Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1686 : The Broken Rules! Temporary Furnace Cauldron! (Seeking Subscription)

Of course, although Kunpeng is impulsive, he still has some brains.

What he killed was nothing more than the disciples of some small forces.

After all, these small forces are no more than those of the Dushengmen. Facing the emaciated camel in the ancient beast land, they can only speak out in anger and dare not make a big noise.

What he didn't expect was that this time the situation made him mistaken. The power of a group of miscellaneous troops assembled was no less than that of a medium and large force.

This caused the ancient beastland to suffer a great loss.

Quite a few orcs were injured in this accident, and not a few even died.

Such a result shocked the entire hidden world forces.

No one would have imagined that a group of small forces would dare to resist such an existence as the Ancient Beastland after Wu Long's death.

This made many discerning people lament in their hearts that there are fewer and fewer cowardly and law-abiding people. Soon, the hidden world forces will fall into chaos.

And the beginning of the chaos is on the side of the Ancient Beastland. Many orcs headed by Kunpeng actually want to move to the outside world. The most ironic thing is that it is rumored that they have the support of the master of the Dushengmen

The hidden world cannot enter the outside world.

Is the death rule established at the beginning finally going to be broken?

Just when everyone couldn't see the form clearly, some cultivators noticed that Yun Zhou, who was turbulent in the outside world, appeared in the hidden world forces!

His appearance was very low-key, with only two women and three old men by his side.

And just when everyone in the hidden world thought that Yun Zhou was going to make peace with the ancient beast land.

Thousands of murderous followers frantically rushed into the hidden world forces, killing them from a corner of the beast land, and they were caught off guard. Along the way, many creatures from the ancient beast lands were poisoned to death.

All of a sudden, the entire hidden world force became a sensation.

Whether it is outside monks or hidden creatures, they are all paying attention to the ancient beast land. Many people think that this will be the beginning of a big earthquake.

It is self-evident what the ancient beast land represents, and Yun Zhou's reputation is well known to everyone in the hidden world.

A battle between dragons and tigers is inevitable.

The green water is continuous and the tops of the mountains.

Yun Zhou stood with his hands behind his back, his clothes rustling in the breeze, his hair tied behind his head, he was indescribably handsome.

"Sovereign, the investigation is clear. Kunpeng is in the base camp of the ancient beast land. There are six orc elders around him who have reached the emperor level (intermediate level), and the rest of the emperor level (lower level) (bfcb) peak masters are no less than twenty. People." Following Lao Lin who came to the Immortal Domain, his work efficiency was still as good as ever.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou cast a meaningful glance in the direction of the east: "Ancient Beastland... Hehe, you are indeed a giant of the hidden power, no wonder you have the confidence to share the world with me."

"Let's spread the news, let Kunpeng wait for me at the Landlord Beast Mountain, he can't afford the outside water, since he's moved his mind, then die."

"In addition, give him a message to tell him not to run away. The descendant of his Kunpeng clan was captured by me. I want her to live, so just wait for me honestly.

There was an indifferent smile on Yun Zhou's face.

At the feet of the thousands of elites behind him, there were basically a few orcs with their hands and feet bound kneeling. They were all captives he had captured during his attacks on the beast land in the past few hours.

Originally, Yun Zhou was still thinking about courtesy first and then soldiers, but considering that other forces were eyeing him, he didn't have that patience, so he directly brought in all the elites from the outside world, planning to eat them into a fat man first and then digest them slowly.

"Okay, I lost it.

Hearing this, Lao Lin grinned, turned into a streamer and left after responding.

When the orc captives who were captured alive by Yun Zhou heard this, they were filled with righteous indignation and cursed at Yun Zhou one after another:

"You monkey from the outside world, don't be so rampant, shameless for you, our Kunpeng Beast Ancestor will definitely kill you and take away all your territory!"

Among this group of orcs, there was also a girl with light scales on her forehead. She had a beautiful face. After hearing Yun Zhou's words, her whole body trembled slightly, and she bit her lower lip with her silver teeth.

She is the descendant of the Kunpeng clan that Yun Zhou said, her blood is very pure, she belongs to the direct line inheritor of the Kunpeng beast ancestor, and she is very convinced of her ancestor.

Even after Kunpeng said that she wanted to attack the outside world, she deliberately took the orcs to the outside world of Immortal Domain.

The existence of Yun Zhou is what she told Kunpeng.

He persuaded Kunpeng to kill Yun Zhou first if he wanted to occupy the outer territory, and said that it was unrealistic to divide the world equally.

So after Yun Zhou learned about this, the first thing he did was to gather his own elite, first capture her alive, and even killed all the Kunpeng clan around her

"Yun Zhou, if you dare to use me to threaten your ancestors, your ancestors will definitely crush you!"

"I warn you, if you are wise enough to let me go, otherwise all of you will die, including these two women beside you, will become the furnace of my ancestors, you...

This descendant of Kunpeng was also terrified by Yun Zhou, trembling all over and warning him, intending to scare Yun Zhou with his ancestor's name.

"The furnace? A mere soul, what is the use of the furnace? But you, it is quite suitable to make the furnace, but I don't like you, Hong Dabao, I leave it to you.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou frowned slightly, and then responded indifferently.

For this kind of stupid woman, he wanted to kill her directly, but it was rumored that the blood of the Kunpeng clan was very strong, so it would be better to kill her own people.

But what he didn't expect was.

Hearing these words, Hong Dabao shook his head like a rattle.

"I'm a beggar, I don't play with orcs!"

Yun Zhou glanced at the beeping thing and then focused on Li Kunqi.

Li Kunlun suddenly tightened his chrysanthemum, and almost copied the knife, "Don't you know what happened to me, my ancestor? I can't even use the stove! Don't beat me up!"

Thousands of elites: (o)...

Yun Zhou gave him a funny look, shook his head, and then his eyes fell on the face of the pale Kunpeng girl.

She has some good looks, but she is thousands of miles away from Shizun and others, so he really doesn't like her.

Moreover, this woman's words are rude, insulting Jiang He and Yun Susu, so this length can't just be forgotten.

"If no one wants to make a cauldron, then cut off her hands and feet. The pure Kunpeng blood is a great tonic. Everyone can share a little, which is good for cultivation."

"Hey~! You can have this."

Immediately, Li Kunlun directly rubbed and drew out a long sword.

"You, what are you going to do?".

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