Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 425: You can never wake up a person pretending to be asleep! (Subscribe)

I saw Lin Yuan pondering for a moment, then looked up at Wu Zhen:

"Prince is saying... the status of this Nirvana powerhouse is extremely high."

"To the point where Sect Master Xuanyuan doesn't dare to open his mouth to stop him.

"I even specially found someone from Qianyuanxuan to go to the side hall to apologize to this Nirvana~ Great Master? 93

My apologies to the mud horse!!

Wu Zhen was so angry that he wiped the jug that Lin Yuan handed him, and almost crushed this unparalleled thing into pieces.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word:

"Have you lost your mind by this Gu Xian'er thing?

"As you said, Xuanyuan Tianling took these people away, how do you explain this?!"

"Wrong, it's just a chat, don't get excited, His Royal Highness." Lin Yuan hurriedly gave Wu Zhen some relief, and then said:

"It's not hard to explain.

"Sect Master Xuanyuan can't be idle because of her temperament. We have been away from Qianyuan Xuan for a long time, and someone must be looking for trouble."

"She must have asked these people, who has troubled Qian Yuanxuan during the time we left, so she took these people to find a place.

"And this time I'm looking for a place and Nirvana is still there. I think Qian Yuanxuan is going to rise..."

Rise ass!!

Where's my knife!?

Wu Zhen's head was confused.

"Woo hum", the jug in his hand was cracked.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Can you stop thinking about that great Nirvana?

"I'm talking to you about Xuanyuan Tianling! 93

"Xuanyuantian withering!!99

"Why don't you understand?

"She threw yourself here, brought a strong man back to Qianyuan Xuan, beat your elders, and dragged a group of people away."

"Even you were kept in the dark from beginning to end. 11

"Don't you think this is wrong?"

"No, what's wrong with thinking about this!

"Why can't you figure it out?!"

Speaking of which, Wu Zhen's basic output depends entirely on roar.

In fact, he only suspected Xuanyuan Tianwei, and he was not very sure.

But he gave Lin Yuan this suspicious and well-intentioned reminder, but Lin Yuan couldn't understand it.

This is the top!!

But...does Lin Yuan really not understand?

Not really.

It's just that he doesn't want to think about it.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was silent, Wu Zhen took a deep breath and said in a calm tone as much as possible:

"Have you ever thought that Xuanyuan Tianling... betrayed you?

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's heart suddenly shrank.

The couple who died tragically in front of him more than ten years ago appeared in his mind involuntarily.

I sighed in my heart: "If she finds out about this, she will definitely betray me, right?

However, as soon as this idea came out, it was quickly abandoned by Lin Yuan.

That's right.

More than ten years have passed since that incident.

Xuanyuan Tianwei is unlikely to find out!

Therefore, Lin Yuan still shook his head solemnly: "Xuanyuan Tianling, it is impossible to betray me.

While speaking, he pretended to be calm.

But the corners of his twitching eyes had betrayed him.

Wu Zhen saw these things in his eyes, but he didn't know that Lin Yuan was comforting himself.

Immediately, his heart eased a little.


Really stupid and pretending to be stupid, although there is only one word difference, but the difference is very big.

It is clear.

Lin Yuan is not really stupid.

Then he didn't waste his words in vain.

At least the other party listened and thought about it.

He looked at Lin Yuan for a long time, then sighed and said:

"You stay here for a long time, and you may not be able to get in touch with the outside world...

"It just so happened that I heard about it, so I'll have a chat with you."

"Yun Zhou is not as useless as you said."

"Don't think that he is just doing whatever he wants, he is actually very scary. 11

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's face suddenly became disdainful.

But before giving him a chance to speak, Wu Zhen directly interrupted:

"I know you don't believe me when I say this.

"But it's the truth, and you don't have to dismiss it."

"Right now, there are rumors that Yun Zhou used to hide his strength. His real strength is on the second floor of the Rongdao Realm, and he cultivates both Buddhism and Taoism, and he has awakened the Dharma! 9)

"As the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves, and everyone knows the right way to make trouble. This rumor is very likely to be true. 9

"I've already sent someone to confirm it, you'd better pay attention to him.

 …for flowers  …

"If this news is true, listen to my advice and stay away from him. 93

"With his talent, if he grows up in the future, he will surely prove Tao before you.

At that time, "If you want your life, no one can stop it!

Wu Zhen was obviously distracted by these words.

But he also knew that his persuasion was useless.

Because Lin Yuan and Yun Zhou already have a sense of sight that never ends.

This can be seen from the fact that Lin Yuan wants to help the unmarried lady escape from marriage!

But do people really want to escape from marriage... Wu Zhen is skeptical.


With such a peerless genius as his fiancé, a fool would want to escape from marriage!


In the end, it is very likely that Lin Yuan is wishful thinking!

He looked at the sluggish Lin Yuan and sighed.

Immediately, he threw the broken wine bottle aside, took out a handkerchief, wiped his hands, and continued:

"I've told you about Lin Yuan, and I'll tell you about Xuanyuan Tianwei. 11

"You keep saying that he won't betray you.

"But have you ever thought about Wan-?

"Xuanyuan Tianling's actions in Qianyuan Xuan are not like seeking justice for others."

"And her prestige in Qianyuan Xuan is no worse than your Xuan master!"

"If she betrays, the whole Qianyuanxuan will fall apart, and most people will betray you except those of your confidants.

"By that time, what will you turn over?"

Having said these heartfelt words, Wu Zhen stared straight at him.

Those eyes seemed to hit the heart directly.

Actually tell the truth.

Rumors of Yun Zhou Rongdao, and speculation about Xuanyuan Tianling's betrayal.

It made Wu Zhen feel a little flustered.

He even had a ridiculous guess.

Xuanyuan Tianwei, will he have defected to Yun Zhou?

After all, Xuanyuan Tianling never showed up during the period of Lin Yuan's accident.

God knows if she's on Yun Zhou's side?

Although this probability is outrageous, it is necessary to guard against others.

This is also the main reason why Wu Zhen Zha Lin Yuanxin.

And after hearing this, Lin Ziyuan's expression finally became calm in Bengbu...

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