Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1670 : The Situation Is Very Active! The Hunting Time Of The Protagonist Has Begun! (Seeking

This made Jiang He grit his teeth angrily.

Her eyes were higher than the top, and she finally fell in love with a man, but it turned out that this man was full of eyes, and he was messing with flowers and grass everywhere, he was simply a passionate seed.

However, she was also curious about how Yun Zhou's beauty trick was implemented, and how he finally annexed the Ancient Beast Land.

Now that Yun Zhou is hiding behind the scenes, Lin Yuan and Wu Long don't know that they are being tricked.

Even, that Lord Qilin didn't even know that Yun Zhou had already set his sights on him.

This situation is very active.

And that Lin Yuan, who heard Yun Zhou's voice before, wanted to kill him, but that guy took his great-grandfather's body, so there is no way to save his life?

Just as Jiang He thought, what she could think of, Yun Susu could think of as well.

At this time, Yun Susu looked out of the window with beautiful eyes, frowning, as if thinking of something wrong.

"Lin Yuan has occupied Lin Sheng's body, and there are endless ways to save his life. Zhou'er wants to kill him, unless he doesn't cover up his tracks, otherwise, once he makes a move, Wu Long will definitely be aware of his position immediately. The beast land should be passive..."

"So Zhou'er will most likely not attack the current Lin Yuan, he should get rid of Hao first."

"After all, judging from Zhou'er's deep thinking, he would not have thought that Lin Yuan still had unique value before he died. After killing Wu Taki, the blame could be thrown on Lin Yuan's head. And during this period of time, Zhou'er can The forces that secretly annexed the ancient beast land wantonly, and his traces have not appeared, no one will doubt him..."

"And Lin Yuan just had dinner at the same wine table with Wu Long. He left, and the news of Wu Long's death came out the next day. No matter how you look at it, he is a suitable person to take the blame. Even if it is only a suspect by then, I guess It will also be targeted by the entire ancient beast land, making it impossible to move an inch~々."

"At that time, even if Lin Yuan escapes one after another in the hands of Anlin and Zhou'er, the hidden forces in the entire fairyland will no longer have a place for him, and he will die after all.

Yun Susu thought about it, and finally understood Yun Zhou's plan.

After all, like Yun Zhou, she is also a smart person. Although Yun Zhou's plan is very subtle, based on her understanding of the other party, it is not difficult to guess this.

Moreover, Yun Zhou's methods of taking the blame are not used once or twice. The Chen Family Medicine Pavilion was destroyed before, isn't it because Jiang He is counting on the blame?

It was the same for the people around him, if a mortal enemy like Lin Yuan came to him on his own initiative, Zhou'er would definitely not let go of the opportunity, and would definitely make good use of it.

Simple understanding, he won't kill Lin Yuan now because he wants to kill Wu Taki first, but Lin Yuan can't escape either.

"With a little random trick, I planned two great powers in the imperial realm... It seems that I don't know enough about Zhou'er."

Yun Susu recalled the relaxed smiles when the two were together, and felt sorry for Yun Zhou for a moment. Behind that smile, there were all kinds of things hidden in his heart, and he must be very tired...

It's just that she can't help much now, so she can only follow behind Yun Zhou and do what she can.

After Lin Yuan left the restaurant in the ancient town, he headed towards the power of the ancient beast land. Now he is the nominal elder of the ancient beast land. Although his life is not as glamorous as when he was in Linmen, he still lives a life of a master.

At this time, he was humming a little song, and he was in a very beautiful mood. While chatting with the great-grandfather Jihun in his body, he walked briskly.

"Great-grandfather, do you think that Wu Long is too narrow-minded? I just said a few words to the family leader Zhao. Look at what he did. It's as if I gave him a cuckold. "

As Lin Yuan spoke, he revealed a look of contempt, as if he looked down on Wu Taki's narrow-mindedness.

When Lin Sheng in the body heard this, he said angrily: "I don't know what kind of character you are? You're so narrow-minded? If he isn't careful, your wife will be taken away by you!

"I said grandson, you are using your ancestor's body now, can you not smear your ancestor's face? Our grandpa and grandson are living under the fence now, you tm offended the big brother of the customer, is there any good fruit for us to eat?"

"In addition, I have to remind you, there is a knife on the head of Sezi, you have to pay attention to me, last time because of your lust, you almost died in Lin Langzhantai's hands, why do you have no memory?

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuan's memories were immediately brought back, and even his face became gloomy in an instant.

The attack on Linlang Zhantai was a shame to him, not to mention weakening his great-grandfather's soul, and losing his life-saving treasure.

Although the great-grandfather still has a lot of life-saving things here, but now there is no supply from the refiner, and if he uses one, he will lose one. Of course, he feels aggrieved.

"." Great-grandfather, let's stop this matter here. Let's not mention it. Lin Langzhantai has dealt with me cruelly. Sooner or later, I will come back with revenge. This fairy concubine is ruthless and powerful enough. If she can be my man ..."

"Damn it, the more you think about it, the more you get angry. Why is that bastard Yun Zhou? He suppressed me everywhere since he was in the lower world, and now he has so many women for him to use. How the hell is he better than me?" Lin Yuan scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

Starting from the dynasty of the lower realms, he relied on his own efforts, took the path of strengthening himself, and even fought step by step from life and death.

So he didn't think that Yun Zhou, the holy son, could surpass him in any way, at least the two had just met, and the starting line himself was definitely no worse than him.

But later on, he felt that he was more passive, as if there was a big hand in the dark pushing everything, making him lose, making him embarrassed, which is very outrageous!

And that Yun Zhou seemed to be able to divine the past and the future, every calculation against him left him no room to react, which made him unable to figure it out.

There is an inexplicable feeling that both Yuan Yuan and He Shengzhou are born, what a fucking bad luck!

"Who! Battle?"

Just when he was out of breath, suddenly, a sense of crisis invaded his heart, Lin Yuan suddenly raised his head, in the darkness, the world seemed to become quiet for a moment...

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