Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1658 : The Biggest Reliance! A Chance To Tamper With Talent! (Seeking Subscription)

Perhaps seeing Yun Zhou's purpose of unifying the Immortal Realm, all Daoist and Zongmen came to show their favor, and surrendered as much as possible first, seeking benefits for their own power.

In the far northern part of the Immortal Territory, which had been silent for a long time, in the area of ​​the glacier, a divine light suddenly shot up into the sky, and several golden light arrays were opened, and the roar of dragons and tigers shook thousands of miles, attracting the attention of many monks.

No one knows if there are any living people around this glacier, but the common people speculate that there may be people from the hidden world in Legendary who are about to come out.

And soon, time passed in the blink of an eye.

In less than two days, within the depths of the Haoyun Sect that had unified the Linmen and the Chen family, there was suddenly a brilliant ray of light soaring into the sky, reflecting the entire sky, and the sound of Taoism filled the air. At this moment, the dazzling tomorrow seemed to be eclipsed. .

All of a sudden, thousands of cultivators were startled by this vision.

"Eight Seven Three" in the vision of the sky, they clearly saw that there was an ancient immortal sitting cross-legged with a scroll in his hand. While reciting scriptures, Taoist runes lingered in the sky, containing great mysteries!

Many old men who were half buried in the ground deliberately rushed to the periphery of Haoyun Sect. After discussing, they discovered an extremely amazing thing!

"Calligraphy is sanctified, asked by Confucianism, this is a vision of Confucianists who don't ask the destiny, and become holy on their own! If you can understand it, maybe you can change the fate and talent set by the way of heaven, and go against the sky!"

As soon as this news came out, the entire Immortal Territory was shocked in an instant. Countless monks who were dissatisfied with their destiny wanted to join the Haoyun Sect in order to explore how to get rid of their own destiny, and immediately set off a wave against the sky!


In this word, it is not the "posture".

The simple understanding is that the qualifications made by God!

There are so many living beings, the so-called high talents are only a few, and the rest are unwilling to accept their fate, and want to go beyond their talents and go one step further after exhausting the rest of their lives.

Right now, Confucianists don't ask about the fate, they think it's time to change their talents!

It is impossible for everyone to let go!

All of a sudden, millions of cultivators left their original sects and went to the Haoyun Sect.

This matter, for Yun Zhou, who has already ended the previous chessboard and controlled three of the five major forces, has nothing to lose.

Even, the vision of Confucianism and Taoism that appeared in the sky was created by him after he mastered Confucianism and Taoism.

"I'm thinking about why the Confucian Dao will no longer exist in this fairyland. The co-author is that the Dao of Heaven is afraid of threats and imposes sanctions. That's the case. The more you don't want the Taoism that exists, the more I want to carry it forward."

Yun Zhou sneered, looked at the White Cloud floating in the sky through the window, his expression gradually became silent:

"Why, the clouds are playing with the wind under the sky."

After solving all the tedious matters, Yun Zhou has already taken his followers with him, intending to leave the Chen family and return to Haoyunzong.

After all, this place has already been taken by him, and he also specially set up a teleportation array, just thinking about it, a thought is enough.

If he is the emperor, this place is equivalent to the back garden of the emperor's house. Want to come to see a doctor?

Roughly the same.

Anyway, what he is paying attention to now is not looking back on the wonderful moments or anything.

There is no time to delay, and he still has to start preparing for the next step.

In addition, he had to figure out a way how to make the most of Zhao Dusheng.

At the same time, he had to consider how to reduce Zhao Dusheng's anger towards him.

Counting Zhao Dusheng, destroying the Chen family, killing Chen Fusheng... these things are certainly very cool.

But Zhao Dusheng must still remember the grudge.

And besides that, that old bastard from the hidden Chen family will not let it go.

And soon, Yun Zhou figured out a solution, and he put his idea on the head of the modern sect master of Dushengmen, Zhao Miaozhu.


After all, Zhao Miaozhu is the connection hub between him and Dushengmen, and at the same time, he can be regarded as his only ally in the hidden world forces. If this kind of good resource is not utilized, it will be a waste of money?

And from the very beginning, Yun Zhou had already made up the idea of ​​asking Zhao Miaozhu to act as a shield for him, and in response to this plan, he had made a lot of calculations early on.

Now, under his "good friendliness", this scheming Taoist nun who has deep scheming but looks silly to Yun Zhou has completely fallen into his trap, and it probably won't be long before he discovers his huge ambitions. it's time...

Furthermore, according to his plan, Yun Zhou is very sure that Zhao Miaozhu definitely has no suspicions about him now.

At most, I am a little wary of him in my heart, but it will never prevent me from treating him as an "ally". own people.

This kind of large-scale force followed suit, if others were in his situation, they would definitely jump for joy, but Yun Zhou didn't care at all, as if he could abandon the Dushengmen by turning his head

After all, from the point of view of the hidden world, the Crossing Gate is a gigantic monster, but whether it will work against the Dao of Heaven in the future is another matter, maybe it will be a burden to oneself.

Of course, for the time being, these are things to talk about. Before he completely occupied the Immortal Domain and the Yinshi, the Dushengmen was still his most steadfast ally.

And Yun Zhou's idea is also very simple.

As Zhao Miaozhu's senior ancestor, Zhao Dusheng definitely wanted to see his descendants rise with power to deal with Tiandao.

And the Alliance himself will be his greatest reliance in the future of the Transcendence Sect!

So no matter how angry Zhao Dusheng was, at most he just made a note of himself in his heart, and would never let Zhao Miaozhu break up with him.

What's more, what Yun Zhou has done during this period, from the perspective of him and the Watson Gate Alliance 4.1, the interests have reached the maximum, there is no problem, and even because they have settled the Chen family on the bright side, Reduced a lot of burden for the Watson Gate.

You ask, what burden can be relieved from the Toshomon?

You must know that such a large force on the surface of the entire Immortal Territory has been completely out of the control of the Chen family in the hidden world after being intervened by Yun Zhou. It will be much easier.

Now Zhao Dusheng is full of anger at being calculated by himself, and when he calms down, this kind of simple and easy-to-understand thing will definitely make him feel much smoother.

And Zhao Miaozhu was not prepared for herself, and with a little tricks, she would definitely listen to her old sect master.

At that time, it will be much easier to use Zhao Dusheng to the greatest extent.

As for Chen Chen from the hidden Chen family...

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