Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1692: It's Just A Bug! Quality Is To Humiliate Yourself! (Seeking Subscription)

To be reasonable.

Since the establishment of this ancient beast land, this is the first time that Kunpeng has been so aggrieved.

In front of hundreds of millions of living beings, they were directly hammered into the surface one after another by Yun Zhou who suddenly appeared.

This scene was so embarrassing, it almost drove Kunpeng mad with hatred, and he wished that Yun Zhou would cramp~skinned.

Seeing Kunpeng's angry look, Yun Zhou's expression was indifferent, still in an understatement, and the contempt and banter in his eyebrows and eyes were not concealed at all.

He stared at Kunpeng's face with mockery, and said to himself: "I wondered how a generation of beast ancestors would be a little too aggressive, but I didn't expect that he was still a standard villain. "

"It's a pity that you don't replace the way of heaven with the appearance that only you are a smart person and everyone in the world is stupid."

Saying so, Yun Zhou's face didn't change at all, as if he didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

At this time, the long-lost system notification sound suddenly rang in his mind.

[Ding, the main mission: Invading the hidden world (in progress), the side mission was successfully triggered. 】

[The existence of the host does not allow others to provoke, please kill the remnant soul of Kunpeng to lay the foundation of the hidden world. 】

[Mission success: Luck value +30 points, Kunpeng beast soul congealing rate 100%. 】

[Mission failure: no penalty. 】

Hearing this task, Yun Zhou took it without saying a word.

The task of adding 30 luck points is rare, and even if there is no such side task, this kind of stupid thing must be killed.

So this wave is completely a free benefit.

Having said that, since the opening of the Destiny Mall, his luck value has been kept at 500 points.

The system bluntly says that to maintain energy, it must be supported by Qi luck value.

Could it be that you saw that you didn't spend your capital, so you rewarded yourself with extra money?

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou's expression became intriguing.

If this is the case, then he will be equivalent to catching a bug in the system in the future. I am afraid it will be much easier to earn luck points?

As for Kunpeng in front of him...

Sorry, Yun Zhou really didn't pay attention to this bird man.

In his opinion, this bird man is at most a stepping stone, offering his head for the foundation of his grand plan.

Even Wu Long and Lin Yuan's generation can't compare.

Anyway, he still has to put a little thought into those two people, and use tricks to calculate step by step.

And this Kunpeng took the initiative to jump into the abyss, and it was useless to make a move by himself, and directly landed on his own head.

But it is true, according to the normal way, Kunpeng is at least the founder of the ancient beast land, and he is regarded as the overlord in this hidden world force. It is true that he has contempt for a foreign boy. is normal.

How could he have thought that the brat in his eyes would be someone who couldn't be defeated even with all his might?

"Yun Zhou, what do you mean by this? Who is brazen?" Kunpeng's face was extremely indifferent.

He couldn't understand what Yun Zhou meant by the villain model, but he understood Yun Zhou's mocking words.

That attitude of not taking him seriously made the murderous look in Kunpeng's heart even more intense.

After all, for tens of thousands of years, no one other than the Immortal Emperor and the Demon Venerable had dared to treat him like this!

"Whoever answers is shameless, old thing, I have a son, don't you want me to throw it away?"

"It's fine to rely on the old and sell the old, but to treat other people as fools, people like you are the most stupid."

Yun Zhou didn't feel like he was bullying the old man at all, he just opened his mouth to swear, the so-called coercion was not worth mentioning in his opinion, when it was time to swear, he kept his mouth shut and pretended to be indifferent, the one who was aggrieved was himself.

When the surrounding monks heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched unconsciously.

Good guy, this first sneaked him to death, and then he pointed at his forehead and scolded...

This Yun Zhou is so forceful and unreasonable. In the past, he only heard about it, but today he saw that he was even more difficult to deal with than the demon king.

It really made these people feel suddenly, and all the thoughts of provoking each other disappeared for a while.

"I didn't expect this guy to have a poisonous mouth after reincarnation."

On the top of the mountain not far away, Ling Luohuan, who landed here, had a faint smile on her beautiful face.

……ask for flowers…

She looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar reincarnation, and didn't know what to say for a while.

At first, he thought that Yun Zhou would kill Kunpeng with a sharp knife, but instead of doing anything, this guy even mocked him.

"It's not difficult to guess the idea. To despise their beast ancestors in front of these orcs, make them go crazy, and then easily suppress them, so that the orcs lose their desire to fight again?"

"Simple and crude method, but the effect is definitely good."

"I didn't expect that the Immortal Emperor, who used to be high-sounding, would actually use this kind of method. It's really novel..."

She thought of the few times when the Immortal Emperor fought with her in an upright manner, a strange feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

This guy, not so much the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, is more like the news from the Heavenly Dao, an existence from another world...

"Little thing, you dare to scold me!?"

Kunpeng's expression froze, and he was suddenly stunned by Yun Zhou's scolding.

Tens of thousands of years ago, no one had ever dared to insult him like this, and coupled with Yun Zhou's contemptuous appearance at the moment, the anger in Kunpeng's heart was almost escalated to the peak!

Hate value of 100% belongs to yes.

Buzz buzz~!

After reacting, Kunpeng dived into the water with a cold expression, and even the phantom of his soul began to transform into a beast shape. The mist around him kept surging, and the terrifying aura rose steadily, with a murderous aura!

"I've said it before, I'm going to die if I move my mind that shouldn't be moved, scold you? I'm sorry, what I want to do is kill you!"

Yun Zhou said calmly, his eyes suddenly became sharp at the last moment.

Looking at Kunpeng's eyes between words, it's like looking at the grave of an enemy, full of playfulness and indifference.

As the breeze blew, Yun Zhou stood in the void with his hands behind his back. Xue White's gown seemed to be embroidered with thousands of elegance, with gentle fairy charm and unharmonious murderous aura constantly intertwined.

At this moment, everyone present reacted instantly.

Yun Zhou, from the beginning to the end is not a prey, he is a hunter in sheep's clothing!

"Old Lin, the gift of the Kunpeng Beast Ancestor can be given to him, let's do it... the knife."

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