Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1698: Ling Luo Huan And Good Baby! Who Is Watching The Fun? (Seeking Subscription)

Kunpeng moved in a panic, his face extremely ugly.

At first, I thought that Yun Zhou must have used all his strength just now, otherwise how could he crush him?

But looking at it now, the kung fu performed by Yun Zhou is more than several times stronger than the previous thunder hammer? This made Kunpeng feel desperate in his heart, and even regretted clamoring to annex the outside world.

He didn't know that even if he didn't go to the outside world, Yun Zhou couldn't let him go.

"There is no way to retreat, then fight!"

Kunpeng roared in his heart and struggled desperately.

After feeling the terrifying murderous aura, he knew that there was a high probability that he would die here today.

These people who were watching had no friendship with Beastland, and it was even more impossible for them to help him.

For a moment, he was filled with remorse, honestly, he was just a beast, why did he listen to Zhao Miaozhu's words and go to trouble Yun Zhou? "Bo Yiqi"

Now that he is in this situation, how can Zhao Miaozhu have the posture to help himself?

Hemp, mother things, really can't be trusted!


Terrible tremors emanated from the void!

It was the pure killing intent that caused the space to tremble, and Kunpeng's beast body was balanced by the majestic sword energy, as if it would be decapitated in the next second!


At the most critical moment, his original essence and blood burst into flames, his pupils were scarlet, and all his trump cards were played, finally breaking away from the shackles of the earth spirit!

However, despite this, his waist was still cut by the terrifying sword energy more than ten inches, and blood splashed in the void, staining the ground.

The long sword in Yun Zhou's hand does not move, but the sword energy surges with his steps, using his body as a sword, the edge can move at will!

"You!!!" Kunpeng burst into convulsions, with unconcealable despair in his eyes, the blood on his body couldn't stop flowing, and he could hardly stand up.

"Don't, don't kill me, I won't go outside..."


It was Yun Zhou's extremely indifferent voice that responded to Kunpeng.

A destructive sword energy, the sharpness of which can change the color of the world, rushed through Kunpeng's heart in an instant, splashing blood like a rainbow!


Following the stare of the Kunpeng Beast Ancestor, his despairing eyes began to fade.

At the atrium is a circular opening with the mouth of a bowl, through which a blood hole comes out.

Even after the sword light pierced through Kunpeng, it didn't stop, and returned at a strange angle in the void, cutting off Kunpeng's head directly.


The head that fell to the ground still had a look of astonishment and despair on its face, and a look of remorse could be vaguely seen.

Kunpeng never thought of it until the moment of his death.

Even if he condenses his physical body again, he is still no match for Yun Zhou!

Just a face-to-face meeting made his physical body shatter again.

The gap between the two is completely beyond his means!

Thinking of this, Kunpeng, who had turned into a soul again, despaired.

The sword just now not only destroyed his body, but also eroded his immortal soul, and the remaining vitality of his soul was rapidly draining away.

Within a moment, he will be completely out of his wits, and there is no possibility of him surviving.

Yun Zhou's figure slowly fell in front of Kunpeng, his pure white clothes were not stained with dust, even if it was a big battle, there was still no wrinkle.

Compared with the monks who were avoiding the remaining prestige, his understatement was more like a spectator.

If the long sword in his hand wasn't there, he would have had the gentle look of a big brother next door.

At this moment, even Ling Luohuan was a little dazed, thinking of something, and straightened his legs.

After all, this face, compared to the previous middle-aged Immortal Emperor, is too lovely.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, this time Yun Zhou's action did not have any warning.

"Shua" sound!

The phantom's head turned into blue mist and dissipated.

At the same moment, a reminder sounded in Yun Zhou's mind just in time.

【Ding, the branch task is completed!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 30 luck points, Kunpeng Zudan (purity: 100%)!】

Sensing the elixir that suddenly appeared in the storage ring, Yun Zhou's eyelids twitched slightly, but soon returned to normal.

The Kunpeng beast soul condenses pills.

As he thought, since this thing can be used as a system reward, there must be something good about it.

Just looking at Zu Dan's pattern is nothing, but after careful perception, you can feel the surging power of beast law!

For him, it is a good treasure to improve combat power, a rare kind.

"Beast ancestor!"

"The King of Beast Ancestors!!"

"Yun Zhou, if you kill our beast ancestors, you will become an enemy of the entire ancient beast land, and save your life!"

At this time, the older generation of orcs who followed Kunpeng reacted, and roared at Yun Zhou with tearful eyes...

Their faces were pale, filled with endless hatred and anger, as if Ping was condemning Yun Zhou's act of killing Kunpeng.

Although many forces are watching, and this battle is a life-and-death situation decided by Kunpeng and Yun Zhou, it is not their turn to intervene.

But seeing their own beast ancestor die in front of their eyes, how could they bear it?

It's just that for such a terrifying existence as Yun Zhou, these ferocious beasts such as the wolf king and tiger king did not dare to approach him, and only dared to yell at him from a distance.

They are not as reckless as Kunpeng [they choose to be tough when they know that they are not opponents.

Even their beast ancestors who had reached the seventh level of Emperor Realm (upper level) were easily killed by Yun Zhou, so where did these beastmen have the confidence to fight him for their lives?

But they are all paper tigers who are resentful and open their mouths to vent.

Hearing these orcs scolding harshly, Yun Zhou glanced over indifferently and narrowed his eyes slightly.

For a moment, all the orcs felt chills down their spines, as if a basin of cold water poured directly from the top of the sky to the soles of their feet, making them feel cold all over their bodies!

That kind of eyes are flat but terrifying, as if Hell from the abyss, overlooking a group of ants that are about to reach their end of life.

This made them stiffen immediately, and they didn't dare to move when they stood there.

"Little bastard, do you want to kill them all?"

Seeing this, Li Kunlun, who relied on the old to sell the old, came to Yun Zhou with a grin, with a cruel smile on his face.

In his eyes, Yun Zhou is like a child who grows up, even as a grandson, no matter how tyrannical this guy is, he has no fear.

Moreover, Yun Zhou, as his suzerain, just killed the ancestor of the beast, he, a follower like the ancestor, naturally cannot lose his position, he must stand up when it is time to be fierce!

"Not one of those who clamored just now will be left behind," Yun Zhou said calmly.

Those who can utter insults after killing Kunpeng must be Kunpeng's loyal confidants. Yun Zhou never does the thing of raising tigers, and the orcs who cannot be wooed "only die. .

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