Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 798: Shangguan Wan'er'S Professionalism! I Want To Tell His Majesty! (Seeking Subs

Everyone said something to each other, and they haven't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the room:

"The Lord Lan deserves to be the avatar of the Demon Lord. He actually knocked out my mouth quickly, but he is still not my opponent. Go back and wash up and sleep!"

Upon hearing this, Chan Yilan secretly spat in shame and indignation.

Then, while walking outside, he shouted angrily:

"Don't think that you are great because of your strength. Next time I bring the main body, I will beat you to the ground!"

Yun Zhou sneered, "If you dare to bring her here, I'll tie you both together and beat you!"


Led by Chan Yilan and Liu Manyin, a group of demons leave dejectedly.

No one expected that they would end up in such a miserable end just after confronting someone in the righteous path.

The commander died, and the demon guard and the demon master's avatar were also beaten.

How sad.

After they left, in the room.

Shangguan Wan'er stared blankly at the wrong buttons on her chest.

When he came back to his senses, he hurriedly fastened it, looked at Yun Zhou and said:

"King Yun, you, you are a disciple!"

Yun Zhou only felt a pain in his head.

What's wrong with me?

He looked over suspiciously, and happened to meet the suspicious Shangguan Wan'er.

"Fortunately, His Majesty asked me to watch you, but I didn't want to, but His Majesty guessed right, you really are messing around outside!"

Good guy!

What a fool, fuck you!!

Yun Zhou looked helpless: "I warn you, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

"I have nothing to do with your majesty, how can I say "behind her"?"

"I can mess around in front of her."

Shangguan Wan'er widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "You, how can you be so slutty..."

"Even if you and His Majesty haven't revealed your relationship yet, it's still the demon lord's avatar..."

"You have different positions, how can you hook up together..."

As the first son of the authentic sect, he actually got involved with the clone of the demon master of the demonic way.

How unbelievable is this?

Yun Zhou shook his head and said seriously, "I don't want to hook up either, but you saw it just now, so it's not my fault!"

"She provoked me first!"

"Although I am a dedicated and upright young gentleman, I am also a young man with a good blood, how can I bear this.

"Hey, what little gentleman, you are clearly messing around with a disciple!"

Dissatisfied, she vented her emotions on behalf of her majesty, and suddenly, she thought of what happened just now.

I was taking a bath, and this guy suddenly broke in to protect me!

If it is not done well, it is intentional!!

Look at her faint eyes and suspicious look.

Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth, "Don't get me wrong, although it was my fault for breaking in before, I was really worried about you..."

"Worried about me? Worried that I need to roll my eyes up and down??"

"Ah, here... But I don't scan to make sure you are not injured."

"You, you, you, you fart!"

The typical calm Yujie jumped her feet in anger.

It is also a rare scene...

Early the next morning.

Today is a very important day.

That's right.

Yun Zhou is going to occupy the Demon Land of the Extreme North today!

A major event also happened in Demon Realm, which is hundreds of miles away.

Just after all the demons had just returned to the Demon Realm, they celebrated happily all night.

It was suddenly dark...

This vision surprised several gatekeepers.

"Tsk, it's getting dark suddenly, could it mean something?"

"Maybe, some dangerous person will come if we don't guarantee it all!"

"This is not a good sign, do you want to inform the commander?"

"What are you notifying, the commander suppressed his cultivation last night and stared in a daze, now go and notify, what are you notifying? It's going to rain, come and collect your clothes?"


The older demon was looking for his younger brother.

And just miles away from them.

Lin Yuan bowed his back and took small steps to a cave.

He sat down leaning against the stone by the hole, clutching his waist.

Slowly, he threw a "Rage Pill" into his mouth.

Tell the truth.

Although his waist is getting more and more painful, he is still in a beautiful mood.

Before he came out, he had already greeted Fu Xiang's short-sighted subordinates.

I came out for half an hour first to find out the wind.

If all the demons are happy, he will gather all the people and go to see the demon king together.

If it is lifeless here, he will go back first and come back tomorrow.

After all, in his situation, when he ran into someone who was in a bad mood, he might be slaughtered by the other party just by meeting him.

The kind that can't even speak!

But right now through his observation, this group of devils are in a good mood!

Everyone is happy, there must be no celebration last night!

Now that I go to see their demon lord, as long as I can find a good reason to come out, it will definitely not be a problem!

This thought made Lin Yuan feel very comfortable!

He thought that as long as he could meet the Demon Lord, he would win half of the victory!

Cultivate with your own talents.

Although it is not as good as Yun Zhou's dog thief, but it is still the best in clean pressure!

Joining the Demon Realm and gaining support from behind, it will definitely not be a problem!

At that time, not only can I find a backing for myself, but I can even seek revenge from Yun Zhou!

Simply killing two birds with one stone!!

It's very comfortable!

Thinking about it, he grinned, took out half a bottle of Rage Pill, and poured it into his mouth!

emm...... Don't have waist pain at critical moments!

Take a few more pills to prevent (does) add to the fun!

About half an hour or so passed.

The two guards who were belatedly came over cautiously.

As soon as he entered the cave, Lin Yuan complained impatiently:

"..." If it weren't for your high cultivation base, I would be afraid that you would fall into the latrine!"

"We agreed to gather in half an hour, take a look, it's almost an hour now!"

"I waited here for a long time, and was almost caught by the patrolling devil!"

"If I hadn't been so quick-witted and grabbed a black cloth and covered it with stones, they would have discovered it!"

"Hey, come to think of it, you said I could fool them with a black cloth, didn't they?"



The two guards looked at each other.

Then he looked at Lin Yuan with sympathetic eyes.

It's no wonder that Fu Shangshu looked down on this kid, he was born with mud and couldn't support the wall, he was just a material for hiding...

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