Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 401 : Duoduo with affection? Because I like Senior Brother! (Subscribe)

my God!

good guy!

You are about to get your magic power!

Yun Zhou was already on the top of his head when he heard this voice, and when he looked at the couch, he almost stopped in Bengbu!

I saw Zhang Duoduo lying on the couch holding Jiao Meihui Yingying, her white teeth biting her lower lip lightly.

There is a kind of charm that is very inconsistent with the personality.

Moreover, at the same time as she asked the question, there was an obvious sign on her face, just like a little cutie who was afraid of being hated!

Who can resist this!

Actually make sense.

"do you hate me?"

If Zhang Duoduo's words were asked a few days ago, Yun Zhou would definitely respond with disgust without even thinking about it.

But after Zhang Duoduo's heartfelt disclosure last time.

Yun Zhou really couldn't hate it anymore.

Yes, although the earth is the world in the pen, everything here is real.

Before, he was just preconceived, thinking that Zhang Duoduo was a vase with a temper, so he didn't like it.

But after the last chat, Yun Zhou also reflected.

Before he was preconceived, it was the character set by the author.

It has nothing to do with Zhang Duoduo!

More precisely.

At this time, Zhang Duoduo is almost the same as the original character design of 683.

It can be seen from the fact that she invited herself to be the counselor of Lingduo.

She has a brain.

Moreover, her Tsundere temper has also subsided a lot these days.

At this time, Yun Zhou really didn't feel any dislike towards her at all.

Even when he looked at Zhang Duoduo, his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.


Not to mention body shape.

With Zhang Duoduo's Tsundere appearance, when he makes this kind of moving expression, the general person can't stop the disobedience and charm that he exudes.

Even Yun Zhou, who dangled in front of top beauties like Wu Shiyao all day, had to admit it at this moment.

This girl's face is indeed attractive.

After a few seconds, Yun Zhou regained his senses, was silent for a while and then shook his head, "I don't hate it.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Zhou was afraid that Zhang Duoduo was doing something wrong, and hurriedly added:

"But if you don't hate it now, it doesn't mean it will be in the future, don't get me wrong..."

""Then what, you should rest early. 99

"I go first.

Yun (bcbe) Zhou quickly waved his hand, not wanting to give Zhang Duoduo a chance to answer, and strode towards the door of the inner room.

At the same time, there is a bright light in my heart.

[Damn, isn't this girl holding back something bad?"

[It was me who accidentally offended me, and in the end, I asked if I hated her?]

[This number is obviously wrong!]

[Forget it, let's go quickly, the plan of this vase is unclear.

Designate [Is there a big move waiting to disgust me. "

To be honest.

In fact, when Yun Zhou said "don't hate me", Zhang Duoduo's mood has calmed down a lot.

I even feel a little happy.

But after hearing Yun Zhou's thoughts, she suddenly felt bad again.

The grievances that had just been calmed down came out again.


Am I that bad in your eyes?

What is suffocating bad?

Obviously you took advantage of it, right??

Shameless scum, Dengzi!!

Therefore, she was not prepared to let Yun Zhou go away so easily.

The dissatisfaction in my heart came up again.

He opened his mouth and called out Yun Zhou again.

"Lovely" said:

"Senior brother, I heard that you are going to the Tianyu Dynasty in a few days... Tomorrow, can you accompany me?"

Hearing this, Yun Zhou had a big question mark on his forehead.

Immediately, he glanced at the exposed foot of the other party, his face was a little helpless:

"Just like you are now, what can I do with you? Are you staring at you in your room? 33

"I can go. 11

Zhang Duoduo said softly, "If my brother wants to go anywhere, I can accompany him. 22

"But senior brother may want to replace me... but I'm not heavy."

I'm a jerk!

What does this say about?

Why should I replace you??

But this tone, this tone, this look...

To sum up, Yun Zhou only felt a little sudden in his heart.

"Then what, I have business to do tomorrow..."

"Otherwise you will find a concubine to accompany you?"

Zhang Duoduo looked at him with beautiful eyes, and shook his head: "I only want senior brother to accompany you!

Yun Zhou: "..."

Why doesn't this have oil and salt in it?

You find me to accompany you, find me to accompany you!

How good is our relationship?

Also, I have my last day off tomorrow, can't I stop?

He only felt a pain in his head, and he couldn't help rubbing his temples:

"You are obedient, and I will accompany you when my senior brother comes back from the Tianyu Dynasty. 9)

"No." Zhang Duoduo shook his head very firmly:

"It doesn't have to be long when you come back, I want to stay with you one more day before you leave. 93

Yun Zhou:???

Why is this conversation getting worse?

He looked at the seriousness on Zhang Duoduo's pretty face and the inexplicable "emotion"

Suddenly, he seemed to have caught a certain key point.

With a shudder in his heart, he asked tentatively:

"Why do you want me to accompany you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Duoduo didn't even think about it, a beautiful arc appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said generously:

"Because I like Senior Brother!

Yun Zhou:(.)(.)


All in!

【Good guy!)

【This woman is really hooking me up!!)

He looked at Zhang Duoduo on the couch in disbelief.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Be reasonable.

Does Zhang Duoduo say "like" Yun Zhou letter?

I definitely don't believe it.

He even wanted to reply to Zhang Duoduo:

"You can pull it down!


Zhang Duoduo likes him?

What century joke?

The two have only known each other for a few days.

And he was flying feet at the back of the opponent at every turn!

After such a violent operation, could Zhang Duoduo like him?

If you say simply "hook up and get rid of boredom", you are still in the past.


Stop bullshitting!

But what he thought in his heart, Yun Zhou couldn't say it on the surface.


This conversation is bizarre enough to this point.

After the whole process, maybe the other party has some other moths waiting for him...

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