Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 422: Xuantian situation! Death Cui's son of destiny! (Subscribe)

"She wants to marry?"

Wu Zhen was stunned, and when he reacted, he almost gave Lin Yuan a slap in the neck:

"What is she doing here if she wants to marry you?"

"Could it be that the adult family is consensual, do you still want to grab a relative?

"Where's the face? No more?"

Looking at Wu Zhen who was angry, Lin Yuan sneered: "Then what..."

"I'm just kidding. 99

"Xian'er hates Yun Zhou so much, how could she want to marry. 33

Wu Zhen's face looked better now, and he gave Lin Yuan a sharp look:

"You're making this joke out of your mouth?"

"But then again, if Gu Xian'er doesn't want to marry, Gu Yunsheng probably won't force her."

"It can be seen that he is a person who loves his daughter."

"It's just that it's not the end, he just wants to force his daughter."

"If Gu Xian'er still doesn't want to marry in the end..."

"It's hard to say if this marriage can't be done."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan picked up the words: "But this news has been released, and everyone in the right way knows..."

"Even if Xian'er doesn't agree in the end, does Gu Yunsheng dare to break off the marriage at the risk of offending the Deathless Sect?

"Aah..." Wu Zhen smiled:

"You're not him, how do you know he doesn't dare?"

"Xuan Tianzong is also one of the three major sects of the right way. 93

"Although there is support from the Wuxian Sect here.

"But now that his wings are obviously full, even if he turns against the Wuxian Sect, Gu Yunsheng has nothing to fear.

On the contrary, "It is Wu Anzong as the first sect of the righteous way, and the demon gate is about to be unsealed. Yanyi will never abandon Gu Yunsheng, a powerful helper."

"So, even if the marriage ends, Gu Yunsheng has nothing to fear."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan finally calmed down.

Due to the urgency and some anxiety, gradually calmed down a little.

In fact, to be honest, if Lin Yuan calmed down and thought about it, he would have come to think of it.

But it is because of this, and it is just a lack of consideration.

He looked at Wu Zhen, pondered for a while, and said, "So His Royal Highness means that I can just wait here for Xuan Tianzong to break off the marriage? 99

"No." Wu Zhen shook his head, "It is better to consider some things comprehensively.


"You can't count yourself to death in the end.

"It's not something you should consider now, whether or not to revoke the marriage, understand?"

"Then what should I consider?" Lin Yuan tilted his head.

Wu Zhen was so angry that he almost jumped and took off his boots and slapped him in the face.

Consider what?

What do you say you should think about??

He took a sharp breath, resisted the urge to kill him, and said as calmly as possible:

"Simply put, you can wait for Xuan Tianzong to break off the marriage."!

"But, you can't stay here and wait.

"Now Rufeng Mountain is inciting all the forces to look for you. Once you find you, you will be better off dead."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the more you stay in the righteous forces, the more danger you have."

"Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, you have to give yourself a way out. 99

After saying this, he looked at Lin Yuan and waited for a response.

That look was like a father looking at a prodigal son.

That's a worry!

Reasonably speaking, he actually didn't want to come to Lin Yuan.

But I don't know why, I just came over with a dizzy head.

It's like being manipulated by something invisible.


But what he didn't know was that he was really being manipulated.

Lin Yuan's current luck value is still above 300, and he is still in the ranks of the Son of Destiny.

Gou Tiandao realizes that Yun Zhou wants to steal the fate of the Son of Destiny, can he not stop him?

Therefore, Wu Zhen's return to pick up Lin Yuan this time was completely doomed.

Even if he thought to himself, he would come over because of an impulse.

Who let him live under destiny.

On the opposite side, Lin Yuan, who was stared at by Wu Zhen, pondered for a while.

His brows furrowed into a Sichuan font.

After a while, he looked up at Wu Zhen and said, "So Your Highness wants me to return to the dynasty first?"

When Wu Zhen heard this, he almost puffed out angrily!

Is it that what the king said is not obvious or is your brain shrinking?

Is this still a question?

Damn it, a nun with a brain!


Wu Zhen endured the unhappiness in his heart and whispered: "You have no choice now other than returning to the Tianyu Dynasty!"

"But I can't go now.

Lin Yuan sighed and said seriously: "If I leave, Xian'er will be completely helpless.

"As you said, this marriage can be revoked, but Xian'er will definitely struggle in the Xuantian Sect in the future."

"In case Gu Yunsheng can't stand the pressure in the future, Xian'er's result is still destined to be the same. 33

"I like Yuan's people, so she shouldn't be allowed to suffer this.

What an infatuated you!

Don't let her endure this?

Where did you come from to say such a thing?

You TM yourself have been regarded as a rat crossing the street, and you have to hide and live.

Still want to protect Gu Xian'er?

What are your qualifications?

At this moment, Wu Zhen was really shocked.

He looked at Lin Yuan who was "very confident" in disbelief.

Then he turned his head to one side.

I don't know because ha.

Now that he sees Lin Yuan, he wants to give him two kinds of children.

The calmness in his heart was stopping him, telling him not to fight.

He had to throw his head away.

Actually tell the truth.

Wu Zhen's position as the prince is now stable, and he has an inseparable relationship with Lin Yuan.

The forces within the Tianyu Dynasty are complicated.

With Qian Yuanxuan present, at least he can find out the direction immediately.

Moreover, the power of Qian Yuanxuan is not small, and it is closely related to him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was his first help in the dynasty.

Although he looked at Lin Yuan at this time, he was 10,000 despised in his heart.

But Lin Yuan is also the Xuan master of Qianyuan Xuan.

Even if he pushed Lin Yuan up, the nominal boss in Xuanmen was still Lin Yuan.

And throwing these out, Lin Yuan is still his former savior.

Therefore, whether it is public or private, he should not make up with Lin Yuan.

Even if you hate it, you have to be patient.

After all, it was deadlocked, and it was him who lost.

Thinking about it, Wu Zhen took a deep breath and said calmly after a while: "You've already made up your mind, it's futile for me to persuade you to do anything."

"It's up to you if you don't return to the dynasty for the time being."

"As for Gu Xian'er...I have a solution."

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