Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 366 : Xiao. Let me tell you a secret, we have been listened to the corner! (please subscribe

Three poles in the sun.

After Yan Yi "escaped" back to the Sect Master's palace, he didn't come out.

On Yun Zhou's side, Wu Shiyao opened his eyes.

Looking at Yun Zhou, who was lying on his stomach, was a little dazed.

Follow his gaze.

I saw a long paper roll that looked like a PG-wipe was placed in front of Yun Zhou's eyes.

Wu Shiyao was a little dazed for a while, "Xiang Gong~ what are you looking at?

All right.

After Yun Zhou's repeated requests, Wu Shiyao can be considered to have changed the title to Xianggong.

Hearing the question, Yun Zhou looked up at her, picked up the paper scroll, shook it and said with a smile:

"Come on, come here, Geng Geng, peerless mentality, but the bull is rushing!

Wu Shiyao:

Can the scroll that records the peerless mind look like a bear?

Who are you fooling?

But Wu Shiyao didn't think too much, she leaned over to Yun Zhou.

There is no reason for her husband to lie to her, right?

Lying beside Yun Zhou, Wu Shiyao began to look at the scroll.

At first, I didn't think so, but the more I looked down, the more shocked Wu Shiyao's pretty face became.

In the end, he sat up next to Yun Zhou with a slur.

"Master, where did you come from?"

Yun Zhou: "Where else can I get it? Hong Dabao brought it. 99

Wu Shiyao: "Is that the stick god who fought with Deacon Lin and the others yesterday?

Yun Zhou nodded, "Well, it's him... He has defected to me now, and this thing is his name..."

"It's the initial mental technique of the Dragon Fright. Try to see if you can see some skins. If you can learn these skins, you can be a trump card in the future."

Wu Shiyao:???

What is this saying?

A generation of gods who have completed Nirvana, have defected to you??

good guy!

As expected of my husband, Wu Shiyao, it's really boring!

She stared blankly at Yun Zhou for a while, then followed his line of sight for a while, then shook her head and said:

"No, this mental method is too demanding on the root, and I can't learn the most should learn it yourself.

Hearing this Yun Zhou didn't care.

After all, if anyone could practice it, Hong Dabao wouldn't be able to find King Man Hao looking for an inheritor for decades.

He nodded and responded casually: "Then I will learn and learn to protect you..."

As he spoke, he suddenly thought of something, raised his head to look at Wu Shiyao and said:

"I forgot to tell you one more thing, we two seem to have been discovered.



"To be exact, someone was listening to the corner."

Wu Shiyao looked at Yun Zhou with a look of surprise: "What do you mean?

Yun Zhou crawled from the couch and sat opposite Wu Shiyao, with a flat expression: "Literally, my master may have eavesdropped on our corner, and her relationship has been discovered by her.


Wu Shiyao was stunned, and it took a long time to recover before she recovered, and said in a panic, "You mean that Sect Master Yan knows that I am with you?"

Yun Zhou nodded, "Well, she made it clear when I sent her a voice transmission in the morning.

Choi food.

Early in the morning, what Master said to him was obvious.

He just repeated Wu Shiyao's words and asked him if he was afraid of being affected.

And he also made it clear to the master that this matter should not be said for the time being, and the master also agreed.

In the short term, it's fine.

Then he thought it was no problem, Wu Shiyao was dumbfounded!

She looked at Yun Zhou in astonishment, her head turned round.

"That means...I came to Yun Zhou, and she saw everything?

Actually make sense.

She never planned to hide her relationship with Yun Zhou.

She even wanted to take the initiative to find Yanyi several times before, hoping that she would come forward to break off the marriage for Yun Zhou, and then let her help her stay with Yun Zhou.

Because she doesn't care what other people think.

But she didn't expect it.

Before she and Yanyi took the initiative to speak, they were seen first!

"This...Yesterday then...if I was seen...this..."

Wu Shiyao didn't know what to think, and her smooth face became hotter.

It wasn't until a long while before he endured the shyness in his heart and asked Yun Zhou:

"How can you be sure that Sect Master Yan is listening to the corner?"

Yun Zhou scratched his head, "She repeated what you said to me before bed. 99


"That's why I don't rush to cultivate, you will wait for me or something..."

Hearing this, Wu Shiyao froze.

have to!

When she spoke, her voice was small or small, and it was all heard.

That must have been listened to the corner!

Unexpectedly, the dignified Sect Master of Anzong still likes to listen to others.

Especially when the two Dao Companions were still eavesdropping, this is too...

Wu Shiyao blushed and couldn't find any adjectives for a while.

But apart from being a little shy, she didn't have much reaction.

After all, she and Yanyi are both female cultivators, so it doesn't matter if they are seen.

And Yanyi didn't ask her to say anything when she saw it, which means that the other party has acquiesced in her being with Yun Zhou.

Doesn't this mean that she doesn't have to worry about it in the future?

Thinking of this, Wu Shiyao's state of mind suddenly turned 180 degrees 557, she smiled and wrapped Yun Zhou's neck and said:

"Now Sect Master Yan also knows about our affairs. In the future, you don't have to be afraid that she will not agree. You will not be able to escape from my palm in the future!"

This little head is turning fast enough.

Patting the pretty face in front of him, Yun Zhou showed a soft smile.

Don't look at Wu Shiyao's character as a witch, but she is really cute when she is charming.

em...the kind that can be soft to the heart of the heart!

"And the relationship between us returning to the Tianyu Dynasty cannot be exposed, and Sect Master Yan is not the kind of person who talks nonsense, she will keep it a secret for us. Wu Shiyao said softly.

Yun Zhou nodded in agreement.

Although Yan Yi had "made it clear" to him inside and out, the other party never mentioned Wu Shiyao's name.

Thinking about it, I don't want his relationship with Wu Shiyao to be exposed.

After all, he is still Xian'er's fiancé.

[Speaking of Gu Xian'er... It's time to go to Xuantian Sect these two days. "

"It's time for the early plot in the original text to collapse like this...)

ps: There seems to be a problem in the comment area of ​​the waste furnace. Many comments can be seen but cannot be clicked. Let me make a statement again. It was not deleted by the author. If you see this, don't fight!,

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