Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 432: Knowing so many heroines, she is the most presumptuous! (Subscribe)

"I-I haven't married him yet... this, this..."

Although he had teased Yun Zhou before, he said "stay and play with him" and other provocative words.

But it was just that Wu Shiyao was not convinced in his heart, and his mouth was full of flowers.

If you want her to come true, she must be afraid!


Except for Yun Zhou, he has never been touched by the opposite sex since he grew up so big.

This suddenly called her pregnant with Yun Zhou - heir...

It would be good if she didn't find a seam to get in!

"Why don't you be in a hurry, you heard from my sister that if you don't get pregnant for one day, you won't be able to stop for a day!"

"If you don't say anything else, you will have more competitors."

"Just Wu Shiyao, who met at Sect Master Yan's birthday banquet last time, as well as your close friend Concubine Lin, as well as that Ye Lingran, and me... I'm scared, my mouth is familiar."

Gu Xian'er:???

Wen Shu sneered, and hurriedly coughed back to the main topic:

"Anyway, this large group of people are thinking about Yun Zhou."

"Which one of them is not worse than you when they come out?"

"If you don't seize the opportunity and ask them to take the lead in the future, if anyone is pregnant with Yun Zhou's son, I see how your marriage will work."

"At that time, Yun Zhou will be snatched away by others!"

Wen Shu looked like a "grandmother wolf".

It's all from Gu Xian'er's point of view.

Gu Xian'er was stunned for a while.

To be reasonable, Wen Shu didn't expect it at all, so he just said something casually.

Gu Xian'er was actually tested out!

Look at this pretty look!

You must have thought about having a baby with Yun Zhou!

"Oh, you unconscionable, my sister has fooled you! 93

Thinking about it, Wen Shu's smiling eyes swept back and forth.

Obviously looking for Yun Zhou's figure.

And Gu Xian'er was also stupefied by this trick.

"This, this... I'm pregnant with a child, so I'm going to marry the child..."

She muttered hesitantly.

Totally nothing but the brain.

"Silly sister woo~" Wen Shu grabbed her and tapped her forehead: "Do you care if you are married by your son?

"As long as you and Yun Zhou can get married!"

"Then the wife will be you, so what are you doing?"

"And you and Yun Zhou already have a marriage contract..."

"Even if you are pregnant with Yun Zhou's son, who else can gossip?

Speaking of which, she pulled Gu Xian'er with a look of hating iron and not steel, and said sternly:

"Just listen to your sister!"

"Look for an opportunity and use your charm!

"Put Yun Zhou to sleep!!"

"At that time, when he is pregnant with his child, any fox and goblin will have to look at your face in the future!"

I am riding a horse!!!

Hearing Wen Shu's words of tiger and wolf, Yun Zhou on the tree trunk almost lost control and fell from the ten-meter-high tree!

The black line on the forehead can't be restrained!

【The warmth of the mud horse!!)

【Can you do some human affairs?)

[How can it benefit you to rely on Gu Xian'er to sleep with me??]

【You are messing around, making troubles for me, without waiting for Gu Xianer to sleep with me, Laozi will put you to sleep first!!)

Listen to Wen Shu's words here, and listen to Yun Zhou's voice over there.

At this moment, Gu Xian'er came back to her senses, and her pretty face turned red.

Even the ears are hot.

She just wants to gag Wen Shu's mouth now!


Listen to what this is all about?

Is it because I didn't give Daoshi what he could hear?

It's just too embarrassing!!

And, can you keep your mouth shut!

Yun Zhou is here!

He heard what you said, and even if I agreed, I would be embarrassed to do it!

But it was as if Wen Shu couldn't see her eyes.

The excitement on his face did not diminish at all, he squeezed Gu Xian'er's face and said with a smile:

"Look at our fairy, it's so beautiful!!

"This cold and beautiful face is still so red..."

"Oh, no wonder Yun Zhou was so fascinated by him before!"

"Don't be shy, what I said to you, you have to take it to heart.

"Occupy the nest early, you are the hostess, you..."

"Don't, don't say it." This time, before Wen Shu could finish speaking, Gu Xian'er immediately interrupted.


The palace is out!

This is going to say something might say something!

 …for flowers  …

She didn't give Wen Shu a chance to answer, and hurriedly said, "In the middle of the day, it's not good for you to say that it's not good for others to hear it!"

Saying that, she kept giving Wen Shu a wink.

Ke Shu didn't care at all.

Instead, he stretched out a small hand to embrace her shoulder, and said with a tender smile, "Don't worry!

"There are no disciples in the woods outside the Xuantian Sect, so how can there be anyone else?"

"The present said, what have you to be ashamed of?"

"I'm sorry, it should be Yun Zhou...he's thinking about you, he must be unable to sleep every night..."


【My God, Wen Shu, what have you changed!」

【Everything goes out? Who can't sleep every night?"

【How do you make me look like a pervert?]

Yun Zhou is really satisfied with Wen Shu now.


Having met so many female protagonists, the most impudent woman is still her!

Simply TM has no lower limit!


Gu Xian'er couldn't raise her head either.

Looking down at his toes, his head was dizzy.

When I was with my father before, I didn't think Wen Shu was so bold!

This, this is too scary!!

It is to give birth to children again, and to occupy a nest early...

Now he actually says that Yun Zhou misses her every day...

"You, you shut up, stop talking, please." Gu Xian'er lowered her head.

I don't know whether to be shy or anxious.

Water mist condensed in the beautiful eyes.

The same thought was Yun Zhou.

He hid behind the tree trunk and took a deep breath in the direction of Wen Shu.

His face was solemn:

【Fairy, shut up!

【You are talking a few words, my name is about to be mosaic!!】

Just when Yun Zhou was struggling to stop Wen Shu's "nonsense".

Less than two miles away.

the same woods.

Lin Yuan's figure quietly landed on the tree, looking at Gu Xian'er's position with a big smile:

"I thought I would go from the back mountain, but luckily I came back and took a look..."

ps: Thanks for the monthly pass of "toxic *die"! Love you~! Next,

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