Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1660 : The Way To The Bathing Center! It's Not The Generation That Is Inferior To Other

Of course, Yun Zhou didn't think Jiang He would say that, but if she didn't say it, it didn't mean that the elders in her sect wouldn't say anything.

Normally, these elites are under the control of the elders of various forces.

Only after receiving the order of the power master, will they gather together and kill the Quartet.

This time, the people in Jiangmen obeyed Yun Zhou's order, came to destroy the Chen family's lineage, and killed those who were enemies with Yun Zhou, all for Jiang He's sake.

Once this matter is over, they will still go back to their respective families. Unless Yun Zhou, besides Yunling and Haoyunzong, becomes the legitimate leader of Jiangmen, then he will be qualified to control all the elites.

But this time, he just stepped on Jiang He's favor.

【Speaking of which, this Jiumengzi has also helped me a lot. When this troubled situation is completely resolved, I still have to repay her well. 】

[emmm... But repayment is repayment, so let's forget about body promises or something. 】

[Not to mention anything else, just having a child with her, I am afraid that the intelligence is not good enough, so don't make a little wine that has been soaked in a wine barrel all day. 】

Just when Yun Zhou was thinking wildly, a voice with a hint of resentment suddenly came from behind him: "I didn't even notice when I came, so which female cultivator are you thinking about?"

Hearing this heartfelt voice, the visitor's mood was obviously not very good.

She spat lightly, a ripple appeared in the void, and then Lin Langzhantai's figure appeared.

With delicate features and picturesque facial features, she also carries the majesty of a dragon and a phoenix among people.

"The remnants of the Chen family have been cleaned up?"

Since Lin Langzhantai left the cave last time, he has been closely watching Yun Zhou's movements.

Because he didn't get along well with Yun Susu, and because he was afraid of seeing the confidante around Yun Zhou would be bothered, so he didn't show up.

"Cleaning up." Yun Zhou smiled and stretched, then suddenly thought of something, looked at Lin Lang Zhantai and said, "By the way, you owed me half an hour for a massage before you left last time, today No matter what you are here for, pay the debt first.”

As he spoke, he directly grabbed Lin Lang Zhantai's little hand, and glanced left and right with a guilty conscience.

Well... aunt is not here!

You can get familiar with the way of the bath center again!

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up, and he pulled Linlang Zhantai towards his suzerain Xiaguan.

Lin Langzhan let him hold the table, her little face was as red as blood, and she cursed secretly in her heart: "This bad guy, where can I go for a massage? I have to go to his bedroom? I definitely didn't make a good idea!"

But I think so, but the memory of the cave that eats the bone and knows the marrow also made her let go of her reserve, and in the end she didn't make a move to refuse.

The moon and stars are thin and the breeze is blowing.

The bedroom of the master of Haoyun Sect.

Yun Zhou stretched out on the bed, and behind him was the Lin Lang Zhan Taiwan, who was massaging, pressing his arms and legs from time to time.

"Well~ go down, go down`" Yun Zhou snorted comfortably, guiding the other party's little hand to press on the back, then suddenly thought of something, and said without turning his head:

"By the way, it's a coincidence that you came here. I happen to need your help with something."

"I really owe you. Tell me what's the matter." Lin Lang Zhantai complained unhappily, and said with a sideways look at him.

Until now, she still hasn't figured out why the former Yun Zhou's predecessor was so cruel to her, what is the unspeakable secret, but at least she is sure now that Yun Zhou really likes her, that's enough, as for the past Let's explore those secrets slowly.

Anyway, this guy is getting more and more mysterious now, and she can't find any secrets even if she tries to dig it out.

Moreover, after not seeing him for a few days, she found that she couldn't see through Yun Zhou more and more. In the past, at least she could occasionally feel the dangerous aura around him.

But now, no sense of danger can be detected, just like the feeling of a mortal when facing the main god. He can't detect how capable the other party is, but there is a sense of awe in his bones.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Linlang Zhantai is weaker than when he was in the cave, or that Yun Zhou has become stronger again.

Instead, he left the cave and annexed Yun Zhou of Chen and Lin. His scheming became more unfathomable, and he understood the principle of restraining his edge.

Regarding this, Linlang Zhantai sighed secretly in his heart: "As expected of the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, this deep city mansion has improved a bit compared to the previous life..."

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal, I just want you to go back to the Immortal Palace to prepare and help me take over a power in the hidden world." Yun Zhou said with a smile.

As he said that, he flipped his palm, a brilliance flashed, and he exchanged for an Immortal Treasure of Relief from Destiny Mall, and handed it to Linlang Zhantai.

Simply understood, this thing is equivalent to the purification in the game of kings, and it can save lives at critical moments.

"Taking over the power? Are you planning to attack the hidden world?" Lin Lang Zhantai was puzzled, but she didn't ask any more questions. She had given up her body and mind to the other party once again, and she refused again. No, why are there so many questions?

"I wasn't the one who attacked first. I have always followed the principle of courtesy and reciprocity. He and the Chen family in the hidden world will never die with me. How can I allow myself to be slaughtered?"

Yun Zhou's voice was muffled, and he said with a smile on his stomach.

At the same time, he thought of something, and then explained: "Of course, you don't have to misunderstand anything. I didn't mean to count you when I asked you to take over."

"It's just that Haoyunzong has made too much noise recently, and I have another target to target. I will attack two hidden world forces in one fell swoop, which will easily arouse the vigilance of hidden world powers, so I borrow your fairy The name of the palace."

Yun Zhou seemed to be afraid that Linlang Zhantai would be wary again, so he deliberately explained.

Unexpectedly, after he uttered these words, he would be met by a little guy from Linlang Zhantai.

"My heart is all yours, so I'm afraid you're planning something? Don't tell me these useless explanations, I'm upset."

"All right, all right, I won't explain in the future, why are you angry?" Yun Zhou rubbed the back of his head, turned around and smiled, and then urged:

"There is another thing I have to tell you in advance, the hidden world forces are not as good as these small temples outside, there may be any danger.

"If you run into trouble when you take over, you must put your life first, otherwise if something happens to you, I won't be happy if I ruin the whole hidden world.

When Yun Zhou spoke, there was sincerity and concern in his brows and eyes.

There is no need to doubt this, at least it is my own woman, so it is naturally sincere.

"You know, don't worry, I promise nothing will happen." "Lin Lang Zhantai pursed her red lips, her eyes shone with sparkle, obviously it was Yun Zhou's worry that moved her heart

I don't know what this fairy treasure is, but after careful perception, it is definitely a life-saving treasure, and it may even be above the fairy rank!

Throwing something like this in the fairyland will definitely cause looting from all forces, even the hermits cannot remain indifferent.

But Yun Zhou actually gave this to himself without hesitation, asking her to save her life.

You know, Lin Lang Zhantai asked himself the strength of the Emperor Realm (middle-level), even if it is placed in the hidden world, it is not a bad existence.

Therefore, in her opinion, Yun Zhou's actions were overly worried about her safety, so she tried to protect her as much as possible.

Lin Langzhantai naturally felt the delicacy of putting her in his heart so clearly.

It would be a lie to say that she was not moved.

But what she didn't know was that the reason why Yun Zhou gave her this kind of treasure was not because of any excessive worry, but because he really felt that this (Nuo Nuo Hao) taking over the power would be very fierce!

He laid the groundwork for this chess game too much, in addition to the ancient beast land, the hidden Chen family is also in his calculations.

As far as the Chen family is concerned, even though Linlang Zhantai's combat power is good, there is also the possibility of encountering danger.

After all, the one from the Chen family in the hidden world is an existence on the seventh floor of the Emperor Realm (upper rank). Even if he solves the follow-up in advance, it is still unknown what extraordinary means the other party will leave behind in his own power, so , he had to remind Linlang Zhantai to be absolutely careful.

And the reason why he knew the danger and wanted to ask Linlangzhantai's Immortal Palace for help was really helpless.

Although he and Dushengmen had reached an alliance, it was when their strengths were almost the same, and Zhao Dusheng was suppressing him.

If the woman Zhao Miaozhu knew that she was secretly controlling two major forces at the same time, she might not be able to feel any fear and calculation in her heart.

That would be a superficial alliance, but actually a fight for dominance with oneself.

After all, based on his understanding of Zhao Miaozhu, this woman is not a subservient person, and she is very scheming, and when he is on guard, it will be difficult for him to deal with Dushengmen. .

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