Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1695 : Digging Up Ancestral Graves To Find Fengshui, It Seems Damned! (Seeking Subscription)

In Ling Luohuan's eyes, what the Immortal Emperor is most willing to do is to dig people's ancestral graves to find opportunities to enter the country.

Because of this, she was not surprised by the speed at which Yun Zhou's realm improved.

Moreover, comparing the two, Kunpeng's cultivation clearly has the absolute upper hand, but in Yun Zhou's hands, he couldn't get the slightest advantage.

Even being suppressed by Yun Zhou everywhere, there is no room for retaliation.

This is no longer something that can be explained by the difference in Yun Zhou's realm. The gap in combat power between the two is too obvious.

Yun Zhou's real combat strength probably surpassed the Emperor Realm (middle-level) category long ago.

As for what level it has reached...

Ling Luohuan looked at the tall and straight figure standing in the sky, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The rumors are indeed true. This Yun Zhou has really reached the supreme level of the taboo level. Otherwise, how could he crush the Kunpeng beast ancestor so easily?"

"Except for the state that Kunpeng relies on, the annihilation of the physical body is no longer a big threat. Among the supreme beings of the same generation, the master of the Zhao family and the master of the Chen family can crush it, but it is certainly not as easy as Yun Zhou showed..."

"I'm afraid that from now on, no one will dare to confront Yun Zhou except for these supreme level influencers."

Many onlooker hermits were whispering, their eyes full of horror.

Although they are in the hidden world, they have heard a little about Yun Zhou's reputation and know that the other party is very powerful, but they never thought that they would be so strong!

Even the ancestor of the beast land like Kunpeng can easily suppress it. Looking at the entire hidden world, I am afraid that only the master of the Dushengmen can deal with Yun Zhou.

Thinking of this, the suzerains of some small and medium-sized forces feel a lot of pressure.

It was as if a boulder was pressing on their hearts, making them breathless.

"Speaking of which, the person who killed Lord Qilin seems to have come from outside~||."

"That's right, that guy has absorbed Lord Qilin's bloodline supernatural powers. One can imagine how powerful he is. Moreover, the ancient beasts went all out without finding the other party's figure. Thinking about it, it's terrifying."

"Hey, I'm afraid that apart from the supreme powers, only Yun Zhou Tianjiao can do nothing to others."

"Want to eat farts? Yun Zhou also has a grudge against Ancient Beastland, will he help Ancient Beastland find someone to avenge?"

At this time, the Tianjiao who were watching were whispering in small groups.

Many ladies in the hidden world, looking at the figures standing in the sky with little stars in their eyes, looked like women sunning wolves, the kind who wished to drag Yun Zhou directly to the couch.

And the male cultivators who came from famous families also had dignified expressions and fear in their hearts, and they no longer had the arrogance of being a hermit.

From the very beginning, they looked down on the people in the Immortal Realm, thinking that the existence in the hidden world is much stronger than the outsiders.

No matter in terms of background and resources, the hidden world is not comparable to the outside world.

But the current scene slapped them hard in the face. Not only did this person from the outside world far surpass their peers in cultivation, he was even powerful enough to crush and kill them all!

Yun Zhou, powerful to the point of heinous!!

"It's still the same sentence, the water outside, if you think about wading, you will die, do you have any last words to say?"

Yun Zhou took a step from the air to give birth to a lotus, and walked down slowly, his white clothes fluttering, looking handsome and extraordinary.

On his face was a smile that intoxicated the opposite sex, and he glanced at Kunpeng's hands that had turned into ashes, with disdain in his eyes.

"Impossible! This is impossible! I am the overlord of the beast land galloping on one side, how could I be defeated by a yellow-mouthed kid like you..."

Kunpeng's face was pale and bloodless, and his previous arrogance was no longer in his words.

Now that he has fought against Yun Zhou, his conceited mind has completely collapsed.

The feeling that Yun Zhou gave him was even more terrifying than that of the Immortal Emperor back then. Just seeing him face to face suppressed him firmly, making him unable to resist.

"Confidence is a good thing, but you're damned if you're too conceited."

There was an indifferent mockery on the corner of Yun Zhou's mouth, and his eyes seemed to be looking at an ant who had been letting himself be manipulated.

Is this Kunpeng in front of you? Is it the Overlord?


In Yun Zhou's opinion, this is the little leek that contributes to his luck!

Moreover, this leek has no brains at all. At this moment, can you still not recognize the gap between the two?

With a wave of his hand, the strong wind swept again!

The sound of "rumbling" came one after another.

The brilliance of the sky wrapped around the boulder, and the vision covered the sky and the sun for a while, and the whole sky seemed to tremble violently, and then exploded!

The universe is turning, the sky and the earth are going backwards, the mountain peaks collapse, and the rushing ocean currents stop!

"."Yun Zhou!!"

The fairy light all over Kunpeng's body condensed on his hands, and he wanted to use his soul power to restore his palms, but at this moment, his face changed wildly, and he turned into a Kunpeng beast and wanted to escape.

At the same time, it is also filled with the power of the soul, shining like a beast descending from the sky!

His reaction speed was enough for Agility, but, as the boulder crashed from the sky, it was still a step too late.

A huge boulder containing the power of thunder bombarded one of his body, Kunpeng's soul image trembled continuously, and the entire soul body trembled again and again due to the electric shock.

The whole person completely lost the ability to react, and his head was facing the air, twitching constantly!

It was only a relatively small meteorite that hit him.

Just like this, all the soul power in his body will be annihilated, and there is no room for resistance at all!

If he was hit by all these boulders (Li Nuozhao), he would definitely be out of his wits!

Thinking of this, Kunpeng trembled all over, escaped from the lightning control of the meteorite, and his soul dimmed.

"How can you be so strong at such a young age? This is absolutely impossible!"

He couldn't believe it, it took him tens of thousands of years to cultivate to such an extent, how did Yun Zhou's combat power far surpass him in the end?

This is the biggest joke in the world!

If he could hear Yun Zhou's heart like those heroines, he would get a very dramatic answer. Young

[You have passed through the book twice, and you have a predecessor at the level of an immortal emperor, maybe stronger than me. 】

"Don't judge me by your short-sightedness. If I'm not strong, wouldn't I just let you ride on my neck and drag me?"

Think one thing in your heart and say another thing on the surface.

Yun Zhou stood with his hands behind his back, the gleam in his eyes, like a hungry wolf staring at its prey...

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