Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 419: My God! Is this self-introduction too good? (Subscribe)

Hearing Yun Zhou's words, Zhang Duoduo, who was about to stop her, was stunned.


Isn't it the arm?

This guy doesn't want durian, has he changed his ways?

No, didn't he just say that he wouldn't look at fate?

Xiao Ning'er didn't think so much, she pulled up her cuff slightly, revealing her white wrist and handed it over.

Although it was just the wrist, Xiao Ning'er's face turned red involuntarily the moment Yun Zhou put her finger on it.

no way.

Growing up so big, she hasn't been touched by a single finger of any male cultivator.

Not even a strand of hair!

Soon, Yun Zhou explored Xiao Ning'er's bones and rhythm.

Then let go.

Looking at Xiao Ning'er, the corners of her mouth twitched:

"There is no obstacle in your cultivation all the way. As long as you work harder, you will have no problem breaking through to the Rongdao realm in the future."

"And I also saw your true destiny from your destiny."

True God?


Xiao Ning'er was stunned, she was a little curious, "Can Saint Yun tell what he looks like?"

Yun Zhou said leisurely: "He is tall, handsome in appearance, unique in ability, and has an unparalleled talent..."

"At the age of 20, he has reached the realm of merging the Dao, and even the Buddha and Dao have cultivated together, and both have awakened to the Dharma..."

"It can be said that he is a combination of talent and good looks, and he is a peerless good man who will never be the same in the vast land!"


At the age of 20, in the realm of fusion, Buddhism and Taoism are both awakened and awakened...

How to listen to what is his self-introduction.

Xiao Ning'er was stunned for a moment, then she couldn't help but smile when she regained her senses:

"Slightly~ You are a really thick-skinned person. If you want to praise yourself, it's okay to say that you are really destined..."

Saying that, she blushed.

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth was smiling, and the smile on his face was extremely gentle: "Just kidding."

"Just to make you happy.

"Your trademark polite smile is too ugly, it's better this way.

"Of course, although I'm joking about the cultivation base, the rest are true, don't believe me.

When Xiao Ning'er heard this, her heartbeat instantly increased.

"Plop thump", his face flushed.

This badass.

Too good, right?

It's a joke to talk about "cultivation".

Doesn't that mean that "The Son of Heaven" is true?

Scared, what the hell, it's necrotic!

Looking at Xiao Ning's blushing cheeks, Yun Zhou's mouth curved even more, and said with a light smile:

"It looks so much better, remember to use this smile when we meet next time.

"By the way, I showed you the fate, do you have anything to give me?

"If not... let's hug and say goodbye?"

With a "swipe", Xiao Ning'er's face suddenly turned red.

Oddly enough.

Her first reaction was not to shake her head to refuse, but to quickly glance at Zhang Duoduo beside her!

That little look, how guilty and how guilty.

Then, under the murderous eyes of the other party, his body froze, and he quickly waved his hand towards Yun Zhou, stammering:

"No, no, I don't have anything for you, you, you go, I'm going back. 99

After speaking, he turned his head and ran, as if he didn't dare to wait for a moment.

However, a Nascent Soul Realm can run several times, and it can be seen that her heart is not calm.

Watching Xiao Ning'er leave, Yun Zhou squinted at Zhang Duoduo.

Seeing that she was looking at him with an undisguised anger in her eyes, the corners of her mouth could not help twitching.

My heart "sprayed":

[Whether you really like it or fake it...)

"Anyway, you have achieved your goal today."

[Lingduo Sect, I came with you, and I also did counseling. "

[Now I have a sister in front of you. "

"Anyway, you have no reason to delay me for the remaining half-day vacation, right?)

He smiled proudly, but Yun Zhou felt something was wrong (bcbe).

[However, having said that, the vase is somewhat strange these two days. "

[Could it be that you really like me?]

[em... It's not unacceptable, but I'll talk about love and other things when I get back from the Tianyu Dynasty. "

[It's important to go to the plot...]

[Forget it, let’s free our brains for a while, and think about where to go for the last half-day vacation. "

[In the original book, it seems that there is a drunk fairy pavilion in Qingyun Valley...hehe...]

Hear this voice.

Zhang Duoduo, whose vinegar jar was knocked over just now, instantly calmed down.

Vinegar with sugar, neutralized!

She glanced at Yun Zhou, who was smiling at the corner of her mouth, and she felt an open mind:

Look at "O.

"I wanted to give myself a vacation for a long time."

"Then just say it straight, I'm not the kind of person who pesters people..."

"But go to Drunk Immortal Pavilion or something..."

"That's not a good place to hear it.

"That's no wonder I, you are a holy son, you can't let you learn bad things.


The two left the restaurant.

Looking at Zhang Duoduo with a calm expression, Yun Zhou had a question mark on his forehead.


This is not right!

I was gnashing my teeth just now, why is it suddenly dull?

But although he couldn't find the reason, he also knew it.

This plaster, dog skin.

I can't fix it.

The two sat on the chariot, Yun Zhou looked at Zhang Duoduo's feet and asked tentatively:

"How is the recovery of the meridians on your feet?"

"If it hurts, we'll go back first..."

"It doesn't hurt." Before Yun Zhou could finish speaking, Zhang Duoduo interrupted directly:

"I can get in another day!"

Yun Zhou:(-)(-)

【Good TM one of you!」

【Can you visit for another day?】

【Only your feet can get in for a day??)

【What? One-leg jumping mode?】

Hearing Yun Zhou's voice, Zhang Duoduo was very happy.

One-legged fart!

She squinted Yun Zhou, "Why, you promised to accompany me for a day today, do you want to go back on it?"

"Impossible!" Yun Zhou said seriously: "I, Yun, do what I say! 99

"Today is just a day of shopping, whoever admits it first will be demoted!

【I don’t believe you can survive a day in this situation!

[I'll put Baopan away when I get there, I don't think you'll admit it?"

【Sample, today I recognize you as your father!!

ps: Gentlemen, I am afraid that you will call me water, so I changed the words for two chapters, and the rest can’t be deleted. The plot is too dense in the later stage, so please leave some daily “digestion”, I love you~!.

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