Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1651 : Knock The Mountain And Shake The Tiger! Not Necessarily Cleaner Than Yunmou! (Seeking

With a wave of Yun Zhou's hand, these elites scattered and went to annex the various peaks and mountains of the Chen family.

In the huge secret place, apart from everyone in the Chen family, only Yun Zhou was left.

To be honest, this situation has already developed.

Apart from fighting to the death or surrendering, the Chen family had no other choice.

However, these people inside the transparent sphere still looked at Yun Zhou silently, the fear in their eyes turned into substance, they gritted their back molars, not daring to move.

Even the core elders that the Chen family has always enshrined, dare not make a single move.

Does this mean that you dare not fight, and you are unwilling to surrender?

Obviously only you, or avoid and not fight?

What a bunch of shrinking turtles.

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up into a sneer, but he didn't know that the group of people had been scared out of their wits.

Even, they didn't believe that Yun Zhou would be so aboveboard.

They don't know exactly what Yun Zhou's current strength has reached, but he dares to face them alone, this is the interpretation of his confidence!

Yes, Yun Zhou is he stupid?

He is not stupid, even, he is smarter than anyone else, and in less than two years, he has counted the most powerful people in the entire fairyland to such an extent.

Such a Yun Zhou, would he deal with them alone without any cards?

240 Therefore, after all considerations, they were all avoiding cautiously, drenched in cold sweat, fearing that Yun Zhou would suddenly resort to some strong means and send them back to the west.

"I am a person who always pays attention to fairness. The choice given to those inner and outer disciples is also given to you once. Choose to surrender or die?"

There was still an understated smile on Yun Zhou's face, and he repeated what he had just said when he came to the peripheral forces.

He knew that he had already attracted the attention of the entire Immortal Territory, and it was time to shake the mountain and remind them.

"Yun Zhou, you are too aggressive, if you have any means, just use it, I don't..."

Inside the sphere, an old man with long beard blew his beard and stared, but before he finished speaking, a golden light suddenly pierced through the sphere, directly piercing his eyebrows, the golden light dissipated, the sword energy disappeared, and with it his soul, all of them were wasted. off.

"Personally, I hate stubborn people very much. I would like to advise you to be sensible. I am in a good mood to be kind to you now, but I don't guarantee that my mood will turn bad in the next second." Yun Zhou's face was light. The cloud is calm, and the tone has no emotional fluctuations.

A pair of eyes just swept across the terrified members of the Chen family.

With a wave of his hand, a hammer full of thunder magnified and stood horizontally in the void, as if a hammer could explode the ground.

And the direction it was aiming at was the main hall of the Chen family behind them.

There stood many core figures of the Chen family, including Nan Chuan, the head of the family Chen Fusheng and others.

At this moment, they were all glaring at Yun Zhou, the veins on their foreheads were bulging, but none of them dared to do anything to him.

This made Yun Zhou feel very boring, "Chen Fusheng, you have been riding in the Immortal Realm for so many years, and there is no one under your command who can do it? I feel ashamed for you."

Shaking his head, he looked around with slightly contemptuous eyes, "I am riding on your neck and bullying you like this, even if you are cowardly, you should give some reaction? Don't make me look like I am playing single player identical."

"Yun Zhou! Don't be arrogant, you have a god above your head. If you commit such crimes like this, you will definitely suffer great retribution!"

The core elders who came from the Chen family's seclusion roared at Yun Zhou angrily, and at the same time revealed all the magic weapons of the storage ring [I'm afraid Wei Zhouquan will suddenly give him a blow.

"Great retribution? Heh, Yun has lived for so many years. He only knows that good people don't live long, and that disasters last for thousands of years. Besides, if you talk about killing evil, you old monsters are not necessarily cleaner than me. Even if there is retribution, you should It is you who suffer first.

Strength determines attitude, even though Yun Zhou (bfdi) at this time is in front of these old things who have lived for thousands of years, he still does not change his face and his heart beats.

He didn't seem to feel the slightest sense of the terrifying power they revealed, and even felt that the piercing wind was blowing just right, which made him sleepy.

Whether or not retribution is decided by the Dao of Heaven is not the final decision. Coincidentally, he Yun Zhou came to this other world, but he was against the Dao of Heaven.

"You can't change your fate even if you are eloquent!"

The elders were obviously irritated by Yun Zhou's attitude, and one of them uttered angrily, never thinking that one day he would be forced to such a point by a monkey from the lower realm.

"The sharpness of the tongue is useless, be careful, he is weird." Chen Fusheng who had been silent all this time finally spoke, he stopped the elder who was about to fight to the death, and said in a deep tone.

He took Chen Zuo to trouble this guy before, but Chen Zuo died.

It can be seen from this that, among other things, at least he knows the existence of the hidden Chen family, and even the existence of his father, Chen Chen, is very likely to be known to the other party.

That being the case, dare such a person come over to provoke [Prove that the other party definitely has the hole card against his father.

The cultivators who saw this scene through their spiritual consciousness almost dropped their jaws to the ground in horror.

It seems that Yun Zhou really has the confidence to destroy the Chen family!

"Seeing that you all have a lot of faces, you must have just come from the Chen family in the hidden world? Tsk, this cultivation base is above the emperor's realm, but this courage is not as good as a child of a few years old.

"Since you don't surrender, then come out of the turtle shell and fight, or...don't you even have the courage to attack me now?"

"If this is the case, then I will give you a chance to kill yourself, so as not to die in my hands too painful, what do you think?"

There was a light smile on Yun Zhou's face, as if he was thinking about these people, and his black and white eyes were constantly looking at the battle situation in other venues.

All the places where the consciousness was spilled were reduced to ruins.

Each of these elites in the alliance is a powerful generation who has experienced hundreds of battles. Even though their cultivation base is not high, their methods of killing enemies are first-rate.

Regardless of the huge difference in numbers, facing a group of frightened young disciples, the battle was still one-sided.

The disciples of the Chen family didn't have the strength to resist at all, and let others chase and fight monsters.

"Don't be irritated by him, have you all forgotten how he dealt with me?".

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