Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 369: The Past Life in My Heart! The piety of the list! (Subscribe)

Hear this.

Zhang Duoduo, who was smiling, suddenly stopped in Bengbu.

He stared at Yun Zhou with wide eyes.


Is this "concern" in your words serious??

All right.

Yun Zhou's original intention was serious.

It means that I have good things in the future, and I will give them to you as well.

But there may be a problem with this expression.

And Yun Zhou himself didn't notice anything wrong.

After giving Zhang Duoduo a word of assurance, he didn't say anything.

With a leisurely expression, she followed the footsteps of Concubine Lin and walked towards Sect Master Mountain.

Zhang Duoduo looked at Yun Zhou's figure to the side, silently in a daze.

As she adapted to Yun Zhou's footsteps, she suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"Let him experience the feeling of crying once?"

But I don't know why "five six zero"


After experiencing some "true feelings" just now, she suddenly felt that she didn't seem to "hate" Yun Zhou so much anymore.

Not to mention hatred, the resentment she had hidden in her heart disappeared.

Especially when she heard the other party praise her as "beautiful", the shyness in her heart for that "instant throbbing" made her feel inexplicably and couldn't figure out the reason.

Alas, the five flavors are mixed, and the emotions are extremely complicated.

that's it.

Lin is the former concubine, Zhang Duoduo and Yun Zhou are behind.

The three of them walked in the direction of Sect Master Mountain one after the other.

Since it takes sincerity to go to the apprenticeship, the two girls are on their legs, and Yun Zhou naturally follows.

The journey is relatively long.

After a while, several people finally reached the mountainside of the sect master.

At this time, Zhang Duoduo no longer had the feeling of being sane just now, only the nervousness when he was about to see Yan Yi was left.

That's right!

Don't look at her as the Saintess of Qingyun Valley.

But it is a little nervous to be one of the right teachers.

Not to mention Concubine Lin.

As a cultivator, my nervous hands and feet are cold!

I can't get enough power!

Finally, on a secluded path leading to the summit of the Sect Master.

Concubine Lin, who was in front of her, didn't know if it was because she was nervous that she didn't see the way.

Suddenly his feet slipped.

Of course, she has a cultivation base.

Falling down is not enough.

However, the pill bottle she took out in advance formed a parabola and flew into the grass in front of her.

Concubine Lin's face turned pale, and she hurriedly went to look for it.

This is the apprenticeship ceremony prepared by her mother for her. If the bottle is broken and the medicine pill becomes dirty, it will be bad.

[Spray, the concubine is still the same as the previous life, gentle on the surface, but naive. "

[But I still like it this way. "

[This kind of heroine is the heroine, right? Be more graceful and full of femininity!

[That is, if the thing in her hand is broken, I am afraid she will cry?"

Hearing Yun Zhou's voice, Lin Fei blushed inexplicably.

Bend over to look for the pill bottle.

But she didn't notice at all.

Behind her, Zhang Duoduo's mouth grew so big that she was shocked!

good guy!

I didn't see it!

The concubine's figure is so good!!

But in this state...would it be cheaper Yun Zhou?

Zhang Duoduo looked away at Yun Zhou.

When I saw Yun Zhou looking straight at Concubine Lin, I suddenly cried out in my heart, "Sure enough"!

This guy, when he doesn't care, is an uncompromising disciple!!

And at this time, Yun Zhou's voice also came over:

【Good guy!)

【What should I do now in this situation?

[Go up and help her find it? No, I'm a senior brother, I have to hold on to the air and watch it!"

【Strange, why is your nose so hot??)

【Broken one by one is not a nosebleed, right??)

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou hurriedly reached out and wiped it, only to find that there was nothing, and he was relieved:

[Fortunately, it's not nosebleed.

【However, concubine, what is going on?」

[Anyway, it's also in the realm of transformation, as for throwing things?)

[em... I'm going, shouldn't she be trying to hook me up by throwing things next!?)

I don't know where this strange idea came from, but Yun Zhou himself looked shocked!

Zhang Duoduo on the side is suddenly a good-looking white-eyed!

This man is so shameless!

Forget about narcissism, the thick-skinned is to die for!

The most important thing is that if others are not serious, they are a disciple!

In addition to the plots in my heart all day, it's that Concubine Lin is good...

Simply an asshole!

What makes her even more angry is that she is also a junior sister!

And her appearance is obviously not much worse than that of Concubine Lin!

How come you have been partial to Concubine Lin all day before, and don't look down on her at all?

Am I that bad?

Isn't this bastard bullying people??

But fortunately, this guy said he would change it, but he didn't know what it would look like...

It can't always be like what he said:

The more you miss Lin Fei, the more you miss her, right?

It's better not to change it!

Hearing Yun Zhou's voice, Concubine Lin, who was looking for the porcelain vase, also noticed her state.

He quickly turned his bending into a squat, and his face was inexplicably hot.

To be fair, although the memory fragments in her mind gradually increased, she more or less liked Yun Zhou.

But that doesn't mean she will deliberately hook up with Yun Zhou!

She blushed, quickly adjusted her figure, and found the pill bottle a moment later.

Only then did I pick it up and check it. After I found out that the pill bottle was fine, I breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Zhang Duoduo and the two with a smile:

"It's okay, nothing major, let's go."

Saying that, she pretended to be calm and turned her head and walked forward.

But she didn't know that her blushing face had already betrayed her.

Yun Zhou looked at her back, and the speculation in his heart became more certain.

[Sure enough, Concubine 1.4 also broke down and knew that she took the initiative to hook up with me. "

【How can she blush if she is not careful?】

[So, her state just now must be intentional!!)

【Then what should I do? Can't you take the bait?)

[ doesn't seem like there is any entanglement. "

[In my previous life, I fell in love with her. If I didn't save her so many times for the sake of acting in the plot, I'm afraid she would have promised her long ago...)

【I don’t have to act anymore in this life, what are you doing with so many worries?)

Hearing Yun Zhou's voice, Concubine Lin who was in front of her stopped.

She didn't mind that she was misunderstood, she just heard the "previous life" in Yun Zhou's heart...

ps: Thanks to "Actually" for the monthly pass and the 2,000-point reminder, the little author will go to the code!

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