Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 693: Yun Just Wanted To Give Her A Warm Bed! ! (Seeking Subscription)

Yun Zhou's voice fell.

The scene was silent.

Everyone including Yan Yi never expected that Yun Zhou would question the Lord of the Dynasty so much!

Moreover, it's still in someone's secret place!

This is outrageous!

However, consider it from another angle.

What Yun Zhou said makes perfect sense!

As the holy son of the authentic first sect, there is no inheritance from the false sect.

Invited by your dynasty to come over as a guest.

As a result, you were assassinated in your territory.

There is no way to justify this.

All right.

Although it was made up, Wu Zhao didn't know it.

After being questioned like this at this time, she was somewhat speechless.

But she is the lord of the dynasty after all, and her face can't help but turn ugly after being dealt with like this.

Even Yan Yi, Xi has never talked to her like this!

"This matter is my fault, but you want to do something wrong with my Dynasty God of War..."

"How do you explain this to me!?"

Wu Zhao's aura did not drop at all, and he looked at Yun Zhou coldly.

The moment she entered 28 just now, she clearly saw that the two of them were about to kiss together!

If it wasn't for her always being arrogant, I'm afraid she would be put to bed!

Hmm...why Ling Weiyang?

All right.

She was subconsciously jealous.

But will she admit it?

Absolutely not!

Hearing this, the smile on Yun Zhou's face became thicker:

"Your Majesty may be thinking too much......

"Want to do something wrong? It doesn't exist."

"I can't mobilize the power here..."

"Yun just saw that General Ling was too cold to sleep alone on the dragon chair, and wanted to give her a warm blanket.

Xuanyuan Tianling:


Yan instrument:

Wu Zhao: ()

Give, give her a warm bed!??

How did he say such sloppy words in such a natural tone!?

half an hour.

The corner of Wu Zhao's mouth twitched extremely frequently.

She resisted the thought of yelling at Yun Zhou.

With a wave of his hand, the pressure instantly dissipated.

She sighed:

It was my oversight that you were hunted down, and you also took advantage of this secret place, the two offset, and I will not embarrass you. "

"However, this place is also my royal family's secret place. If you get the imperial charm and swagger outside, it will definitely damage the reputation of the imperial domain."

"So, you need to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows.

Wu Zhao's voice was indifferent: "Be my prime minister."

As soon as this word came out.

One, two, three, four...

Four big question marks appeared on the heads of Yanyi and the others at the same time.

Even Yun Zhou was dumbfounded.

But Wu Zhao ignored his gaffe, and his voice was as calm as water:

"I know you don't have much interest in An Ran, you can do whatever you want with the marriage."

"But the prime minister of the dynasty, you must agree."

Yun Zhou tilted his head arrogantly, and tilted Wu Zhao: "What if I don't?"

Wu Zhao said indifferently: "Then I will abolish the imperial charm on your body."

Ling Weiyang focused her eyes, the formation broke open and the Dao Rhyme flowed again, her Dao Power could already be mobilized.

She silently mobilized the golden spear of the storage ring, and as long as Wu Zhao made a slight movement, she would try her best to make Yun Zhou escape.

However, Yun Zhou remained as indifferent as before: "You can't be destroyed."

"Heh." Wu Zhao chuckled lightly, "Who gave you the confidence?"

"I gave it to you." Yan Yi interrupted at the right time, her voice was cold:

"Emperor Wu, calm down, we are still close friends, but if you are impulsive, blood will flow into rivers in the imperial city."

Wu Zhao looked sideways: "Are you threatening me?"

"It's a warning." Yanyi's tone was indifferent with unquestionable seriousness:

"As long as you dare to attack Zhou'er, I, Yanyi, will give up fighting against the devil, and will never die with your dynasty.

"Even if I fight the righteous way at that time, I will not be able to kill you. I will fall into the evil way, and together with Yuechan, I will completely destroy you and your dynasty..."

Good guy!

good guy!!

The majestic Lord of the Righteous Way passed an apprentice.

Are they all willing to enter the magic way?

Is this something the Lord of Righteous Path can do!?


Is this the feeling a master can have for a disciple!??

Wu Zhao's face was as gloomy as water, and she looked at Ye coldly:

"I'm afraid Sect Master Yan is unreasonable? This imperial rhyme is the inheritance of my secret land. I don't want to give it to Yun Zhou?"

Yan Yi: "I have already given it, so I can't take it back.

"What's the point!?"

"As long as there is a little harm to Zhou'er, I will never make sense."

Wu Zhao was soon taken aback by these two unlucky masters and apprentices!

Your disciple, an apprentice, bullies me and I will admit it!

I'm cheap, I like being bullied by him!

But you, Yanyi, why do you bully me too!?

I am the most dignified and humane person, what I owe you two, you two have been bullied again and again?!

"No matter what, you, as the holy son of the Wuwang Sect, bear the inheritance of my imperial realm, and you have also learned my "Imperial Power" technique."

"This is unreasonable!"

Speaking of this, her unwilling face was a little flat, she looked at Yun Zhou and said:

"You can only be a nominal prime minister in the imperial dynasty, and you can go around as you like. 980"

"Besides, this matter is not a bad thing for you. In the future, besides Wuwangzong, there will be multiple dynasties to back you up..."

"No matter how you look at it, you are not bad."

Yun Zhou shook his head, "But I don't make money either."

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhaofeng frowned slightly.

Yun Zhou chuckled, "Your Majesty knows exactly what plan your majesty has."

"The situation in Haotu is changing rapidly. Although Yun is still young, his cultivation level is sufficient."

"One day, if I work for His Majesty, I will be able to help His Majesty open up territories and expand the territory of the dynasty..."

As he spoke, he showed a bit of disdain, and his words were flat:

"It's just that Yun has always disliked fighting and killing. I promised you the territory of the Extreme Northern Demon Region, and Yun will never forget."

"As for joining the dynasty and being the prime minister of Na Laoshizi..."

"Forget it."

"Yun has always respected his master, and it is enough to have my master as the backing behind him, and there is no need to talk about other things.

In Yun Zhou's opinion.

Based on Wu Zhao's personality, calling himself the prime minister is nothing more than taking advantage of him.


【Is it possible that you still like yourself and find a reason to tie yourself by your side?】

All right.

Yun Zhou couldn't even imagine that the guess he laughed at was so close to the truth...

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