselves. Once the old thing from the Chen family comes out, it will only make the situation more chaotic, and maybe the entire hermit Chen family will be brought in.

Therefore, the patriarch who is hidden in the world can only choose to procrastinate now, even if his heart is bleeding, he will not show up to make decisions for Chen Fusheng.

While the Chen family was outside, they had no choice.

Either choose to surrender to Yun Zhou and completely withdraw from the tide of history, or resist desperately and be directly trampled to death by thousands of elites led by Yun Zhou.

Of course, no matter which point it is, it is a bit of an obstacle to kill Chen Fusheng. This old thing probably has some means of escape from the hidden Chen family.

"There is only one chance, and I will give you a time to burn incense. If you don't surrender, you will all die!"

Yun Zhou stood above the void with his hands behind his back, the divine light flowing in his faint eyes, and the mighty power poured down to meet the mighty forces below.

He opened his mouth slowly, and there was no indifference or anger in his tone, but it was this kind of understatement that made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

Yun Susu and others who were watching the battle did not realize until now that in a short period of time, Yun Zhou's combat power has far surpassed their Six Emperors, and even the gap is like a gap that cannot be filled.

One must know that Yun Zhou has only been in the Upper Realm Immortal Realm for two years, yet he has managed to reach this level.

This silenced the Six Emperors who boasted of their natural talents and tyranny.

"Yun Zhou, aren't you afraid that I'll end up with you when you bully me like this?!"

"There's a bowl-sized scar on my head, Yun Zhou, you're too deceitful, today I'll die with you!"

"Want us to surrender, tui, daydreaming!"

Below, among the forces of the Chen family, one after another extremely angry old voices came out, and a few old figures could be vaguely seen among them, the hatred on their faces was undisguised, and they stared at Yun Zhou resentfully, wishing to stare at Yun Zhou directly with their eyes. Kill the same!

At the same moment, in the deepest part of the Chen family, inside the main hall.

Several elders of the strong Chen family gathered here, and the middle-aged and elderly man in the center was dressed in a white robe, with a gloomy complexion and majesty shining in his dark eyes.

It was the Patriarch of the Chen family who was chased by Yun Zhou for hundreds of miles that day, and also the former number one in the Immortal Domain, Chen Fusheng.

After that time, Chen Fusheng was humiliated unbearably. After returning, he took all the secret treasures of the Chen family to add to his body, and retreated for several days. He had raised his realm to the fourth level of Emperor Realm (Middle Rank).

His deep eyes narrowed slightly, trembling with a decent power.

"This Yun Zhou is just riding on my neck and pulling the sky. He really thinks that my Chen family dare not resist? He brought these thousands of people to raid my Chen family. What kind of dream is he doing!?" Chen Fu Sheng's eyes were full of anger, and the invisible depth of happiness and anger in the past had disappeared.

"When my Chen family has been passed down for thousands of years, it's for nothing? How can a yellow-mouthed kid like him destroy such a heritage? He's too conceited!"


Following Chen Fusheng's opening, the elders on both sides responded one after another...

Only an old man in the corner was extremely sad, and he was one of the people sent by the hidden Chen family to ask for Chen Yan.

"Dead, all dead, young master Chen Yan is also dead..."

He came to look for Chen Fusheng at that time, hoping that he would come forward to follow him and others to rescue Chen Yan, but at that time, a few old partners lost their temper and made the first move.

He could only watch helplessly with his divine sense, those people died in the hands of Yun Zhou one by one, but he was so shocked by the opponent's thunderous methods that he didn't even dare to show his face.

This made him feel humiliated, and the anger in his heart could not be vented.

And these people from Mingmian Chen's family were blocked from their homes, and they felt as humiliated as he did.

But the hidden one hasn't given any news yet.

Among them now, no one dared to confront Yun Zhou head-on, not even dare to speak to each other.

God knows how strong Yun Zhou is now? Just the earth spirit that is revealed makes all beings fear him like a tiger!

And this might just be the tip of the iceberg shown by Yun Zhou, not to mention the demonic means he used to divert the Patriarch's attack in the past!

One must know that at that time the difference in realm was so great that the patriarchs had no choice but to run away. Now that their strengths are reversed, would they be their opponents?

"The 1.1 master of the second family has disappeared, and there has been no reply after contacting for so long. It seems that he was frightened by this kid, Yun Zhou! Running away, he is no different from a traitor!" At this time, an elder suddenly said Dao, his expression was full of anger.

Yun Zhou led the crowd to block outside their house. Originally, they had just come over when Chen Fuxian was still there, but when Yun Zhou arrived, Chen Fuxian disappeared directly and could not be found!

It can already be guessed that Chen Fuxian fled the battle.

"I don't care about him anymore, I'll go to the secret place to ask my father to come to this world, and you will come with me." Chen Fusheng said with a heavy expression.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded.

Soon, a group of people looked dignified and headed towards the Chen family. The leader, Chen Fusheng, had a look of hesitation on his face...

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