Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 428 : Voldemort's Sixth! Demons are rampant! (Subscribe)

To be honest.

Hidden in the righteous way for so long, they also killed the righteous people.

Just be careful everywhere.

Also be careful.

Just hold your breath.

At this time, the boss of his own family has spoken, so what else is there to say?

Get up and fuck him!

Several people hid directly in the grass on one side, concealing the aura around them, waiting for the group to come up.


Live like a team of old six Voldemort!

the same moment.

A group of people on the mountainside also came to this suburb, walking slowly...


A group of remnants of the Demon Sect hiding in the grass saw this group of people.

Suddenly, there were a few big question marks on the top of the head, widened his eyes, and whispered in shock:

"Oh crap! How are these guys dressed like us?"

"The magic seal on the clothes doesn't look like a fake... Is it possible... They are also from the magic door?"

"Grass (a kind of plant)! Isn't this the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple, who just spread the word, it's nonsense!

"That's right, you see it clearly! This is also a person from the Demon Sect. What are you ambushing?"

A few remnants of the devil's way directly criticized the one who was scolded just now.

But before they could get up from the ground, the little leader immediately stopped their movements and waved his hand:

"Shut your mouth, they're not right."


The remnants looked at each other in dismay, and finally buried their bodies again.

At this time, several figures in the distance approached.

A young man threw two steps forward and asked the leader hehe:

"Liu Xiaowei, you said where Jiang Guard's clothes of these demons came from, this is too realistic.

"Realistic?" Liu Xiaowei smiled disdainfully: "These clothes were taken from the remnants of the devil, ~.

"Hi-" The young man was stunned, "You mean... these are the clothes of the dead demons?"


Hearing this, the young man's face froze suddenly, he just felt inexplicably uncomfortable, as if he was disgusting.

Several demons in the grass clenched their fists and gnashed their teeth one by one!

If it wasn't for the boss to stop it, it is estimated that he would have rushed up and killed.

At this time, the young man endured his nausea and opened his mouth again doubtfully:

"Liu Xiaowei, you haven't said yet, what is Jiang Guard doing when we pretend to be a member of the Demon Sect?"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaowei glanced back at him and said indifferently:

"Accompanying Lin Xuan in a scene.

The young man looked confused, "Who is Lord Lin Xuan?

Liu Xiaowei: "The Xuan Lord of Qianyuan Xuan..."

"He's an amazing person. When he was young, he also killed a demon of the Ming Dao realm who was hiding in the dynasty together with the prince..."

Forget it, "You just talked to the prince not long ago, and it will become clear later.

Hearing this, the young man took a deep breath:

"Hey - you can kill the demon of Ming Dao when you are a teenager? That's too powerful!"

Lieutenant Liu showed his admiration and waved his hand impatiently:

"You don't need to say whether it's serious or not. 99

"Go, tell me to go on, and be careful when you are dealing with that saint from Xuan Tianzong, and don't run into anyone else.

"Then when Lord Lin Xuan came up to the hero to save Mei, try to greet him in the face and hit him hard!

"Ah?" The young man looked bewildered: "Isn't he the prince's person? Why is he still slapped in the face?"

Liu Xiaowei frowned and kicked him, "You can fight wherever you want, what's so much nonsense? Hurry up and inform."


The young man got a kick for no reason and went back depressed.

And in the grass, a strange scene is taking place.

I saw a few people in the magic way, following their boss, looking anxious:

"Boss~ you are holding back, when they come over, we will kill them with one blow. 93

"Yes, boss, let's endure it, don't be impulsive."

"Our overall strength is not much higher than the opponent's, and the price of not attacking is very high!"

"Boss, you were suddenly excited yesterday.

Excited yesterday?!


It's weird that he's not excited!

The "demon head" that dog thing said was his former wife!

That's right!

Back then, when he was developing in the righteous path, his wife lived in seclusion in the Tianyu Dynasty, but it didn't take long for him to hear the news of his wife's death.

It was the two young men who committed the murder.

One is the crown prince of the Tianyu Dynasty, and the other is this Lord Lin Xuan!

Originally thought that the gap between the two sides was too large, and revenge was hopeless.

In the end, after listening to the meaning of these goods, then Lord Lin Xuan is here!

That's still hilarious!

Fortunately, it didn't take him too long to break free, and a few people came to him.

The moment he stepped into the grass, Xiaowei Liu frowned.

An ominous foreboding frantically grew in my heart.

He stopped abruptly, ", "Something's wrong, stop, don't go forward..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something and looked to the side in shock.

"The Demons!!!"

"The magic fog is shining, eating people's souls..."

The pitch-black mist reverberated in the grass, and the green grass that was originally lush and green was suddenly shrouded in a black mist.

A tingling breath of death engulfed Liu Xiaowei.

As if the breath of the ancient wilderness permeated, everyone was shocked.

Everyone looked at the direction where the demons were hiding in shock, and even the head of Liu Xiaowei's mouth trembled.

The thick black fog completely obscured everyone, and it was almost impossible to reach out and see the five fingers.

(Qian Haohao) The terrifying face of the monster is vaguely emerging.

Everything was so eerily quiet that it made one's scalp tingle.

A group of demons on the edge of the grass screeched in their clothes, and the "Boss" headed by the black mist spread all over his body, like a pitch-black swamp.

He opened his eyes, his pupils had all turned black, and he shouted angrily:

"The devil condenses into the fog, and it kills people!"

"The demons are rampant and rampage in the cursed capital TM to die for me!!"

The drifting black mist suddenly stagnates.

The sky was silent for a moment.

Then the mist suddenly penetrated into the bodies of Liu Xiaowei and others.


With the screams of screams, this group of people fell down in an instant.

This ""'s gaze fell on the only young man standing, and his voice was extremely cold:

"Where is the Lord Lin Xuan in your mouth?"

Little Young: "!!!"

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