Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 337: The one who buried it, must be a stick god! (Subscribe)

All right.

No matter if it is useful or not, you can't lose the momentum you should have!

Just like these disciples.

As the elders of the Wuxuan Sect, they couldn't bear such a move.

But there are more or less people out there who don't know who they are.

Although the other party was hidden when they came to Wuwang City and were targeted by them.

But now, from the perspective of divine sense, they have guessed almost the same.

In the vast earth, if you can reach this level, you are still buried in your body...

Don't think about it, it must be a stick god!


Just after the few of them confirmed their identities, Hong Dabao's voice came over:

"Treading a horse, you little babies, your ancestors are root gods, and treading a horse is not a villain, what do you do as a sect?

"How many times have I said this, I came to chat with your holy son, why don't you believe it!

"Hey - really irritating!!"

"Come on, open the door, let the ancestors in, be obedient~!"

The tone of "grandmother wolf coaxing Little Red Riding Hood", coupled with this touching eardrum sound, made the children of the gatekeepers tremble.

I'm a muddy horse, this rich voice, all TM "blood surged"!

This kind of cultivation is definitely not an ordinary person!

Who dares to let him in?

Moreover, with such a strong aura, how could it be said that Nirvana is consummated?

The sect master is still in seclusion, and if this guy really comes to find fault, how many in the Wuxuan Sect can stop him?

And above the sky.

"Stick God? Hong Dabao?"

Indeed, there is a difference between thinking and hearing.

Hearing Hong Dabao's identity, the expressions of several elders changed.

You are stubborn, I am stubborn, and you are stunned.


If there are still people in the right path of the vast land that can make the elders of the Wuwu sect fear, this Hong Dabao must be one of them!

Hong Dabao's cultivation is extremely high, and his temper is eccentric. Although he is sloppy, he will kill at every turn!

Moreover, it is very difficult to deal with the fact that it has never paid attention to sect schools or anything!

"I don't know what is the so-called Honggenshen's visit to my Wuxuan Sect?"

The Great Elder stepped into the air, and his face was a little unsightly.

If Hong Dabao came here normally, he wouldn't be too nervous.

After all, there is still Yanyi who can beat him.

But now Yanyi is in retreat, his master Li Kunlun has also gone back to retreat, and there are no peerless masters in the entire Wuxuan Sect.

His heart suddenly felt a little empty.

But after thinking about it, it's nothing to be afraid of. Isn't there Lin Feng on the Holy Son Mountain?

That guy used to be a sword god, and even though he was a deacon, his cultivation was definitely not down.

When I discussed with him many years ago, he was at the third level of Nirvana.

Now it is estimated that the "true cultivation base" should also be complete.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

"Tell you Zong Shengzi to come out, my disciple wants to see him.

Hong Dabao, who was outside the sect, smashed the door again, cursed "tortoise shell" secretly, and shouted loudly.

This is not his high-end attitude.

It's just like he normally does.

Yes, a peerless strong man dressed up as an old beggar, what kind of etiquette do you ask him to do?

When the first elder heard this, he frowned slightly, then glanced at Xuanyuan Tianwei who was beside him, and his loose brows wrinkled suddenly.

good guy!

It must be the Holy Son who provoked other girls!!

Hiss-beautiful and cold, with the smell of Gu Xian'er, absolutely!

Damn, when the Son was provoked, he definitely didn't expect that this girl is the apprentice of the stick god!

"This time I hit the iron plate, what should I do?

Yun Zhou: Can you TM treat me well??

The Great Elder turned his thoughts around, but in the end there was no way to deal with it, so he could only helplessly say:

"If you two want to see our holy son, please wait a moment, I have asked the holy son, and I am taking you two there.

After this wave of words, the Great Elder felt guilty.

But there is no way.

The identity of his own holy son is placed there, even if it is a stick god, it is not a matter of seeing.

Not even at home!

And even if it was the fault of his own holy son, he couldn't come out to see this old man!

My holy son of the Wuxuan Sect, if I make a mistake, I will be mad, this is the force!

Face problem, nothing to say!

"Good boy, let us go to see him, I think you need to clean up, you are playing with my name as a stick god, hurry up and ask him to come out to see me, otherwise I will anger the ancestors, I will put you The Wrathless Sect has been demolished!"

...for flowers....

Hong Dabao is notoriously unreasonable, and even speaks with a bit of arrogance.

When the elder heard this, his face turned black.

After living for nearly a hundred years, this is the first time I heard someone call him "boy"!

This is arrogant on horseback!!

But unfortunately, what people call it is not wrong.

That's right!

Compared with his age, when he could not climb, Hong Dabao became famous in Haotu!

But even if he was called "Boy" like that, he was bad!

When the disciples watching from a distance heard this, their eyes were rounded, and their faces were horrified.


Destroyed the phantom sect?

Good guy, what kind of identity is this, the tone is big enough!

Even if Nirvana is consummated, it is not that they have not seen it before, it is the first time they have seen such an arrogant person.

Everyone present was shocked.

But in contrast, some of the disciples who had returned to God were not very good-looking.

This old guy is too deceiving!

"Master! 2

Hearing Hong Dabao's words, Xuanyuan Tianwei also fell in love with Liu Mei.

She came to seek refuge with Yun Zhou, not to find fault, and of course she didn't want to offend Wuxangzong.

She had a feeling that Hong Dabao was deliberately trying to keep Wuxianzong from coming to the stage, so as to draw a clear line between himself and Yun Zhou.

So she immediately opened her mouth and said, "I would have to trouble the first elder to inform him that Xuanyuan Tianwei wants to see him."

Hearing this, the expressions of the disciples of the Wuxuan Sect changed slightly.

During this time, all the names of Lin Yuan's subordinates were found out by Ru Fengshan.

And it is clear that Rufeng Mountain and these people will never die.

And the name Xuanyuan Tianwei happened to be one of the names found by Confucianism Mountain!

This woman's name... Could it be Lin Yuan's subordinate?

Or just the same name?

It should be just the same name, after all, this is the descendant of the root god, and it is impossible to have anything to do with the thief Lin Yuan.

And she looks so slick...

em... not supposed to be the bad guy! Next,

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